
  • Satanic Masturbation — $10   ,  
    Masturbate away all influence of the Christian god and be left with a total devotion to Satan.  (Note: This file is much less specific about its sexuality and can work for straight or gay men; can work with Your Inner Demon / Low Life but doesn't require or reference them.)

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 08:14
    Downloads: 1269
    So, I found the Your Inner Demon file to be a bit rough for my taste in infernal imagery. This file is a lot more enjoyable for me. This file has a less self-destructive flavor of devil worship, one which is much more compatible with being an over all productive and successful person who just happens to wish to pay tribute to Old Scratch. It does still have a little glitch for me, in that it references one's penis and semen and ejaculate. I'm a queer guy, but my junk doesn't work that way or exactly match those terms. However, thanks to using some of the hypnotist's other files, with the inner hypnotist induction that suggests that one's own inner hypnotist can modify one's understanding of a file, if it has some minor flaws. With my internal hypnotist helping me with the filtering, I found this to be a pleasant and effective file.
    the level of the deepnest is as i can decribe> no bottom the darkest hole...
    really twisted...I love it
    It is to expensive man for poor students like me to finish the series. I would really like to try the Demon series, can you help? privatedong10@gmail.com
    I am very drawn to this dark side and I am a woman. I wish there were files that were female oriented. I have listened to your files on soundcloud and enjoyed your voice even though these were obvious male files.
    Wonderful guide to intense pleasure i have never felt before.