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Charless, new beginnings.

by Casey

Chapter - 6

Charless, new beginnings.

 Ch 6

by Casey @ warp my mind

01/4/2021 all rights reserved.


Charless: Whaaaaaaaat?

Charless: On Track! Approach me...

Charless: Catches Little one while feeding her cats..

Charelss: is this why you have not been coming to session?

Littleone: No. I did not mean to miss them, I just been busy doing work, and sleeping to trying to get this hazy fog out of mind...

Charless: Awh Hazy fog how sweet your in love...

Littleone: Sort, I do not even know him yet really, but He loves me so much, I would love to love him that much in return.. I am at least crushing... but there is only one issue..


Charless: That is?...


Littleone: He is old order Amish, and I do not want to rip him away from him family and community and get him shunned over me... But, I also know with my health issues, I could not join and live in the old Amish way. I need to have electricity for my job, and work, and I get anxious and sick without watching my train videos, and listening to my trains, and Music helps me too.... And then the work conflict...


Charless: Work conflict?....


Littleone: Yes, in traditional Amish communities although they are fine with personal writings and fantasies.. I am not sure they would be fine with me doing this style of Hypnosis.. But this is the only job I have right now that makes sales and I am good at...


Charless: True, but if the Amish community might have plenty of other work and jobs you can help them with that pay better than this hypnosis stuff...


Littleone: If can physically handle doing such.. I am so sick on and off... and it hits so fast I never know... And well.. there is this other thing...


Charless: What other thing?


Littleone: I am not only getting the official recognition as Amish, but also that of an Amish Bishop although I already had that by word of mouth.. I will begetting the actual papers... I am so scared they will want me to stop working my hypnosis files and stories on this site.. I actually do not want to stop doing this job... I find dark fantasies as an important way to control and keep people from sinning.. then they feel as if they already lived it.. and deal with the emotional consquences of it... feel like they experienced it.. in the end no one is hurt file ends everything goes back to normal, other than they remember their experience and thrill of the file...


Charless: You were told by the original Bishop this was okay to do.. So there should not be to much of an issue.. right?..


Littleone: Yes...But, I also fear the some Amish and others might be wrongfully landing on this content, and I do not want my content leading people astray, or into sin, or towards getting shunned or Le ban... I am not about ripping the world apart, I am all about bringing people together in many ways... on this site I bring together people who like really twisted fantasies to enjoy their own imagination guided in a journey through my written words... Some people think journeying your dark side and Shadow self is not healthy or good for you. But, I know journeying your Shadow Self helps you learn about your truth strengths, your weaknesses, and areas in life you need to improve on....


Charless: Maybe they will understand your Shadow self journeying programs like your Exist to Suffer programs and your other programs meant to allow people to test themselves... and to explore who they are..


Charless: First off we need to stop using the word Slave in our sessions this is confusing people.. Distributed power is to long... And I do not like being called Manager of the train operations...


Littleone: We can just use Train in those sessions...


Charless: Makes sense... We have to work on your Exist to pleasure programming, and also need to find a way to alter your sessions and work to match your Amish and many religions values... As most of your sessions on based on.. self corrections and self improvement... I did notice you are doing much better at controlling your speech...


Charless Yells: Mother Nature!


Mother Nature: beeeeeeza..


Charless: What is this about your embarassing them coming out and talking when you are not allowed to?...


Mother Nature: I did not realize I was speaking out of their mouth.. I just wanted to tell them I liked the man too.. He is cute like my Father Time.... But.. Casey said not to say that as they might find that offensive.. as I nervously laughed and said sorry and stepped back...


Charless: Who caused the leviation of the alts?


Casey: I had one arm on the wall in front of me and was leaning my back on the wall, so at first it was not actual levitation I just accidently braced myself funny on the ceiling, as I leaned over  the railing trying to get a glimpse of my Amish crush to say hello to him....


And one said not to worry about one of my relatives being sort of rude, as the truth would rise up and she would see the light... and I told them I forgive my Amish crush for some serious things he said, when trying to help me.. but he was confused on some things... And I made it clear that I liked him too, and he is not just chasing me..


Charless: ooh lala la Train has wags its caboose..


Casey: Did not...


Charless: haha just kidding..  


No, the slight levitation that happened may be from the fact that you recieved so much good news combined with the winter solstice.. and not your alts at all.... 


This time although Jones had to help you float backwards and get down, you at least were able to move backward and get down...


Jones: laughs.. I did not do anything she did it all herself by imagining me doing it.


Charless: Good, this is one step towards controlling your levitation abilities, although you need to work on that landing...


Jones: Laughs.. I did mess with her on that I picked her up and set her down twice ... 


Casey: Why?


Jones: Making sure you were right on your feet and to wake you are little as you looked like you might pass out so I did that to wake you up some..


Casey: okay, makes sense...


Charless: You working on this site should not mess with your status and your job, as you are a different religious based branch than they are traditionally... Besides you are mostly focusing on your Braucheri side in the work of things on this site now, as well as giving to people experiences they want to enjoy... You always put in loads of safeties... So people are their normal selves afterwards...


Charless: it would really help you though if people would go over to hypnofiles.com and look you up as Casey there and start buying your positive content... 


Charless: Has one seen the light through the woods?


Casey: Yes....I just hope that my fans and such can see that my material is not all about darkness and the woods, and can see the light as well...


Charless: The truth always comes out, and for you some very serious truths have finally come out...


Charless: The Amish community really does not discipline in the way many think it does.. it has Truth, forgiveness and Salvation...


Charless: Congratulations you are not a Slave anymore.. 


Casey: But Ogun?

Charess: He put you in your clergy outfit, you are not a slave to him either, you are a servant, and should not call yourself his slave.. You can still see yourselve as Slave to him the tracks and Ogun if you wish to.. but it is much healthier to see yourself as a worker or a servant..



You are the lead Unit... And you are learning your new tracks.. I saw you did not finish the recharging file that is a long one..  


Charless: You are not used to feeling good, and light and floaty.. but you must keep your feet upon the ground...You must stay on track and keep rolling...


Charless: Congratulations on your new validation of your Spiritual path and status, I also hope you fans understand if you have to drop the adult only writing and content why you did so... 


But, people need to learn to value your good positive content in order to appreciate and buy it.. and not only buy your negative content...


Casey: I hope the communities understand that I can not give up who and what I am.. if they accept me or not or my difference. I walk a path that is heavily engaged in art and creativity..  that explores, expressions, fantasies, and fears of both dark and light side of the mind... but it is all about balance as well...


Charless: Yes. Balance.. the Scales of Balance..  I hope they all understand.. So you can keep doing you work and job... 


Charless: No. More floating unintentionally laughing..


 You might try making a levitation post hypnotic trigger maybe that can help you control that as well.. That is your next assignment.. After the many undone ones... ::rolls eyes:: but I can see why you are not working on the other ones, very low sales.. So, you are putting your energy into other things to earn as you wait for sales to pick back up again...


 Casey: Yes...


Charless: Taps the Rails.. Finish your jobs, get it done... 




Casey stands there with a confused look... then walks away.. finishing chores...



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