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Sandrana's Recent Entries

Dumbing Down Part 2

by Sandrana

Day 10 since I started the Dumbing down challenge. I just finished listening to the second file and I'm eager to move on to the third file. I expect first effects to show during the next five days with the file. I can't say I noticed a lot during the second file. I was horny and eager to listen but I'm not sure that's due to the file or because I'm eager to get to the more interesting files.

I can say that the orgasms have become better. I wouldn't say each one is the new best orgasm ever but they are really good and keep getting better.
After listening I usually feel a bit in the zone. Still very horny and wish I could listen and cum more but can't because of the limits of the challenge. It's been hard not just saying screw it I'm listening to more. I also feel a bit slower afterwards and it takes some time to get back to normal. Depending on the time it sometimes lasts until I go to bed and is gone by the next morning.

I am always wet but I don't think that's because of the files, I have been that way for some time after extensive edging. But that usually doesn't effect me in any way unless I'm bored.

Overall I would say I like the second file better than the first one but I'm happy to move on.
I have been listening to EMG's lipstick file the past five days as it was the reward for finishing dumbing down part 1. I can feel it's effects already and I think it was a nice first reward. I am very curious what the next one will be.

Someone on the Forum asked what my end goal is. I thought that would be best answered here. I have been fantasizing about being a bimbo for some time now and the dumbing down files are supposed to help me in that direction. Combined with a few other things. In the end I want to be a dumb bimbo slut who is horny all the time and eager to serve men and women. Naturally I would need a partner/boyfriend who is into that kind of thing otherwise the relationship is doomed from the very beginning. Right now I'm single so it's not really a concern what my future partner might think. If he doesn't like it he surely won't be interested in me in the first place.


Looks like it may like work:) - makemebimbo

I\'m so happy for yous! Dbing down is like the bestest thing you can do for your brain lol. And I thinks that doing it single is totally the best way cuz then you don\'t like gotta cheat or have like the relation thing making like walls in your trances you know? I\'m so excited to reads more and like totally can\'t wait to see you be all like happy ! If you like need help with anything you can message me cuz like I\'m also trying to do the whole bimbo thing Lols. I still loooove the challenge idea but like I don\'t know of I could keep my hands off myself so like major fail lol

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