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Casey's Recent Entries

I am a Train Series

by Casey

This is a total control mind control programming.


The slave submits to the railroad, Papa Ogun, Casey, and Charless is the Handler/Programmer. The Slave can designate other authorizes Train Crew, and workers.


01 I am a Train — $40   ☆ 

I would normally sell this program at 80$ So you get it 50% off.


I am a Train series.

01 I am a Train

by Charless X. Stain (my character)


Approach me, to submit your mind body and soul to the railroad.

To be consumed by the energy of the tracks, and to become a train.

You will meet Papa Ogun, god of iron, and he will forge you into a train.


You will agree to serve the railroad by being in right conduct, and doing work, and serving your train crew.. some of who you choose.


You will be owned by the track, Casey, and Ogun... and Charless will do the work for Ogun at times.


This program is to allow both your human and train self to coexist and switch on and off as needed.


This is the first file of many files, and programs. This is not recommended for people who work on the railroad... as the feeling of the track energy you are bound into may effect your work, you do not want to upset the iron god but messing up anything on the railroad, especially... when you are train....


This is another mind control program.


Do this program at your own risk...


This is 44 minutes long.

You agree by downloading, listening and participating in this series any further you do not hold authors, publishers, or distributors liable for your actions and that you are indeed and adult, you understand the difference between reality and fantasy, are not on mind altering substances, ill or withdrawing from any drugs, or substances.

If So ..



02 I am a Train Will bending — $15   ☆ 

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This is 02 of I am a Train program series.

This file is done by Charless X. Stain

To offer a person's will power to the Tracks,

Casey, and Papa Ogun.

It also adds couple more program triggers.


This file allows you to see yourself in three parts.

One part secured to the tracks representing your will binding,

other part your human self remaining 11 feet from the tracks knealing in submission, and your I am a Train self. As your Train's function is programmed to your bodies function and life force. So your Train is always rolling non stop, idles only when you sleep, or stops for maintenance session. You of course exit fully integrated but can put yourself into any of those three parts as you wish.


(it is recommended to listen to 01 I am Train program first, but it will work either way.)

You agree by downloading, listening and participating in this series any further you do not hold authors, publishers, or distributors liable for your actions and that you are indeed and adult, you understand the difference between reality and fantasy, are not on mind altering substances, ill or withdrawing from any drugs, or substances.






I recommend before listening to the next program, To listen to this file by Mollycuddle to prepare you for upgrade, As PTC and ACSES is both a computerized railroad program.




03 I am a Train PTC and A C S E S Trigger


This is by Charless X. Stain.

This is trigger file for my I am a Train slaves.

To install Positive Train Control, and Advanced Civil Speed Enforcement programs.


It also is tied in helping you work more productively and safely.

This is a mind control program, so I let my Train slaves be surprise with the program's installations.


Some might need to listen to a longer induction if they did not program with I am a Train files 1 and 2 prior to this.


You agree by downloading, listening and participating in this series any further you do not hold authors, publishers, or distributors liable for your actions and that you are indeed and adult, you understand the difference between reality and fantasy, are not on mind altering substances, ill or withdrawing from any drugs, or substances.




04 I am a Train series Steam Firebox — $15

by Charless X. Stain 


This file will make you fully submit to the railroad for sexual domination, by placing inside of you a firebox, boiler, valves, and steam pressure program. So you can fully be sexually dominated by adjusting a steam valve.


Your sexuality will be encased within a boiler and firebox.

You can increase arousal and desire by stoking the fire in the firebox.

You can build sexual tension by filling the boiler with steam.

You can build steam pressure between 0-5 to control sexual levels.

This file leaves you at 0 but after it it installed you can use have your pressure levels, and valves adjusted. When the steam valve is opened it can drop you to 0 or leave you at 5.. when it is fully opened you will orgasm....


This file works strongly on your railroad submission and bondage, the system is compatible and does not undo other programs... There is a safety put in so if someone abuses this system it can not be used. This is a very powerful program that can be used in scene play, or in total power control. For those who love Exist to Suffer programming, I do recommend this series. 

This particular file, some have asked me if this conditions one with the pain programming. The only pain used in this file is using the pain created by your own high arousal to drive the program deeper.. but it is specified to feel good. So basically your own edging pain.. then you are suppose to let yourself naturally calm down as it the molten iron solidifies in you your new firebox, boiler etc... So this file does not deal with the pain part of the programming, unless one turns you high pressure and keeps your valve closed tormenting you by denying orgasm and edging... you but that is in the hands of you or who you allow to control you.

You agree by downloading, listening and participating in this series any further you do not hold authors, publishers, or distributors liable for your actions and that you are indeed and adult, you understand the difference between reality and fantasy, are not on mind altering substances, ill or withdrawing from any drugs, or substances.

If So ..



I am a Train Loop (free)



I recommend before listening to the next program, To listen to this file by Mollycuddle to prepare you for upgrade, As ETMS is a computerized railroad program.


05 I am a Train ETMS Trigger

This is by Charless X. Stain.

This is trigger file for my I am a Train slaves.


To install ETMS, or Electronic Train Management System program.


It also is tied in helping you work more productively and safely, and to be more fully controlled by your train crew, and track authorities.


This is a mind control program, so I let my Train slaves be surprise with the program's installations.


Some might need to listen to a longer induction if they did not program with I am a Train files 1 and 2 prior to this.


This is a slightly more strict version of positive train control, and advanced civil speed enforcement program. 


This program forces you to work harder, focus harder, and to obey stronger as you do your task in or out of session when it is turned on. It is similar to drone program, but a little less strict.


This forces the Train slave to obey follow orders and restrictions as well.



You agree by downloading, listening and participating in this series any further you do not hold authors, publishers, or distributors liable for your actions and that you are indeed and adult, you understand the difference between reality and fantasy, are not on mind altering substances, ill or withdrawing from any drugs, or substances.



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