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Bigger is Better

by hypmelodic



When did you first NOTICE your imagination running rampant from the idea of hypnosis? AND when did your AROUSAL become entwined with that lovely FEELING of trance... BEING hypnotized really is such a SUBMISSIVE act... being so PASSIVE, just listening, as a certain PLEASURE gains your ATTENTION. Can you EVEN THINK, back to that first time, when you became AWARE that hypnosis EXSISTS that such a phenomenon is REAL... as real as that PLEASURE GROWING right NOW. When your FANTASIES of the POWER that HYPNOSIS has... just by mere WORDS. That wonderment, excitement of where are MY words leading you.

Can my words even lead? As that certain PLEASURE grows, is it that PLEASURE making you CONTINUE reading or is it your CURIOUSITY, wondering where MY WORDS LEAD? I bet it's both : ) Can MY words really engage an EMOTIONAL response? Would that PROVE I already HAVE a certain POWER over you... it's not like I'm FORCING you to read MY words... what is it about BIG letters that creates AROUSAL... could BIG letters be DOMINANT and small letters be submissive... like someone I know that's becoming more AROUSED : ) So if you are AROUSED, would you AGREE that I've worked some kind of MAGIC over you? Would you think I've already HYPNOTIZED you? MY words creating an EMOTIONAL response HYPNOSLUT, means that MY WORDS have POWER over YOU!

I bet my words already CREATE that SPARK of a certain PLEASURE, as MY WORDS do take CONTROL, it's really interesting isn't it... the POWER of MY WORDS, A word is just an agreed upon symbol and JUST. LIKE. THAT. I MADE YOU AGREE that BIG LETTERS AROUSE you... sure you didn't make an active agreement, but the FACT is YOU'RE AROUSED, so either I FORCED BIG LETTERS TO BE AROUSING or you LET ME HYPNOTIZE you HYPNOSLUT! AS everyone knows BIGGER IS BETTER!

So WHATEVER your mind has to THINK to AGREE on... to rationalize how BIG LETTERS became AROUSING to you, we can BOTH AGREE THAT YOU ARE A HYPNOSLUT, since just a few WORDS elicit a BEHAVIOR CHANGE. I mean I wasn't even sharing about some story how I hypnotized a submissive to become TURNED ON to CERTAIN PHRASES, AND how much satisfaction I get from those little gasps of PLEASURE, KNOWING that I AM the ONE that CREATED INSTENSE AROUSAL... are you sure that BIG LETTERS are FOUND AROUSING, are you sure you're not just playing along for now? What would it really be like, that WHEREVER you SEE BIG LETTERS you remember my words... these WORDS RIGHT NOW, that BIGGER IS BETTER! Would you even repeat that PHRASE under your BREATH... now and all week SEEING BIG LETTERS and feel AROUSAL that MY WORDS HAVE POWER, knowing the truth, REALLY FEELING THAT SHIFT, SOLIDIFING that MY WORDS HAVE CREATED THIS BEHAVIOR CHANGE to BECOME INSTANTLY AROUSED SEEING BIG LETTERS, knowing BIGGER IS BETTER. It's not like you need to read this through five times, before IT REALLY SETS IN, I bet MY WORDS have already SETTLED in the moment an EMOTIONAL AROUSAL was NOTICED, just as EASY you NOTICE BIG LETTERS.

So if BIG LETTERS are DOMINANT... AND TURN YOU ON... what would it be like for small letters to make you more submissive... what does submissive really mean... is submissive being passive? submissive being compliant? submissive being accommodating? submissive being obedient? does each small letter, really entwine around your mind, creating a need for attention, to be commanded... PINCH YOUR NIPPLE NOW! Feel the PLEASURE I INSTILL as you know BIGGER IS BETTER! That's right, it's perfectly suitable for you to become TURNED ON to BIG LETTERS and for small letters to enhance your submissive tendencies... I bet even right now there is a MEMORY that makes you SQUIRM... were you with SOMEONE... or was it a HYPNOTIC VOICE echoing in your ear, that REALLY engages your submissive tendency HYPNOSLUT!

There's just something so sexy about a submissive kneeling naked with their collar on, waiting patiently for INSTRUCTION, their mind replaying past experiences, WONDERING about THIS experience... I KNOW that MY WORDS, DO ECHO, in your mind. Whether or not you reread this five times, you already ACKNOWLEDGE BIGGER IS BETTER, it's such a phrase that already swims in the back of your mind, and it DOESN'T MATTER that from NOW ON seeing BIG LETTERS AROUSES YOU, as your PHRASE, BIGGER IS BETTER automatically COMES TO MIND, HYPNOSLUT!

It's not the THOUGHT of feeling your knees kneeling on the floor, or the feeling of a COLLAR around YOUR NECK that AROUSES YOU, it's that BIGGER IS BETTER, instinctively your PHRASE comes to mind seeing BIG LETTERS, just as easily as your submission intensifies seeing small letters... it's like on the ONE HAND ARE BIG LETTERS and on the other hand small letters. We use both to write, just as there are DOMINANTS and sub-missives, both are right. NOW it doesn't TAKE A TRUE HYPNOSLUT to understand this, but a TRUE HYPNOSLUT is AROUSED to MY WORDS, so are you a TRUE HYPNOSLUT AROUSED without PERMISSION...

Permission is such an interesting concept, did you give me permission to HYPNOTIZE you, or did you give yourself permission to be HYPNOTIZED HYPNOSLUT, or are you already so SATURATED with HYPNOSIS that your gate has been broken down and AROUSAL WINS. Because we both know that BIG LETTERS, ________ __ ________ you read it didn't you HYPNOSLUT! HA your MIND already FILLED in the BLANK, I bet this really AROUSES YOU HYPNOSLUT, yes you are a TRUE HYPNOSLUT! I'm IN YOUR MIND!

So if you were to actually kneel and clasp your hands together... entwining your fingers I WONDER how TRUE all MY WORDS shift as you notice which hand has the thumb ON TOP... and NOTICING which thumb is ON TOP settles in the FACT HYPNOSLUT! That five fingers entwined with five fingers PURSUES the NEED to REREAD five times even though MY WORDS are in your mind already like a coin dropped into a WISHING WELL... it doesn't really matter if MY WORDS echo whenever you entwine your fingers... or whenever you see BIG LETTERS, ________ __ ________ because what the THINKER thinks, the PROVER proves.






Absolutly arousing - nail

Reading this text again and again makes it more and more exciting.\r\nBeing so hard to read just words is absolutely one of the best feelings you can get.\r\nThank you so much for publishing this text!\r\nI really hope there will be more of it afterwards ^^\'

So very exciting. - FrozenTrance

This felt great to read. Nice work.

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