
  • Automatic Body and Mind with Awakener    



    This file does not include an induction, so use whatever one you want.

    WARNING: I haven’t gotten this to work on me yet, but I just started using it, so who knows if it works. This is just an experiment, so feel free to use/steal any part of this. It is possible that one might experience temporary extreme suffering if forced into the state that is induced by this file. The full script is included. You must read it before you use this file. The suggestions in the file are strongly worded and self perpetuating.

    What does this file do?

    This file will make it feel like your body is doing everything it normally does, except it will feel like the body is doing everything by itself. It will also make all thought, imagination, and thinking feel like it is happening by itself, without your intervention or control. What I just described is what is ACTUALLY REALLY HAPPENING TO EVERYONE ALWAYS, it just does not feel that way (at all) because of the delusion of self, the delusion that there is a person (“you”) always piloting your body and mind. The goal of this file is to make this reality of no self obvious (way more obvious than normal) to consciousness. In doing so, the consciousness experiencing the effects of this file observes that, in actuality, nothing has fundamentally changed about it’s experience of this life, and in having this observation, they permanently dissociate from their sense of self having witnessed directly that there never was a self.

    What is the reality of Non-Self?

    (This is my own intellectualization of non self. It is likely to be flawed. Please don’t take anything here as gospel.)

    The mind and body are always running without you. You only feel like there is a you because the mind is running a miraculous and extremely energy intensive mental program all the time called “a sense of self”. The “sense of self” mental program works around the clock, in the computer that is the human brain, to create a constant “sense of self” that (makes it feel like) / (projects into consciousness the feeling) there is a person (you) in the body making decisions, thinking, and piloting the body. What does the “sense of self” feel like? The entire sense of self is a “doing”. It's the sense of there being a ‘you’ who is the cause of actions and thoughts. When in actuality, conscious / (everything that is sensed by all the senses) is a space, vessel, field, soul of god, being projected and filtered by the brain (in conjunction with the sense organs), and within that space, thoughts and decisions are being autonomously created by the brain AND the energy hog “sense of self.exe” constantly jumps around the mind applying the feeling/sensation that these thoughts and decisions are being caused by a “you” (that there is a sense of a “doing” being done by a piloting you).


    Another way to conceptualize non self, is the idea that there is no observable you between moments of time. There is no “insert your name here” to carry “your” fearing and desiring between the hours, minutes, and microseconds of the day, or between the days. But, who are you? Imagine that you were literally everything you see with your eyes but there was no “you” behind your eyes seeing; no thing that sees, only what is seen. Imagine that you were literally everything you hear with your ears, but there was no “you” between your ears hearing; no thing that hears, only what is being heard now. Imagine that you were literally all the feelings you felt with your body, but there was no “you” inside your body feeling; only a bunch of feelings floating in space by themselves. So it is in reality.


    Notice how you don’t exist. Only the idea of you exists. But what is the thing that directs thought and plans and thinks? It is the brain without you. But what is the thing that directs attention? It is the brain without you. But what is the thing that is watching? The watcher, the action of watching, and the thing being watched are one.


    Why should I want to listen to this? Sell me!

    We all carry the burden of choice. We suffer from worrying about doing the right thing. We suffer from worrying about doing the wrong thing. We suffer constantly from the fear of fucking up. We suffer from thinking we are not doing enough! We suffer from our desire for heaven, and we suffer from our fear of hell, because we idiotically believe that there is an “I” that can be saved or damned. This is completely insane because no one is actually in control; there is no soul to be responsible for the successes and failures of your life. But the delusion of self is so strong it makes us experience heaven and hell in our daily lives. The hope is that this file might loosen the delusion of self.


    I will now speak from lived experience. One day, life gave me a straight flush and I had the unbelievable luck of experiencing about 20 seconds of life without a self. This was caused by following attention through awareness like a rabid dog (I did this as a meditation (I had been meditating for the past 10 months). I lost control of my body and mind after maintaining attention on where attention was, continuously (no interruption in knowing where attention was), for about 5 minutes. The experience of no self was life becoming gloriously effortless, absolutely automatic, and I experienced unbelievable peace (I felt really good, like being extremely cross faded with an extremely clear and peaceful mind). After this experience, I can say, with absolute certainty, that the reality of non-self and the need to dispel the insanity of self described in the schools of Buddhism is absolutely true! If one wishes to learn to practice Buddhism, I highly recommend the book, “The Three Pillars of Zen: Teaching, Practice, and Enlightenment”. One of the many reasons I recommend this book is that the 3rd part of the book includes accounts of enlightenment arising out of people and what causes caused the effect of enlightenment (or what can more accurately be described as entering into the process of enlightenment permanently).


    The following may be erroneous: My understanding is that by simply seeing how reality really is, one’s mind will naturally (eventually) come to understand that all sense of control is an extremely painful illusion created by the mind for the sake of survival. Once one’s brain (biological computer) sees that there is no pilot, and that all desire and fear is being forced onto it by evolutionary programming, it realizes that all control is impossible and gives up so hard that it enters into a supernatural state of relaxation (extreme bliss and peace) that exists so long as there is an intellectual firmament that possess this understanding (an understanding gained simply by observing reality repeatedly). Because this extreme peace is caused by an internal understanding, it means that nothing in the external world can affect your happiness. Whether you're on a hellish battlefield or in the Garden of Delectation, your blissful peace will remain unaffected by exterior conditions. 


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    Self Help
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 03:04
    Downloads: 14