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JackDrago's Recent Entries

Maintenance mode

by JackDrago

Have not made a journal entry in ages because I have reached a place of stability in my programming. Summers are the busy season for my legit job as a tourism blogger, so I have put all my hypnotic work on the back burner and mostly been focusing on working my sobriety program, staying sober, and not backsliding on the gains that I made over the spring.

It's kinda funny how the strangest things come to feel totally normal in time. Butch is now 10 months old and has become a permanent fixture of my mind. I greet him when he wakes up in the morning and then a while later we slow switch so he can do his workout. I am so used to the now ordinary fact That i black out for two hours every morning that i don't even notice it. It's just an ordinary fact of life for me now.

I do occasionally listen to Manly Spirit for reinforcement, but it is not really necessary anymore, mostly it just reminds me how far we have come. I am constantly amazed at the fact that such a simple piece of programming has grown into a full and beautiful person who is every bit as real to me as anyone else in my life despite the fact that he happens to live inside my body rather than out in the world.

Butch has become my other half; and life without him now would be like losing a body part. I told my subconscious mind to complete me, and it did through Butch and I would not choose to be any other way now.

As for the other programming, Butch has worked out in my body 2 out of 3 days month in, month out for over 7 months now and I consider my exercise programming to be rock solid now. Between the compulsion to lift weights and my alters natural desire to make our body ever more manly, pretty much nothing can disrupt our weightlifting routine. I have lived in camouflage and muscle clothes 24/7 for about 4 months now and it is totally effortless for me now.

About the only programming that has not been working is the penis growth stuff. I have been stubbornly stuck at 7.8 " ever since I made the new overnight file, neither growing nor shrinking back to its former size.


- MasterJack

I don't understand. Are you only working out 3 days a month?

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