
  • Cute Feminization.   , ,  

    This file makes you react to being flirted with in a girly manner. 

    This file makes you want to wear cute girl clothes.
    This file will feminize you to be cuter and act cuter, and you'll feel so girly whenever you do things such as :
    Type online.
    Type on a phone keyboard.
    Look at your own hands while doing the above.
    Write with your own handwriting or writing of any kind on paper.
    Anytime you're flirted with you'll act so cute too. You'll blush and act girly.
    You'll develop a need for cute things.
    you'll make a cute blog.
    you'll talk about how you like cute girly things.
    You'll do all these things cutie and more because you're just so adorable and after you listen to this file there's no going back, that's right the change is permanent.
    You'll want to decorate with cute things, even your desktop background and cell phone background.
    You'll have developed a newfound love for anything cute.
    Trust me girl this works on you it has worked on me and I've seen small changes with casual use.
    Listen now for your personality to become truly changed and cuter. 
    This won't make you dumber or make you change your sexual orientation.
    This file will push you to wear cute feminine clothes.
    This file will change your behavior and make you act cuter too.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (8)
    Length: 30:45
    Downloads: 4197
    Trigger(by yourself)
    Sounds wonderful, but I'm gonna have to wait until it drops off premium before I can add it to my play list.
    Hicks, send me a pm and I may be able to help there.
    Wow! Thank you so much for the response! I use a mobile device to connect to this site and for some reason cannot post/message on the forum at all. However, you may reach me at Daughterofhicks@outlook.com It's basically a burner email I used to register to a different hypnosis site. I know putting an email in a public place is crazy, but it may be the only way to contact you outside of these comments. Thank you so much for your effort. It is understandable if you also use a burner email to contact me, it's just prudent. I'll put it first in my file rotation, listen to it every day for a month, and report weekly here on its effects; I simply cannot wait to see its effect on my writing. And to everybody else using that email: I know after this one transaction it's gone, but hugs and kisses from accross the internet to everybody!
    This file seems amazing. Can't wait for it to pass premium. I am trans and on HRT but for some reason my masculine side doesn't want to leave me. Hindering my progress in a way but most feminization files have themes of becoming dumb bimbo and becoming a slut. Not something that interests me. Thanks for making this file. Can't wait to try it out in the future.
    wow, please send me the PM please please please!
    This is fantastic. Not nearly enough files explore themes like this. Please, please, please do more! <3
    does itonly come into effect when flirting with a guy?
    Jokes on you, I already wanted all this and had taken steps to acquire these things (girly emotes, bubbly fonts, girls clothes, cute desktop backgrounds, etc). Although one thing I didn't want was it NOT to be over-the-top girly, so kinda disappointing that it'd limit the scope. Still, kind-a funny that you read my mind almost entirely when making this :D. For those wondering, this largely focuses on online/computer behaviors, not so much real life ones (although it does go over those to an extent). The Largest Part of the session (as with any hypnosis) is the induction, but the second largest is the online references and collections.
    Jokes on you, I already wanted all this and had taken steps to acquire these things (girly emotes, bubbly fonts, girls clothes, cute desktop backgrounds, etc). Although one thing I didn't want was it NOT to be over-the-top girly, so kinda disappointing that it'd limit the scope. Still, kind-a funny that you read my mind almost entirely when making this :D For those wondering, this largely focuses on online/computer behaviors, not so much real life ones (although it does go over those to an extent). The Largest Part of the session (as with any hypnosis) is the induction, but the second largest is the online references and collections.
    This genuinely helps with dysphoria so much that I could even consider it to be a sort of self help file, and doesn't have the sexual things that many other feminization files have which can be big turn offs for people who get dysphoria from arousal. Definitely one of my favorite hypnosis files