
  • InstantWetting    
    This file will cause you to urinate while listening to it and will set a trigger in your mind so you urinate whenever you hear "Urinate NOW"

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (114)
    Length: 23:23
    Downloads: 41661
    Trigger(by anyone)
    This file worked for me. I've been listening for two years, and when I hear or read the trigger, I pee. I've accidentally triggered myself, so be careful if you listen to it! If anyone wants to, feel free to send me an email or PM and make me wet myself.
    IT works completly but you feel cold while being hypnotized.
    Is this file reversible?
    Well, it works. It took a couple of times but now every time I listen to it I urinate. It's pretty intense too. Seems like the pee keeps coming and I can't stop it.
    Most of the files I listen to don't seem to have much of an effect and it's hard for me to get in trance, but this file worked very well and made me wet the first time I listened to it! It is pretty intence, with how much it makes you want to go while listening to it, but it feels so good when you finally pee.
    I know it\'s not to everyones tate but could we have an Instant pooping file lol?
    What to say this file is worth it! My girlfriend and i are in to humiliation and well she made me listen to this file 5 times in a row so that the trigger was well set in my mind we went out to a club tonight and while we were dancing after i had a few drinks we were walking out and she said it as i was walking past the line to get in and i wet myself in front of at least 5 super sexy women who all just laughed and pointed i was so embarrassed... well worth the download
    definatly works i soaked my undies and bed but i think it will eventually wear off and i think u can use this file to remove the gential switching when u masterbate file from your sub concence
    I only downloaded this file yesterday and have used it three times, it definitely works... I soaked myself each time...
    exist a cure?
    I really love the idea, and it really makes me want to pee, but on other hand the idea makes me so hard that I can\'t piss at the hand. Is there a way to avoid that?
    wow listened to it 2 times and only leaked a littlewhen the file said the trigger. before I took a shower I said the trigger and the next thing I knew was that my clothing was soaked thru and was dripping on to the floor! I rate this as a five.
    Will you make one without the trigger phrase?
    I listened this file a lot of times without results, then I got bored and forgot it...\nLast night I went to walk the dog wile I was listennig to music. Suddenly this file appeared in my Iphone, and by my surpise, coming from nowhere I found myself totally soaked untill the floor....\nSo, in the begining didn\'t work, but after a wile I finally got the results even without being prepared...
    works. i woke up wet
    I can\'t get this to work. I\'ve only been \"successful\" twice but they were orgasms not urine. Question: Does it work if I peed an hour or minutes before listening to this? Someone help, I really want to obey. Oh and just recently I couldn\'t stop shaking/vibrating, I didn\'t get out of my \"trance\" though.
    this is the only file that yeilds results... i tried it as a \"test\" and now im totally addicted to it. not that i like the fetish... but i think other files make me want to be triggered by this.\n\nmy only issue is cleanup... :(
    I cant belive it. I just wet myself after listening to it the ferst time
    Does it come in mp3? I\'m having trouble with the downloading due to safety restrictions, so could someone e-mail the file (if in mp3 format) to me at audionova@att.net? I would really appretiate it.
    Allow me to edit my other post by saying i will accept any audio file
    Please, someone send me the audio file, whetber it be on a link to mediafire or just an email with the audio file attached (subject should be instant wetting), as this is a file I have wanted. For some reason I cannot download the file so I neex somebody\'s help. PLEASE!
    This works so well even the first time I soaked my diaper
    Tried this file twice, first time I needed to pee before I tried the file thinking that might help, but I think my subconscious was so focused on not peeing, going into trace it didnt let me go all the way.\n\nTried it again today had, had a single glass of water about an hr before, then decided to run the file, and it worked like a charm, took just a slight push when the command came to start myself off, cant wait to train my mind more to work with just the trigger, will be great fun as either punishment or humiliation.
    wow if i didn\'t at last moment realize i was going to flood my bed this is wow...i had to run to the bathroom
    yeah second time around I wasn\'t so lucky....woke up and I had flooded myself
    I would like to recommend people drink a lot of water and feel a little like you have to be before starting. It makes the whole thing go much more smoothly.\n\nThe first time it didn\'t work, the second time a few drops. The third time I made a nice wet spot on my undies. I just tried the other file on the site that has the peeing noise with the trigger repeated over and over and couldn\'t control myself, I soaked myself completely.\n\nI\'m gonna keep training myself with this to make it easier and easier.
    The file defenitly works for me but i have a question can you place a spoken list with some different triggerwords online (example Pee, Piss, Wetboy) that can be addid into the original file this because a lot of people now use the same trigger Thanx in advance
    Can i get someone to email me the trigger? As a test of sorts, heard somewhere it doesn't work too well if you trigger yourself
    Love this file. Pee keeps coming
    I changed the pitch a little to make the voice sound more female, and the second time listening to this, it worked. I made sure to have had some water beforehand and it did it. This is the fastest working file I've listened to.
    2nd time of listening in bed i thought 'oh this isnt working feels like i need to force it a bit' how wrong was I, I couldnt stop for ages and every time i stopped for a sec more came soon after, soaked myself and my bed. It eventually got to a point where I could stop it tho but I'll listen to it a few more times over a toilet in the hope of losing all control. Hope nobody says the trigger when I'm in public *scared*
    I'm going to be using this file if anyone wants to trigger me here's my email theonetruefurry@gmail.com try to make it as humiliating as possible
    Now does reading the words urinate now cause the same effect
    This worked on my ex after a while. I made her listen to it every night, and she would. The trouble was the trigger had to be heard and she needed to not be expecting it, and since we were long-distance, I was only able to over the phone or through a snapchat video (which she would get suspicious about and anticipate the trigger). However after about 2 weeks straight of listening to it everyday, I used the trigger in a snap and she wet herself in front of her roommate. She said she didn't even notice it start, and had to run to the bathroom to avoid being seen with the stain on her pants. We were both really surprised! And really happy. I don't know if that trigger still works on her though, it's been a while since we spoke, but I recommend.
    Okay, so I tried listening to this and I have no recollection at all of anything after relaxing my shoulders for the first time. I came back to as he was waking me up. I immediately felt a strong urge to pee but my conscious mind wasn’t ready to let go. The second time I listened, when he said the trigger, I felt just a dribble leak out of me. So I think that with repeated listening, this really will work. I’m so excited!