
  • Curse Shaving    
    This will cause all body, pubic, under arm , beard and mustache hair to fall out and not grow back. Shaving will act like a trigger and speed up the process in any area you shave. Warning, shaving any area not mentioned in this file will cause hair to fall out there too, ie...shave your head and you will be bald..

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (44)
    Length: 24:23
    Downloads: 16161
    Does this really work? I hope so. Also, Ive listened to it once a day for the last two days. Am I supposed to be getting so horny when Im listening to it? :)
    nice one
    Great file! I listened to it before trancing, to see if it affects your eyebrows & eyelashes. I\'m glad to hear the specific statement that it doesn\'t. Can\'t wait to go under and listen again!
    oh. my. god. THis was the first file that worked on me. and how it works! I listened to it maybe 5/6 times normally and another 8/9 subliminally. no leg hair and all other hear (below ears) is falling out. i definitely recommend it.
    I would do this if not for the fear that someone will shave my head in my sleep to play a prank on me and I would be bald...
    OMG I woke up and thought it worked but as the day went on I saw some fine hair on my arms and face but hair appears to have decreased and not from shaving as it is not in sharp -lined patches but just generally dispersed hair loss .... weird .... is it my imagination or real ??????? :)
    I have a question: Will the hair automatically fall out on every part of the body from the beginning or only when I will shave there the first time after listening to the file? Is ther any way to get the legs and half part of the armss out of this file?
    damn like this is almost exactly wat im lookig for i hope someoe aswers back soon but to b completely honest im just recovering from opiate adiction which the helll i went thru well im doe with that gotto move o to thimgd that hav always itrigued me now im beig completely honest i pull off a beatiful woman but my fantasy is to b forced by woman and her teo friens only sexual contact with my fiace but the other two will hve big part to play too,,,, there all friends theyll alll bbe dow butt i wannt a file thats gonna make me shav almost everythig rite after i listen..... i waa shave legs arms pits chesr pubes everythig sides head i wammmma feel like i hav o control rite after i listen
    Why call this a curse? Seems more like a blessing! No more having to shave or trim all hat nasty body hair. All the effects of laser hair removal for a nice free and painless package!
    I would love to use this file but I need to keep my facial hair. Is there any chance of you doing a version for just the body hair?
    I'd definitely try it if it ONLY affected pubic and leg hair.
    I have a question. Does getting a haircut trigger the hair loss?
    I have started listening to this file today. I have already shaven my entire head and body, and I want all my body hair, and the hair on my head to permanently die off. I don't think of this file as a curse, I want this to happen, I want to be completely hairless. I will leave another message when this process is complete. I must go now and listen to this file again.
    Duties, any updates?
    sorry Dukie069, any updates?
    Here's an update. I have been trying to listen to this file twice a day. I still have hair growing on my body, but it is no longer growing back as thick as it was. The hairs that are coming back are thinner and lighter. I was using an electric shaver to shave my body and head, but have decided even though this is a bit ambiguous that I have started body shaving with a razor, also my facial and scalp hair with a razor. There is no change yet for my scalp hair, it is still growing out just as fast. I will keep listening to this file for as long as it takes. The file doesn't give a definite time that this will be finished. Usually you have to listen to a hypnosis file daily for at least 21 days to lock it in. Some times when I listen to this file, I feel my skin getting warm, other times not, but I make sure I am in trance every time the curse starts. My test is if I can open my eyelids. If they just stay closed and flutter, I am in trance, also when I have a weightless feeling or a feeling like I am falling, I know I am in trance.
    Thanks. I'm gonna give it a try.
    Would love to use this great file. But as a leather slave , facial is part of the requirement. Is there anyway to get around the facial hair loss. Thank you.