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My career as a hypnotic subject

by Eugler

I started at April 9th with my journey into kinky hypnosis. I have listened to Isabella Valentine's "Wet Dreams" several times before and had some kind of success but I quit because of lack of free time. Now I filled my MP3 player completely with so many kinky hypnotic files. BTW. So many thanks to all the authors of theese great files! My first attempt is EMG's Visualization Helper which gives me very good results. I have listened for three times so far and I'm getting better every time. So long I will continue documenting my journey into hypnotic bliss.


- lew897

I definitely agree that the file visualization help is awesome. I made some remixes on this and listen to it everyday, and it helped a ton. Good luck and perseverance.

- Eugler

Thank you! Unfortunately I was not able to listen to the file for the last week but I will start listening today again. Need new earphones.

- Eugler

Managed to listen today again during lunch break. I was very tired which resulted in an interesting hypnagogic experience. Some lucid dreamers may know the experience of seeing with eyes closed. Unfortunately I missed quite a lot of the track and was not able to concetrate fully due to being very tired.

- Eugler

I have listened to this file for three times more now. I fell asleep most of the time. I need to get some better sleep at night. I hope I will remain awake at future listenings.

- Eugler

6. Managed listening for the sixth time now. Spent the time half asleep but during the wake episodes visualization was great. When I fell asleep I started dreaming and wondered why the dream characters were talking english to me. (Not my native language).

- Eugler

Today I managed to stay awake for the most of the time. Great. I can feel my visualisation skills improving.

- Eugler

14. Great results. I still love the file. I contacted the protective subpersonality again and compromised that he would support the visualisation process. Had some ideas about staying awake with making the trance more white.

- Eugler

15. I went deeper and the deeper I went the better and the more vivid the images became. I had an image very close to the multisensoric reality for several seconds. Love it.

- Eugler

16. Fell asleep again - just for documentation

- Eugler

17.:Fell asleep half of the file. Sometimes the "transparanet-Eyelid-Effect" but the visualizations were not that vivid.

- Eugler

18. too tired-just for documentation

- Eugler

18. Addition: had transparent Eyelids and some dream sequences.

- Eugler

18. - 22. Just for documentation

- Eugler

23. I went very deep, had two cups of coffee before. This time the hypnotic induction went different. Letting go lead more upwards than down. I felt an activating feeling of energy flowing through my body. I remembered my appointment with the inner self and I somehow connected my experience with my first hypnagogic effects like the glowing you experience with the eyes closed. This made the internal images more vivid. So I had some seconds real-life-like images with a comparably wake consciousness. Great!

- Eugler

24. Just for documentation.

- Eugler

25.+26. Great files, just for documentation.

- Eugler

27. Just for documentation.

- Eugler

27. Just for documentation.

- Eugler

28. Today I enjoyed it very much. The trance was very deep and different from sleep. The mental images were clear and vivid.

- Eugler

29. Fell half asleep today again. Don't know what makes the difference. Why do I fall asleep one day and stay awake another day? Had funny transparent-eyelid-effects again.

- Eugler

08.- Fell asleep again. Hope that the hypnosis works while asleep, too.

- Eugler

30. the last time today. I sent the half time awake, the rest mixed with dream images. But anyway. The 30 times listening definitely improved my visualization skills.

- Eugler

09. half awake - half asleep. just for documentation

- Eugler

10. + 11. Managed to stay awake. trying on a different time of the day seems to help.

- Eugler

12.: Still figuring out the best way to stay awake. Today I tried becoming slightly aroused before listening in combination with coffee. It worked well. I had another discovery: Every time I started having a good mental image it finally disappeared. I felt a part of my psyche destroying it. I asked myself why? This part has the task to protect me from getting lost in a fantasy world. So I made the deal with this part: It will help me going deeper and having more vivid and intense images and afterwards it will guide me back to waking reality and warn if I am in danger of getting lost. Great experience, the images were also great!

- Eugler

13. Caffeine and slight arousal during lunch break: managed to remain awake. Just for documentation

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