
  • FemaleDreams    
    Each night after you listen to this file you will dream about the previous day but in your dreams you will be female. In the morning if you listen to the file again it will swap those dreams with your memory of the day so that you actually remember being female the previous day and being male was the dream.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (32)
    Length: 21:51
    Downloads: 30270
    Does this actually work?
    I tried listening to it twice before sleeping but didn\'t work. I\'ll try it today again.
    This file worked for me. Last night I dreamt a was a woman, I remember it completely too. Strangely, though, I felt as though I was following a script. Good file none-the-less
    Mixed results on this one- I\'ve listened to it once, about a week ago. For the next five or so nights, I had exceptionally long and vivid dreams in which I was female, but none of them were about the previous day. It was mostly just the usual strange stuff in dreams, including one very strange one where I was going down a slide with the doorman from Seinfeld. Still, may be worth trying again, if nothing else than for the vivid dreams.