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by EMG



The rebirth clinic

The night was long. Tiekey woke up with a start.
The next morning he had a dream about people who had just crossed over to the other side. He saw a bright light at the end of a tunnel, but Tiekey could not enter the light or see what was on the other side of the light.

Tiekey called his friend Rain and told her about the dream, and Rain met Tiekey at his house. Connie and Scarlet was playing jump rope, and ran over to see what Tiekey was talking about.

They all decided to go to the door under Tiekey’s bed, so they all ran into the house and ran up the stairs into Tiekeys room and pulled back the covers and mattress and opened the door. It creaked as it was opened and they entered the door, and went down the stairs, and saw a door that had a glow coming from it and decided to enter. What they saw was amazing The entrance way to an amazing place. I read the “Rebirth Clinic” on the sign. Tiekey, Scarlet and Connie all looked at each other and said whoa lets go in. Four golden arches! They entered the building, and saw two elevator doors. They approached the doors and pushed the button and entered the elevator, aligned inside the elevator walls was thousands of buttons with pictures of families all over the walls of the elevator with the words “please choose, and take your time, you have all the time in the world to choose and remember chose wisely.” Tiekey decided to push the button on the wall; the number 7 button, for the seventh floor.

The door opened and a nice nurse was standing there smiling and said, “how did you kids get in here?, This clinic is for souls who are being reborn. You are not ready yet.”

They looked at the nurse and said, “what is this amazing place we are exploring?”, “we got here by entering the Door under Tiekeys bed,”

The nurse looked puzzled but said “ok, let me give you a tour. One day you will be here for rebirth, Hum let me see. Let’s go to the preparation room first. This is the room where we examine your past life and decide what lessons you have already learned, and what lessons will be programmed into your new life for your continued journey.

A screen is set up from a hologram wall and every moment of your past life is monitored from the day you were born to the day you passed on. Every thought and experience is examined. Your fears…your courage…your sadness, your braveness…your politeness every thought and everything you’ve ever done, then a meter comes up and lets the examiner know how much more you are lacking in these areas and gives you a score or a grade like in grammar school and programs what’s left into your new body.
Next is the ejection room. They take you to this room and you get to watch the Doctor program DNA tracts into your new body. The color of your eyes; whether you going have your mother’s hair color or the color of your father’s eyes, whether or not you going have your father ears, The good part of it is that you get to choose in this process of the program. Now the nurse tells the kids there are other DNA tracts that we must process you do not have any choice in, and that’s the type of sickness you will have as a kid.

Colds, chicken pox, measles, freckles, fevers and stomach sickness, light skin or dark skin, fat or skinny, personality traits are programmed into your new body, whether you are mean, nice, happy, or sad, full of emotions, less emotions.

Then we ask the souls destined for rebirth, where in the world do you want to be reborn? We tell them to choose wisely from a list of countries. Remember choose wisely. Before we give them that choice we install in them faith of God, then we tell them to choose. Tiekey was amazed so much in preparing souls for rebirth, Scarlet said, “my Lord I had no idea,” and Connie said,” me neither”

The nurse said, “are you hungry we have plenty of food here we allow the reborn souls to develop a like or dislike of the food they will eat on earth so we allow them to eat. We allow the kids to choose their own likes and dislikes in the food depends which country they choose to be reborn in here.”

We are very fair about our souls. After dinner we give each soul a bath to clean away all their past sins we make them as white as snow We check everything to make sure there are no sins hiding behind their ears, in their eyes or their hearts, then the souls go into a room and each soul can hear their mothers and Father’s voice telling them she love them. They can also feel their mother rubbing their tummy and feel her love and her strength.”

I know you children are tired so let us go to the sending off room.

Those of you reading this story is you ready to know what this room is all about.? You are! Then let’s go. This room is after the souls had been prepared they stay in this room for nine months See those sacks? they call those birth sacks.

On earth it is similar to a cocoon which caterpillars prepare for new life and After the nine months the soul is quickly propelled into his mothers womb, and the birth process begin the new expecting mom goes into labor or labor pains the children gave the nurse a big group hug and the nurse said I will see you when you are ready for your rebirth. They said, we got to be going now, it is getting late. We love you, bye” and they ran to the elevator
Through golden arches, and back through the door to the hall back though the door underneath my bed

The end
For now
What secrets
Awaits our friends
Tomorrow dear reader


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