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Resistant Friend/Slut

by JadynMC

Now you might be thinking “I can't be hypnotized” or “I'm resistant to hypnosis”, and that's ok, I had a friend who thought the same way... and well to make a long story short, they... being a smart person really found, as we were talking about how hypnosis works, that it really was easier than they imagined... or I guess I could say easier than they thought... because well, really they didn't have to do any thinking at all to become hypnotized... it really is a curious thing that I, myself have discovered over the years of hypnotizing people, that the real secret is that hypnosis or "trance state", is just an altered state of one focus, now what do I mean by “one focus”... well to put it directly to you... when you're reading something on your phone, and there's music in the background, and the sun is shining on your skin... you really aren't paying attention to the warm sensations of the sun on your skin, or noticing the music in the background, your main focus is on what you are reading, not really to what your friends are saying. You probably are familiar with the term 'half listening' when you are really trying to concentrate on what you are reading versus what your friends are saying, some people get annoyed or frustrated... especially when they end up reading the same paragraph over and over, since their focus is split. Bringing me back to that point where my friend easily understood as we discussed the idea of all the fun and change that hypnosis could bring for them as hypnosis is simply found naturally in comforting relaxation when your focus is on one and only one thing, where automatically you're following along into a nice altered state of trance.


And I would bet that the more curious you got with how I'm hypnotizing you right now, that the more hypnotized you would become as you do already know that hypnosis is that one focus, I bet even these words have already captured your attention and, well like most my friends that are simply hypnotized just by reading and following along with whatever I am saying finding really how there is a certain joy, a certain feeling of assurance that reading my words brings, like a charming familiar story from long ago, where one knows a warm place, a bit like the last time you just laid in the grass and watched the big poofy clouds roll by... seeing shapes in them. And of course certain shapes can have more meaning like ice cream or a heart, or even a puppy... the clouds can come and go, just lazily passing by overhead, and as one does discover the shapes in clouds just by looking at them and instantly knowing what they look like, one can in their own time really search and simply find the comfort and feeling like they are doing the right thing. Reading my familiar words, like a bubble bath or crackling fire, they're just so familiar, in their own way. And before you know it, you really are so comfortable and at peace with reading my words, allowing them all to drift into you as you drift along, relishing your one focus, each and every word gaining more meaning, more insight into hypnotising you. And you really know that you wish to hear my voice, as you can, even now begin to notice the warmth either on the back of your neck or between your legs… like my grip is on you… that warmth… verifying for both of us that you… are a hypnoslut.


File - Mindfuck Hypnoslut




I am a hypnoslut - thebizbox

Your files have been my absolute favourites for a long time and still are. I\'ve just found this story and I wish there was a way I could contact you.

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