
  • The Family's Baby — $30    

    Fall deeper and deeper into your adult baby fantasies as you learn to find pleasure and arousal in the idea of being taken care of as the baby in a loving family or your making. Discover yourself traveling through fun and exciting scenarios in which you learn about how pleasurable it is to be an incontinent and helpless baby in each and every relationship that you choose to be in. Become obsessed with the idea of having a family to take care of you and treat you like the baby that you love to be and find yourself treating your romantic partners in the same way that a child would treat their parents and caregivers. Encourage any romantic partner that you find in the future into dating and fucking others as you know that you are just a baby and that you desire for your loving parent to be as happy and fulfilled in their life as you are.

    1. Daydreams
    Find yourself sitting in a comfortable chair in your living room as you daydream about the family that you have always desired. Remember that you have always craved to be the happiest and most stress free that you can possibly be in your future and know that you need to make changes in your life in order to make your perfect fantasies a reality.

    2. Vision Board
    Discover yourself sitting in a comfortable high chair in the middle of a familiar kitchen. Look towards your parents sitting at the table as they giggle and coo at you and feed you your favorite baby food. Remember how exciting it is to be completely helpless and unable to feed yourself and know that you are incredibly grateful that your parents always know best and will always take care of you. Know that you have always desired to be a baby and that you naturally crave the love and attention that you receive from your parents and caregivers.

    3. Caregiver
    Thinking about how you would love to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend in the future. Know that you can never be truly happy in a relationship unless you are treated like the happy and carefree baby that you have always desired to be. Remember that you will always be the happiest whenever you are in a comfortable and crinkly diaper and will search for a partner that will love you exactly the way you are.

    4. Attachment
    Find yourself sitting on the floor in your bulky and comfortable diaper as you watch TV with your parents. Discover that you love all children’s programming as it features innocent and wholesome characters that they can admire and emulate in your everyday life. Find yourself listening to each and every word that your parents say about the programs that you are watching and automatically absorbing it as truth. Know that you would feel uncomfortable and directionless without your caring and loving parents and know that you desire to happily follow every command that you are given so that you can live the happiest and most carefree life you possibly can.

    5. Purpose
    Discover your love of being told what to do in your life and find the idea of needing your parents to direct you on every single decision that you need to make completely pleasurable and exciting. Desire to be directed by your parents on how to dress and style your hair and even the correct way to speak and think and feel. Learn of your craving for following orders and obeying exactly what you are told and enjoy the warm feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment that you get in your chest whenever you make a choice that makes your loving parents happy.

    6. Lifelong Baby
    Fantasize about being surrounded by the people that love to treat you like the baby that you naturally prefer to be. Crave to become the baby in the family as you work towards your best possible future. 

    Choose your family. Become the perfect baby more and more with each listen.

    *Note: Like my ‘Baby Compulsion’ induction, this file adds intrusive thoughts about becoming a baby whenever the listener is around their romantic partner. Some language used to strengthen these habits may be stronger than other ABDL files in my collection.

    *Note: Cuckold suggestions are only in the ‘Slut’ version of this file, only available on in the Brainwash Slut tier of my Patreon.


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    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 48:03
    Downloads: 1