
  • Curse Gay Muscle Beast    
    This file is the same as Curse Muscle Bound(and works well with it) but the listener is slowly transformed into a Muscle Beast when you aren't triggered. A muscle Beast is someone with an extreme level of sexual need that has an almost animalistic level sexual need as well as a drive to build the muscle.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (23)
    Length: 23:09
    Downloads: 10231
    I actively recommend this file, I found it to be amazing right off the bat, and felt myself responding to it instantly, and the sometimes forceful tone of voice used in this file does a number on me. The only reason I do not listen to it regularly is I am currently straight. I gave this a 5, but if I could have given it higher I would have. An amazing file!
    I really liked this file, but EMG seemed to change his mind halfway about what it does, making it kinda longer than it needs to be. But I really, really, really like the idea of a gay muscle beast. :3
    This file does not mention the "gay" aspect that much, really. Also, it doesn't mention the "muscle" aspect enough for my tastes. However, it would be great for those seeking to boost sex drive.
    I have listened to this file many times. I agree with iamatestsubjectofme. I am also straight and I responded to it well also. I have listened to musclegrowthcurse file and it works also. The forceful voice gets me going! You should download it.