
Latest Files

  • Curse PrePubescent Shemale    
    This file transforms you from who you are now to a pre-pubescent shemale. your body will have both types of genetalia but you can hide your cock by saying or thinking "I do not want my penis" or make it present itself by saying or thinking "I want my penis" The transformation will take 28 days and works on both men or women. This transformation cannot be reversed, but once transformed you will start aging normally.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (20)
    Length: 25:18
    Downloads: 6826

  • Shemale    
    Gives a man breasts, a figure, wide hips and a plump ass, but leaves his penis fully functional - turns a man into a shemale. May change orientation (gay/bi).

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (42)
    Length: 21:33
    Downloads: 24659

    • Dick Envy — $15    

      Do you ever find yourself looking at the beautiful, hard cocks of the men around you and wish that you could have one of your own? Perhaps you have even found yourself becoming aroused at the sight of a beautiful, erect penis and have wondered what it would be like to have one of your own to play with whenever you are horny.

      Listen as I gently guide your thoughts towards your goal of having the perfect penis that you have always wanted. Learn to crave the feeling of your beautiful, hard, cock whenever you are aroused and become aroused at the idea of fucking and bringing pleasure to those around you. Remember that a large, fuckable cock is so much more interesting than a boring, gross vagina, and know that you will never be complete until you have a penis of your own like all of the men that you love to idolize.

      Life is so much easier as a man. Fantasize about the day in which you can get the surgery to receive the perfect cock that you have always craved.


      Need content like this to live out your dreams? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Only one slot left so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 15

    • Transition Training — $15    

      In this file, we will explore the many benefits of taking hormones and getting feminizing surgeries to transition into the woman that you have always desired to be. From the increased happiness and confidence and pleasure that you will naturally feel when your pretty feminine clothing fits perfectly, to your overall appearance that will change for the better, there are so many reasons to take the plunge and finally become the woman that you were always meant to be.

      In this recording, we will also explore the many different types of surgeries available to you to become the sexiest and most convincing woman that you can possibly be, from breast augmentation to vaginoplasty, we will work together to help you to make the decision that is right for you and your body and your future.

      Remember, you deserve to be happy and to look and feel your best, so do not hesitate to take the next step in your journey towards becoming the woman you were always meant to be.


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Only two slots left so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 16

    • Binding — $15   , ,  

      Do you ever find yourself crossing your arms over your chest to hide the feminine buds beneath your shirt? Maybe you even find yourself slouching and hunching into yourself to obscure the silhouette of your past girly life? Perhaps you find yourself tired of the stares and comments about your body and wish you could just make your melons melt away?

      In my newest female-to-male focused hypnotic subliminal, I gently guide you towards craving the feeling of binding your breasts and feeling confidence in your new flat chested and masculine body. Learn to feel uncomfortable leaving your home when your awkward feminine breasts are showing, and begin to experience the feelings of happiness and masculinity and power whenever you are ignored on the street by strangers.

      Listen to “Binding” every day and soon you will look forward to trading in those irritating boobs for a set of sexy pecs!


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 11

    • Feminine Hormones — $20    

      Your body produces extra female hormones as it uses up any male hormones. All people produce male and female hormones, but most of your male hormones are converted to female through a process known as aromatization.

      Suitable for any biological gender. Can be used for MtF (male to female) or simply females that wish to be more feminine. This is focused on creating a more feminine and curvy shape to your body, and making you look more womanly overall. Very light mind control/domination themes.

      Effects: Smoother skin, thinner body hair, reduced muscularity, feminine body shape, body scent may change

      Find more at JackDominates.com

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 23:34
      Downloads: 134

    • Sissy Whispers I — $15    

      This file is a trainer for all of my potential sissies interested in making the jump towards turning their perfect fetish into a complete lifestyle. Through this recording, you will develop an uncontrollable desire to wear panties and love how you look in them. You may find yourself becoming an emotional little diva in more and more situations. You'll probably even start feeling weak and insecure when confronted socially just like a true sissy girl would be! 

      With Sissy Whispers I, you will discover that you are the happiest when you are showing off what a submissive girly girl you are to your friends and family. Forget ever not trying to be a cute adorable princess in every aspect of your life. Learn how much you need to wear your lacy outfits and sexy thongs. Know that you feel good whenever you wear completely feminine clothing, and know you will want to wear girly outfits more and more in the future.

      Discover your true, sissy, self as you sit down and grab a pair of headphones. Listen closely as your training is about to begin.



      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon Site

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 55

    • Little Shop of Transitions — $30    

      The Little Shop of Transitions is where you first learned of your desire to do something more with your life. From a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger, you quickly learned how uncomfortable you were as a man, and how much you were willing to go through to change it. Becoming a woman is hard work, and this induction aims to make the challenge much easier. Find the option of staying as a man completely unappealing, and realize the only real choice for you is to start working towards changing your body permanently towards the best, most, feminine, you.

      Uncomfortable - Feeling grey and lonely as a man. Remember how boxy and hairy and undesirable your masculine body is. Know that male activities are boring and uninteresting and wish that you never had to experience them ever again.

      Idols - Think about how much more beautiful the women are that you love to look at. Realize that it is your goal in life to make your body as perfect and adorable as the women you love to idolize. Know that you’ll never have to participate in any more boring male activities once you become a woman.

      Hair - Fantasize about how much more beautiful and feminine you will be once all of your body hair is removed permanently. Know that your own natural hair needs to be well-styled and feminine like you’ve always imagined.

      Boobs - Know that real women love their huge boobs, and remember that your goal has always been to make your breasts as big as possible. Find yourself looking at the breasts of women that you meet and wishing they were yours.

      Hormones - Crave to get hormones so that your body is not ugly and boring anymore. Know that your life will be complete once you start taking hormones, and your body will naturally grow in all the ways you’ve always wanted it to grow.

      Surgeries - Know that it’s not just boobs and hormones that you crave, but also surgeries everywhere to make yourself into as much of a girl as you possibly can. Remember your need to make yourself feminine in every way and know that you will stop at nothing until your face and your body are constructed to girly perfection.

      Clitty - Become incredibly anxious and depressed at the unfeminine package between your legs. Lose all confidence unless it is tucked away and soft. Know that you will be much happier once you can get surgery to have it removed.

      Compulsions - Find yourself having compulsions the more you hear certain trigger words to transform your body into your ideal feminine self. Feel yourself fantasizing about becoming the submissive feminine plaything of any stranger using your trigger word.

      Confidence - Become confident in yourself the more feminine you become and lose confidence the more masculine you stay. Know that being feminine naturally makes you the happiest you have ever been.

      Ambitions - Remember that you want to transition into a woman to make yourself happier and that everyone else will love you once you’ve been true and honest with who you are. Gain confidence in how you present yourself to the world and know that nobody can ever stop you from your dreams of becoming the girl you’ve always wanted to be.

      This file will inspire real action towards transitioning full time into a woman. Relax and listen as I guide you towards your perfect, feminine, destiny.



      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon Site

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 1:21:09
      Downloads: 87

    • Shemale - Basic Conditioning — $30   , ,  
      With this file you start your basic conditioning for becoming a SHEMALE. this file will change a lot in your life, but mainly it programs your hormone production to the specific level of a shemale.

      - You have both, testosterone and estrogen very high settled, the estrogen even much higher indeed.
      - The usage of your hormones is restricted to their functions, which means testosterone for your remaining penis and male sex drive, whereas estrogen is responsible for a curvaceous female body and female mind sets.

      those are the basic outcomes of this session and everything else goes alongside with it.

      now of course you are responsible for this readjustment and the consequences, but believe me, hypnosis is powerfully changing your appearance, and if you listen you may say good by to your male look, because after a while people perceive you as a woman.

      this file even leaves you the option to do special specifications by other files but only those which are along with these aims.

      if you have special desires please leave your comments here i i will do specially powerful files according your interests.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 34:32
      Downloads: 86

    • Mindset - Shemale — $10   , ,  
      A shemale is proud of who she is. More of a woman than a man, she does her best to blend feminine clothing and erotic makeup into making herself the perfect sex symbol. She is always trying to look her best for the men and woman who ultimately want to fuck her, and loves to wear the tightest, most revealing clothing to show off how seductive she truly is.
      A shemale doesn't care who knows she used to be a man. All she cares about is looking like a woman in every aspect of her life. Sissies that listen to this recording will find themselves wondering important things, like how much surgeries would cost to give themselves the biggest tits humanly possible, or how get as many hunky guys off the dance floor into the bathroom to service with her new feminine lips. She might even find her mind drifting off into space as she rubs her shrinking clitty while getting lost in the euphoria of her own feminine bliss.
      Become confident in the girl you are inside and embrace everything she stands for. Add this file to your rotation to find yourself loving every second of your journey to your perfect shemale self.

      Want more hypnotic compulsions? Visit my Patreon Site

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 27

    • Mindset - Memories 2 — $10    
      Hello all my beautiful girlies. I am especially proud to bring you my new album, "Mindset - Memories 2". It's filled with all kinds of fun and delicious suggestions that will help mold you into the pretty young women you were always meant to be. Use it with the original "Memories" file to fill your head with tons of delicious memories you know you've always had.
      Learn so many more things about yourself and how you've always been. Remember dying your hair all sorts of fun colors to go with your mood as a teenager. Think about how you've always had a hard time being confident in yourself unless you're wearing outfits absolutely covered in satin and lace. Know that being cute and adorable has been something you've  strived for in every aspect of your life. You can't even help making the cutest faces possible at yourself in the mirror whenever you pass by one.
      Think about how much you enjoyed cooking with your mother in your pretty dresses as a little girl. How much happiness you felt whenever you cleaned you house or saw a cute mommy with their adorable baby in public. This is probably what started your lifelong obsession with being a pretty mommy in the first place!
      Remember how much fun you had as a cute cheerleader in school. Dressing all adorable and tumbling with your friends in practice before being taken to the park by your big strong lover and fucked in your cutest outfit over his car. You look back on those days fondly, and sometimes can't even help yourself from breaking out into spontaneous dancing and cheering whenever you get excited.
      Start to dismiss any ideas of you growing up as anything other than an adorable little girl as ridiculous and nonsense. You've always been a beautiful feminine woman. Your memories tell you so.

      Want more hypnotic compulsions? Visit my Patreon Site

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 77
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Sissy Whispers - Etiquette — $10   , ,  
      This file is for all the delicate, simpering, sissies that fantasize about never being taken seriously as a man again. You might find your body moving outside of your control as you're swept away in your adorable little mannerisms and your new addiction to all things sissy. Learn to enjoy the delicious arousal and humiliation that are staples in any good submissive slut. Experience lots of new and exciting ways to make yourself adorable and delicate for your friends and family. Know that it's other people's place to talk down to you so that you don't have to waste any time interrupted from your thoughts about unicorns, rainbows, and delicious cocks. Adopt more and more feminine words and phrases into you vocabulary, while slowly forgetting anything that sounds too butch or manly.
      "Sissy Whispers - Etiquette" will show you all the ways you need to act in public to be portrayed like the delicate princess you want to be. Feel yourself sinking into your new favorite file as your sissy fetish blossoms into a lifestyle.

      Want more hypnotic compulsions? Visit my Patreon Site

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 76

      • Permanent Female Identity Core    

        serious warning: HARD-LOCKED, irreversible!

        this is my personal edit (what i personally use) and have had great results with.
        my cuts and splicing have been very strategic.
        it is made by combining parts of 3 different files by essdeeess which you know is potent anyway.

        Deeply locked-in permament switch to female identity hypno file.

        do not ignore this warning: you CANNOT regain a male identity after absorbing this file. 


        Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
        Length: 50:04
        Downloads: 1908

      • femsim   ,  

        Creates a room in the listener's imagination to explore their feminine identity.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 02:40
        Downloads: 222
        Temporary(until event)

      • dreamform curse    

        Like dreamform, but has a curse tied to it. The more you listen to it, the more changes become real.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 01:20
        Downloads: 420

      • dreamform    

        Designed to help your ideal self in dreams as a woman

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 00:36
        Downloads: 326

      • Temporary MtF transformation    

        Turns you into a girl for 1 hour

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 06:12
        Downloads: 507
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • Temporary mtf hypnosis    

        Lasts one hour

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 05:04
        Downloads: 361
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • MTF hormonal change hypnosis French    


        Première contribution sur ce site, avec ce fichier qui est conçu pour remodeler votre corps via un changement hormonal pour le rendre plus féminin. Il est complet, et de focalise sur les changements les plus simples à provoquer par hypnose.

        J'espère que vous l'apprécierez et bonne chance !




        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 119

      • feminization_allison script    
        script of feminization by allison in love

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 383

      • destiny series sissy bimbo slave   , ,  

        This is part of the sissy destiny series

        if, after listening to the sissy destiny primer file for some time you are drawn to this file i guess your deep subconscious mind has decided that a sissy like you is destined to become a sissy bimbo slave

        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 12:21
        Downloads: 1332

      • shemale loop long female voice    

        A long loopable file with a femm tts voice, to help to brainwash you into a slutty shemale slave.

        Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (2)
        Length: 20:22
        Downloads: 875

      • Domme1 - Pussy Training   ,  
        This is the first file in a series I have been working on for some time. It contains permenent behavioural and experiential changes. The trance series sets up a fantasy scenario, with a Domme who is transforming you (although there is no material to enslave you to a particular Domme etc).rnYou are trained in this file to experience your genitals as female genitals, following all the suggestions of your Domme can only lead to success. These sugestions are very physical and you need to make sure you have total privacy.rnThis file assumes you have good hypno training already, can go quickly into trance and are able to orgasm from suggestions in trance. There are many other files to get you to this stage, if you are not experienced at going quickly into trance then please add your own deepener to the front, as to the other, well good luck.rncontains many deepening and other triggers from other files, some my own some others, maybe you recognise some and the effect they have, others grow in you over time. I have built on the great and the good work of others with this script, i have been developing this series over years and can not remember where things came from, but a big thank you anyway, if you recognise something and want a mention then please let me know.rnBinaural included.All feedback welcome.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (21)
        Length: 46:14
        Downloads: 15656

      • Princess Slut    
        This file was inspired by Baragog's "Permanent Princess." The original was about starting to become transsexual. This version is for somebody who is already transsexual (or wants to imagine that she is.) The object is to change the listener's gender identity and gender preference to stop wanting to have sex with women, and only want to have sex with men. It has elements of understanding attraction to women from a transgender point of view, negative reinforcement of sexual desire towards women, and positive reinforcement of a healthy, heterosexual world-view for a transgender women to be sexually attracted exclusively to men. The file builds towards erotic passages of having sex with men. The script is better than the TTS engine, this was my first effort. Look for later revisions with the TTS tweaked and other tracks added. Contact me if you want to access to the script to make a better recording.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (13)
        Length: 43:11
        Downloads: 4809

      • Domme 4   ,  
        This is the forth file in my Domme series - Now it is time to start reinforcing those neural pathways you have started to develop in the first 3 of the series. You will still find it useful to go back to those now and again of course. Mistress is going to play with you for a bit, a little bit of slave training (but nothing too strong), and when she leaves you wanting, you know you have to continue by yourself.rnIt contains permenent behavioural and experiential changes. You are continued to be trained to experience your genitals as female genitals. Also please see notes for Domme 1 - Pussy Training. contains many deepening and other triggers from other files, some my own some others, maybe you recognise some and the effect they have, others grow in you over time. I have built on the great and the good work of others with this script, i have been developing this series over years and can not remember where things came from, but a big thank you anyway, if you recognise something and want a mention then please let me know. Binaural included. All feedback welcome.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (12)
        Length: 49:41
        Downloads: 7164
        Permanent(when safe)

      • Domme2 - More Pussy Training   ,  
        This is the second file in my Domme series. It contains permenent behavioural and experiential changes. You are continued to be trained to experience your genitals as female genitals, following all the suggestions of your Domme can only lead to success. It reinforces and extends the first pussy training trance, however it has less phsycal requirements from the listener, reinforces the experience of your pussy and the workings of your completely accepted female anatomy, Includes period experiences. Also please see notes for Domme 1 - Pussy Trainingrncontains many deepening and other triggers from other files, some my own some others, maybe you recognise some and the effect they have, others grow in you over time. I have built on the great and the good work of others with this script, i have been developing this series over years and can not remember where things came from, but a big thank you anyway, if you recognise something and want a mention then please let me know. Binaural included. All feedback welcome.

        Rating: ★★★★☆ (12)
        Length: 48:15
        Downloads: 8905

      • Shemale    
        Gives a man breasts, a figure, wide hips and a plump ass, but leaves his penis fully functional - turns a man into a shemale. May change orientation (gay/bi).

        Rating: ★★★★☆ (42)
        Length: 21:33
        Downloads: 24659

      • Curse PrePubescent Shemale    
        This file transforms you from who you are now to a pre-pubescent shemale. your body will have both types of genetalia but you can hide your cock by saying or thinking "I do not want my penis" or make it present itself by saying or thinking "I want my penis" The transformation will take 28 days and works on both men or women. This transformation cannot be reversed, but once transformed you will start aging normally.

        Rating: ★★★★☆ (20)
        Length: 25:18
        Downloads: 6826

      • Princess Slut (revised)   , ,  
        This is an expanded version of my previous Princess Slut file. It has been revised to work better with the TTS, and I used software to even out the voice. I also strengthened the sections that I thought were weak or unclear. Significant additions were made in the erotic passages about sex with men. There will be another file with the same script plus Brepho's background music coming soon, but I thought some people might prefer it with just the voice.

        Rating: ★★★★☆ (13)
        Length: 57:46
        Downloads: 6594

      • Her mental body - Reinforcing   , , , , ,  
        Part of the hypnogirl series, the first Reinforcing type file. See previous description of the series for instruction, best used after several sessions with the experience file a nd a particular hypnogirl that you have selected.rn

        Rating: ★★★★★ (9)
        Length: 36:08
        Downloads: 3193
        Permanent(when safe)

      • Domme 3 - more pussy training   ,  
        This is the third file in my Domme series - the last of the 'basic training' before things step up a bit. It contains permenent behavioural and experiential changes. You are continued to be trained to experience your genitals as female genitals, following all the suggestions of your Domme can only lead to success. It reinforces and extends the preceding trances, it has some phsycal requirements from the listener, reinforces the experience of your pussy and the workings of your completely accepted female anatomy. Also please see notes for Domme 1 - Pussy Training. contains many deepening and other triggers from other files, some my own some others, maybe you recognise some and the effect they have, others grow in you over time. I have built on the great and the good work of others with this script, i have been developing this series over years and can not remember where things came from, but a big thank you anyway, if you recognise something and want a mention then please let me know. Binaural included. All feedback welcome.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (9)
        Length: 30:29
        Downloads: 8476

      • Curse Super Female Whammy (Female Voice)    
        This is a version of EMG's file with a female voice and atmospheric music/binaurals. Hope you enjoy. --- Original description: "WARNING: THIS FILE CANNOT BE REMOVED EVEN BY EMG HIMSELF AND THE END RESULTS ARE PERMANENT. Step 1: will cause your penis and ballsack to shrink until both are completely invisible. This will continue until all that is left is a smooth crotch with no visible signs of male genitalia. The only thing that will remain is a small hole at the base of your crotch so you can urinate.(this is esentially the Curse Penis/Ballsack Shrink) Step 2: all your body hair will fall out except for scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. Step 3: your body will redistribute all of the fat till you have a female figure. Step 4: your breasts will grow till they are large and firm(essentially the breast curse) Step 5: your new breasts will lactate. Step 6: your vocal chords will change till you have a high pitched female voice(think female ranma, or the don't get mad get glad lady)"

        Rating: ★★★★★ (8)
        Length: 21:01
        Downloads: 9117

      • Feminization Cyber Phase 1   ,  

        A video that may become a series of videos. There is a hypnotic effect towards the end of the file

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 116

      • sissy shemale chastity poppers slave    

        most of what i do is videos like this, more fun sissy hypno videos xxx

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 220

      • Feminization Cyber Phase 1   ,  

        A video that may become a series of videos. There is a hypnotic effect towards the end of the file

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 116

      • Permanent Female Identity Core    

        serious warning: HARD-LOCKED, irreversible!

        this is my personal edit (what i personally use) and have had great results with.
        my cuts and splicing have been very strategic.
        it is made by combining parts of 3 different files by essdeeess which you know is potent anyway.

        Deeply locked-in permament switch to female identity hypno file.

        do not ignore this warning: you CANNOT regain a male identity after absorbing this file. 


        Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
        Length: 50:04
        Downloads: 1908

      • femsim   ,  

        Creates a room in the listener's imagination to explore their feminine identity.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 02:40
        Downloads: 222
        Temporary(until event)

      • Dick Envy — $15    

        Do you ever find yourself looking at the beautiful, hard cocks of the men around you and wish that you could have one of your own? Perhaps you have even found yourself becoming aroused at the sight of a beautiful, erect penis and have wondered what it would be like to have one of your own to play with whenever you are horny.

        Listen as I gently guide your thoughts towards your goal of having the perfect penis that you have always wanted. Learn to crave the feeling of your beautiful, hard, cock whenever you are aroused and become aroused at the idea of fucking and bringing pleasure to those around you. Remember that a large, fuckable cock is so much more interesting than a boring, gross vagina, and know that you will never be complete until you have a penis of your own like all of the men that you love to idolize.

        Life is so much easier as a man. Fantasize about the day in which you can get the surgery to receive the perfect cock that you have always craved.


        Need content like this to live out your dreams? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Only one slot left so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 15

      • Transition Training — $15    

        In this file, we will explore the many benefits of taking hormones and getting feminizing surgeries to transition into the woman that you have always desired to be. From the increased happiness and confidence and pleasure that you will naturally feel when your pretty feminine clothing fits perfectly, to your overall appearance that will change for the better, there are so many reasons to take the plunge and finally become the woman that you were always meant to be.

        In this recording, we will also explore the many different types of surgeries available to you to become the sexiest and most convincing woman that you can possibly be, from breast augmentation to vaginoplasty, we will work together to help you to make the decision that is right for you and your body and your future.

        Remember, you deserve to be happy and to look and feel your best, so do not hesitate to take the next step in your journey towards becoming the woman you were always meant to be.


        Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Only two slots left so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Downloads: 16

      • dreamform curse    

        Like dreamform, but has a curse tied to it. The more you listen to it, the more changes become real.

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 01:20
        Downloads: 420

      • dreamform    

        Designed to help your ideal self in dreams as a woman

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 00:36
        Downloads: 326

      • Binding — $15   , ,  

        Do you ever find yourself crossing your arms over your chest to hide the feminine buds beneath your shirt? Maybe you even find yourself slouching and hunching into yourself to obscure the silhouette of your past girly life? Perhaps you find yourself tired of the stares and comments about your body and wish you could just make your melons melt away?

        In my newest female-to-male focused hypnotic subliminal, I gently guide you towards craving the feeling of binding your breasts and feeling confidence in your new flat chested and masculine body. Learn to feel uncomfortable leaving your home when your awkward feminine breasts are showing, and begin to experience the feelings of happiness and masculinity and power whenever you are ignored on the street by strangers.

        Listen to “Binding” every day and soon you will look forward to trading in those irritating boobs for a set of sexy pecs!


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