
  • Gaslighting    
    Let me tell you a few uncomfortable truths, and talk a bit about forgetfulness, and memory and how little you should trust yours, and about who you can trust instead. Let me confuse you, using clever, if a little disjointed, chatter. Insidious, maybe evil. Suggests that you comment to let me know what should happen to you next. Permissive, as always. Nothing can happen to you, unless you choose it. Probably not, that is.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (13)
    Length: 26:58
    Downloads: 1235
    Absolutely love this series and your files. Ive only listened to this one once and its effects are powerful. I feel a little bit disoriented but wanting more. I think you mentioned something about leaving a comment. My favourite feeling is the feeling of blank emptiness and of being guided so the last two Ive listened to have been exactly what I have been looking for. Great work
    Thank you for this comment, and the one you left on another file. I'm sure that I can't keep up this pace of production, but knowing that there are folks who enjoy these encourage me to continue putting as much time as possible toward making more. It helps that mind control is my biggest fetish. Knowing how very nice it is to just get lost lets me offer you that experience, too.
    I really enjoyed it. The first time, I did kinda "black out" & didn't remember much after, even though I was just listening on the computer speakers without headphones. The second time, I remembered a little more, but that's kind of fading.
    This is the first file of yours that I've tried, and I'm re-upping my subscription just to glom the rest of your work right away. I LOVE your style, the clever words and twisting path, and your pacing is perfect. I almost always jerk off the first time I listen to a file, and I certainly got pretty frenzied at some points with this, but then the path would turn a corner and I was just laying there, buzzing, following along peacefully. As far as what I'm after, well, beneficial personality alteration is my usual hunt, but more appropriately to your style I've always wanted to experience a post-hypnotic reaction to a trigger where I'm not consciously aware of the decision at all. Honestly, following your words was so much fun that I hardly care about the result.
    Thank you for saying such nice things. I had kind of wandered off again myself, but I always find my way back here. I'm so glad to find that my files have been so enjoyed! That is why I make them, after all. And nice feedback encourages making more, sooner.
    i feel the collar slip around my mind and neck and the leash fasten to the collar. it scares me, and yet i yearn for it to drag me deeper into submission and obedience. i don't understand it, i loath it and i need it.
    I am really enjoying listening to all your files, though I can't really remember much, I just know I need more please.
    like the above I really do not remember more than the beginning and the end and maybe one or two items from the middle. but I like hypnosis for itself and do not have any particular goal in mind so I did enjoy it. over time we will see if there are any permanent changes, for example, disinhibition.
    I had a really good time listening to this file despite not remembering about half of it. The conversational tone is really great, plus imo you have a really nice cadence to your voice that makes it easy to follow. I think my absolute favorite part is when you described how the listener is seeking out a trap to see if it works and laughing while saying "but you're trapped in it". I was really deep in trance by that point but it still made me smile lmao. I'm really looking forward to seeing more files from you in the future. As a side note, I also appreciate that your files seem to be gender neutral, and I hope that will remain the case even if you make files in the future that are more specifically sexual. I like it a lot when files use more vague terms like arousal rather than mentioning specific things like genitals, breasts, etc.
    I had a really good time listening to this file despite not remembering about half of it. The conversational tone is really great, plus imo you have a really nice cadence to your voice that makes it easy to follow. I think my absolute favorite part is when you described how the listener is seeking out a trap to see if it works and laughing while saying "but you're trapped in it". I was really deep in trance by that point but it still made me smile lmao. I'm really looking forward to seeing more files from you in the future. As a side note, I also appreciate that your files seem to be gender neutral, and I hope that will remain the case even if you make files in the future that are more specifically sexual. I like it a lot when files use more vague terms like arousal rather than mentioning specific things like genitals, breasts, etc. Anyway, thanks for listening to my feedback, I'm excited to hear what you put out next.
    Wow! This file is absolutely mind blowing. You have a wonderful voice and I really enjoyed listening! So amazed! Off to listen again ☺️
    Im... so confused right now. I think thats a good thing though? I dont remember much of what happened in that. File. Except the bit at the end. I think i remember. Seeing your logic as faulty at the beginning. And then i remeber thinking i probbably couldn't trust it. Everything you said at the end though made perfect sense i could remember that. It really made me so happy that you were proud of me at the end. I think I'd like for to be make me feel controlled and act and do things. Thinking i had to. I also think id like for other friends i trust a lot to be able to do that to me too. Also i can see youve stopped making content. But thats ok, I hope you do again sometime ill be looking forward to whatever you come up with. :3
    I'm so confused? I've never been this confused after a file, how long was that?
    This is a great file! I don't remember much but it was really enjoyable I think?
    Very interesting. Confusion inductions are, confusingly, effective on me. Now, you wanted our comments? Ok. It's not that I want to be trapped. You are right, it is a sense, in some sense, that I want to experience the "trap" as you called it. To see how much or how little effect it has. To learn which techniques actually have an effect or not -- so that I can make use of it myself. After all, it's the only way I know of to know what effect different techniques have, to experience them myself. But it's "catch and release". Knowing that the trap will be released means that it's safe to explore and experiment. I can risk playing with a trap if it's not dangerous, if it's not going to be a long-term trap. Suggestions that are only for the duration of the trance are fine. Any sort of long-term effect should be both clearly stated up-front, and always positive for the listener. And, it's not that I want to be submissive. That's not accurate. I have a dom, but I'm not submissive. The difference -- and this is key -- is that I'm submissive to a specific person that is caring and loving to me. I'm not going to be submissive to just anyone. I mean, can you imagine if you tried something like putting a collar around my neck as a sign of ownership? That would have been rejected so fast it would make your head spin. I'm so glad you didn't do anything permanent like that.
    You’re files are so effective and intense. Wish I could serve you more as your slave.
    Idek what to comment but it is giving me satisfaction just commenting????
    That was pretty intense. I blacked out for the first time listening to a a file about halfway through and was very confused from the start. I hoped the effect of confusion and just feeling mindfucked would last a while after and it didn't really but it was still amazing and I'll certainly listen again!
    This was insanely good. Fuck.
    I uh, wow. Kinda just followed along I think, but also I kinda just don't remember much, but it felt so good. Time kinda just passed and I love that
    I really followed along, it was very realxing even though I barely remember anything from the file, I just feel really, really good and submit to you
    Sir, I really enjoyed the conversation we had together. The only thing I want is to be your slave sir, I can't wait to listen again