
  • Ain't Telling    
    An interesting fun little subliminal trigger file for straight women although may work for gay women and tg men using "girl files." But what does it do? Well I'm not telling it's a nice little surprise for you. Listen with headphones preferably on a loop and enjoy. I am interested to hear back from people who have listened to see if they are having any effects.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
    Length: 19:13
    Downloads: 1958
    Trigger(by item)
    That\'s Really Dangerous to listen to files that no one knows what it is.
    Don\'t worry, \"subliminal trigger\" is like an oxymoron when it comes to what would actually work. Even the guy that coined the phrase \"subliminal message\" only ever claimed that they could alter your current thought process, not that they would have any lasting effects resembling hypnosis.
    Subliminals have only ever been shown to work on people who know what the effect is supposed to be, and who believe they will work. It has also been demonstrated (by an experiment using \"phobia cure\" subliminal CDs to help people stop smoking) that the effect of a subliminal recording is what you have been told it will be, and the actual words have no effect.\n\nThe effect of this file will be nothing. Or if you\'re really suggestible, it could just be what you expect to happen.
    Sorry, but while I agree it\'s DANGEROUS to put something out without a description, Subliminals have only been debunked in your own world.\n\nFor the point that subliminals only work if the person knows what they are for, that is only partially correct. They alone will barely surface on their own merit, that much is usually true.\nBut to make them work, it actually take egging them into doing something.\n\nSubliminals make one more inclined to do WHAT the subliminals say: when the suggestions are then brought upon to the conscious mind.\n\nIn other words, if you hated the taste of coke, and loved Pepsi, a regular file may not work to make you like coke, because it\'s against what you believe.\nBut if you listened to a subliminal regularly to influence you, you may say \"Okay!\" if someone says \"wanna go get a coke?\".\n\nGo to DreamGirlsGT, I\'ve been using those files for a few months on my wife.\nI\'ve been having luck making her into a slave that now says she\'s my bitch (she was raised by a corrupt Catholic family of female supremacists), and goes down on me (she used to hate BJs because of a unpleasent past experience).\n\nSo don\'t debunk subliminals, lol.
    PS: Jeshi, you have no credibility to anyone when you cannot even use an proper vocabulary.\n\n\"Don\\\'t worry, \\\"subliminal trigger\\\" is like an oxymoron when it comes to what would actually work.\" An Oxymoron is something that SOUNDS contradictory, but comes together to make a valid whole. I think the correct word you were looking for was contradiction.
    This seems to have become quite a contentious file. I\'m not 100% certain this file will work myself but can\'t see any reason why a trigger can\'t be subliminal, although it may take a bit time to sink in than an induction. As for the effect I haven\'t put any obedience commands in this and it should not embarrass any one \"unless you give yourself away by lack of self control e.g. giggling.\" Also should be able to be removed by a standard file wipe. I would like to hear from people who have listened to this file to say if they have experienced any effect and what effect they think it did have..
    it\'s just music. If there\'s a voice track, it\'s way too quiet to even register that it\'s there, let alone know what it does. I\'m not sure it\'ll do anything, honestly
    mmmmm....I like this file! yeah, I have a thing for fucking with my head without knowing what\'s happening. This file was thoroughly enjoyable!
    I can\'t imagine anyone using a file that has no idea what it is...but then that\'s just my opinion.
    Both ain\'t tellin files are very arousing and make me want something in me. Anything.
    I can hear plenty although I can\'t make out what it is...or maybe I can and I Ain\'t\'Telling ;-) Seriously...I can hear more than the waves and music.
    Shure it does a lot to me. Submission and use of mouth, ass and cunt to several. Thanks for the file.
    Dude, it's been 6 years. What is the trigger, cuz it seems to be causing my girl distress. She keeps trying to do things at weird times, but I don't know what is triggering it so I can avoid it. Please, spoil this for us now. PS. It works, just wouldn't mind knowing what is making it work. As for demigraff, you don't know what you are talking about dear.
    ps. I am the only one to leave you a rating. I gave it 3cuz it works. If I knew the trigger I would give it a 5. No matter how much I listen, it won't register with me, so I don't know the trigger myself, and I never feel triggered. I am also really straight, so that might be why.
    ps. I am the only one to leave you a rating. I gave it 3 cuz it works. If I knew the trigger I would give it a 5. No matter how much I listen, it won't register with me, so I don't know the trigger myself, and I never feel triggered. I am also really straight, so that might be why.
    I am the only one to leave you a rating. I gave it 3 cuz it works. If I knew the trigger I would give it a 5. No matter how much I listen, it won't register with me, so I don't know the trigger myself, and I never feel triggered. I am also really straight, so that might be why.