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The Vampire's Gaze

by Shadow2000

The Vampire's Gaze

Jenny’s walk takes her through the forest to a clearing.
A large circle of perfect grassland.
The sunlight shines brilliantly into this clearing.
She walks into it, and feels an incredible desire to just lie down in this place.
The sweet air making her more and more relaxed.
She lies down on the grass, and it seems to become softer and even more comfortable beneath her.
She relaxes into it.
Even the sunlight shining down on her seems to make her more soothed, more acclimatized to the forest.
The sweet air continues to relax her as she takes wonderful, deep breaths.
Her muscles relax totally, any lingering tension evaporating.
Until she feels so incredibly relaxed.
And now that she feels incredibly relaxed, she begins to hear something.
A voice.
A sweet voice.
A soothing voice.
That seems to come from within her mind, and this seems perfectly natural to her.
‘I am the Voice of the Forest
You are welcome here’
This voice soothes her and relaxes her, and hearing it makes her mind open now.
Mind focused totally on those words, allowing them to sink deeply into her mind.
Past her conscious mind.
As she sinks deeper and deeper.
Easing down into this state.
Where she focuses on those words.
Breathing deep, and letting herself just relax.
Just relaxing.
Letting all the stresses and tensions of the day vanish.
Forgetting them.
They cannot touch her here.
The words helping to relax her and take her deeper.
While the world simply melts away.
She sees all the rich plant life around her, and she smells the sweet, warm air.
Filling her lungs.
Just helping her to relax more.
In that clearing, standing and looking at the beautiful forest around her.
Everything a beautiful symphony of colour.
And the sunlight pours down onto her and the forest.
Making her feel so good and content.
And making the forest positively glitter with life.
She lies there in that clearing, so happy and relaxed.
Time just drifting by, as her mind drifts still deeper.
Time floats by effortlessly as she lies there, flowing by as she remains in her wonderfully relaxed state.
Soon the warm, soothing sun starts to set, giving way to a wonderful, starry, night sky.
She remains laid out on the grass, so calm and relaxed, watching the stars twinkle above her.
She stays on the grass, still breathing in the sweet, relaxing air.
The atmosphere in the forest still wonderful and magical, the beautiful soothing warmth still covering her body.
As she lies there on the grass, she becomes aware of a mist gathering round her.
A clear mist, drifting around her.
It has a warm feeling to it, and it feels good against her skin.
She lets it envelop her and cover her body, it feels so good to just surrender to it.
The warmth it gives her creates a pleasurable tingle in her body.
Feels so nice.
So good.
Easy to surrender to.
This sensation starts to get stronger and stronger the more the mist covers her.
So warm and pleasurable.
The mist covers her completely now, she lies in the heart of it.
The warmth and the tingle start to travel down her body.
Past her chest, down through her stomach to between her legs.
That warmth and that tingle starting to centre between her legs, creating the first glimmers of arousal.
Feeling the pleasurable warmth of the mist surrounding her, the pleasure it creates in her.
The mist seems to hold her in place, she cannot move, and nor does she want to.
All she wants to do is lie here and let the mist pleasure she, surrendering to the power it already holds over her.
Arousal gently beginning to build, and the warmth and tingle the mist creates in her pussy continues to flare.
Steadily growing more aroused, more pleasured.
The mist covers her body, covering her as it floats around her.
Arousal still building, that warmth flooding into her pussy, making her feel so good.
The warmer she gets, the more aroused she becomes.
The more aroused she becomes, the more warmth flows gently into her.
Light moans of pleasure escape her as she surrenders to the mist.
Gentle waves of arousal washing over her.
Submitting to the mist, letting it control her, influence her.
She has no choice but to submit to it, give in to it.
The mist controls her, controlling her arousal, increasing it.
Feeling more aroused now, the sensation growing slowly more powerful.
Beautiful and pleasurable warmth in her pussy.
More and more arousal, more and more pleasure.
She is unable to resist the mist and the pleasure it brings her.
The mist has total power over her.
She is helpless in the power of the mist.
No choice but to surrender to it, as it floods her with arousal.
Slowly the mist starts to rise, and she finds that it starts to take her with it.
As the mist rises, she starts to float up.
She floats up, as those she is weightless.
The mist raises her to her feet.
She can do nothing but stand there, helpless in her arousal.
Helpless in the power of the mist.
Unable to resist it, unable to resist the power it holds over her.
As she stands there, arousal saturating her body, the mist drifts away from her.
It drifts away from her into the clearing.
As it drifts, the shape starts to change, taking form.
The colour and texture of the mist begins to change, becoming more solid.
It rises and begins to take human form.
The texture of the mist fades away, replaced with pale skin.
As she looks now, still held in the grip of her arousal, she sees him for the time.
He stands there before her, flowing blue robes around him.
His pale skin is smooth, his features darkly beautiful.
Seeing him makes her even more aroused.
And she sees everything now, everything so clear.
She feels the power radiating from him.
It bends her will to his.
He smiles as he sees she is helpless, revealing his fanged, vampiric teeth.
She is held helpless in his power.
As she stands there in her arousal, unable to resist, her eyes meet his.
They flash with red power, and she instantly become mesmerized.
They are so hypnotic, so powerful, she cannot look away.
He holds her in his gaze, his power washing over her.
Controlling her.
Dominating her.
She falls deeper and deeper into his power as she gazes into his eyes.
She stands helpless in his power and wonderful waves of arousal continue to wash over her, but she cannot leave his gaze.
His eyes transfix her, holding her in place.
Captivating her.
Hypnotizing her.
Controlling her.
Draining her will.
She sees his eyes flash again, with a lustful hunger as he watches her, completely in his thrall.
His eyes are so hypnotic, she has no thoughts of looking away.
She cannot look away.
His power is dissolving her will.
Her will is now nothing but a tiny glimmering light, getting tinier the longer she looks into his eyes.
Her will is gone, she is entirely in his power.
She is so deeply hypnotized, so deeply entranced.
He has her entirely in his power.
A lustful smile crosses his lips as he surveys her.
Her arousal grows as he watches her.
Arousal increasing at being entranced and in his power.
He waves his hand, and his power washes over her, controlling her like a puppet.
A fresh surge of arousal washes over her, making her moan with pleasure.
It is so strong, so much pleasure, she almost drops to her knees.
She feels sexual energy coursing through her body, so arousing.
A wonderful energy sparkling in every cell of her body.
Her breasts tingle with wonderful pleasure, feels so good.
So much pleasure flooding over her.
He waves his hand again, and suddenly her clothes vanish.
She stands there, helpless in arousal, naked before her Master.
His powerful eyes flash with fresh lust as he sees her body.
She can do nothing.
She is powerless, totally hypnotized and obedient.
As the pleasure swells in her body she falls deeper under his spell.
So deeply under his spell.
Deeply hypnotized.
Ensnared in his power.
His gaze so hypnotic, it is impossible to look away.
His eyes glow with power, and her eyes are locked to them.
So deeply hypnotized.
So deeply in his power.
So deeply aroused.
He raises his arms towards her, drawing her towards him.
She obeys at once, moving forward into her Master’s embrace.
His touch causes more arousal to flood through her.
He embraces her, his arms wrapping round her, caressing her back gently.
The sensual touch of her Master feels wonderful, she goes limp in his arms, consumed by arousal, as her mind and will have been consumed.
She feels a lovely sense of euphoria, bliss at being helpless before her Master.
He runs his hands gently over her, leaning close to her breasts, almost touching her naked flesh.
Slowly he moves up, until her eyes again meet his.
She is captivated.
So deeply hypnotized.
He leans in close to her neck, kissing it gently.
Arousal so powerful now.
Then, she feels the kiss of the vampire.
With a lustful hiss he sinks his fangs deep into her neck.
This feels incredible, not painful in anyway, quite the opposite, it feels so good, her arousal turns into a wonderful climax.
The warm gushing of her life blood feels incredible, and as he sucks it she moans with pleasure.
She is helpless to resist.
He suckles eagerly as pleasure still strokes her even as her climax begins to subside.
She loves the feeling of being so helpless in his power, as the warm gushing of her blood continues.
She feels the darkness claiming her, totally helpless to resist it.
The sensation of her Master feeding on her blood starts to gradually fade away.
And as this happens her vision begins to darken.
She starts to relax more.
The darker her vision gets, the more she relaxes.
The more she relaxes, the more the sensations fade away, and the darkness continues to grow.
The darkness is claiming her.
Taking control of her.
Relaxing more and more, as the last glimmers of arousal leave her, leaving only relaxation.
Growing relaxation, growing darkness.
The sensation of her Master feeding on her has now dissolved.
Her vision has faded into darkness.
The darkness has consumed her, claimed her, dominated her.
She is a slave to the darkness.
There is only the darkness and total relaxation.
Her body and mind have drifted back into the state of total relaxation.
There is nothing but the darkness.
Relaxation saturating her body.
The darkness overpowering her.
Corrupting her.
It bends her to its will.
She feels herself changing.
Slowly the darkness spreads over her.
Her skin starts to get paler.
Whiter and more pallid.
She feels vampiric fangs developing.
Growing in her mouth.
Her eyes begin to glow red with vampiric power.
She feels new desires developing.
She is now a vampire.
A creature of lust.
A creature of sexual desire and power.
Driven by desire and passion.
This is how she feels now.
Sexual, lustful, passionate.
There is so much sexual power and passion at the core of her being.
It is her power now.
She feels so sexually powered.
So much passion and lust and desire.
And it feels so good.
So good to have this power.
Her eyes flash red with power.
A soft smile crosses her lips, revealing her fangs.
She can feel the energy of all the living things around her.
She starts to feel the first glimmers of hunger.
Slowly, her body starts to dissolve.
Becoming a brilliant blue mist.
She drifts away into the night, eager to feed.


Re: The Vampire's Gaze - blackvinyl4

excellant story-very hot-I like that idea of arousal becoming relaxation again as she changes

Re: The Vampire's Gaze - blackvinyl4

excellant story-very hot-I like that idea of arousal becoming relaxation again as she changes

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