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The story of Paul part 3

by drunkjockfucker

The story of Paul part 3

As mentioned in part 2 of this story, Paul has a Post Hypnotic Suggestion of which he is unaware because it was planted in his subconscious during a drugged Hypnotic session and then reinforced several times during several other sessions. And, Paul was instructed during those sessions to not remember anything about those sessions. The reason Dr. Lew did not want Paul to know that he has a P.H.S. was because he wanted Paul to think that whatever improvements Paul experienced in his energy were caused by Paul increasing his own energy. Dr. Lew believed that if Paul knew he had a P.H.S. which had anything to do with Paul's increase in energy, the effects of the P.H.S. would be diminished and used like a crutch which would eventually undermine Paul's confidence and cause the results of the P.H.S. to become weaker.

When certain Hypnotic drugs are used by a Hypnotist as skilled as Dr. Lew was, a Post Hypnotic Suggestion is probably better labeled as a Post Hypnotic Command. The reason for this is because when certain Hypnotic drugs and a highly skilled Hypnotist are involved, the effects of Hypnosis and a Post Hypnotic Suggestion / Command have a much stronger effect on the subconscious. In Hypnosis that does not involve Hypnotic drugs, a P.H.S. is effective about 35% of the time according to some research statistics. The statistics involving drugs are not quite as simple to understand. In some research, with some drugs, the effectiveness of a P.H.S. was about 60% on average. With other drugs and combinations of drugs the effectiveness was as high as about 90% on average according to research statistics.

From here on I will label Post Hypnotic Suggestion as a Post Hypnotic Command or P.H.C. because Hypnotic Drugs were used in all of Paul's sessions. Paul's P.H.C. is highly effective and the results are consistent. Over the years I have triggered him several times with always the same result. Because of another aspect of the P.H.C, Paul does not remember the events that took place or anything that was said between the time he is triggered by the P.H.C. and sometime later when he falls asleep. The duration of this time isn't set. The duration could be a short time or a relatively lengthy time. When he awakens he has no memory of anything that happened while he was under the influence of the P.H.C.. For example I could trigger him at noon and then at 5 pm he would take a nap. After he woke up from the nap he would not remember what actually happened between noon and 5 pm. Instead, because of yet another aspect of the P.H.C., Paul would have a false memory about exercising in some way. This was also planted in Paul's subconscious by Dr. Lew for confidence building purposes.

In part 2 of this story I wrote about the two primary effects of the P.H.C. which are a feeling of increase of energy and an increase in sexual interest and arousal. When Paul is triggered by the P.H.C., it is very easy to seduce him sexually because the P.H.C. causes a very strong sexual urge in addition to the feeling of increase in energy. Later, after he awakens he has no memory of having sex or anything else that happened while he was under the influence of the P.H.C.. When he is under the influence of the P.H.C. he really seems to enjoy getting his cock sucked. I have sucked his cock several times over the years while he was under the influence of the P.H.C.. There have been other sexual activities too. How those other activities started happening will be explained later in this story.

To be continued...


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