
  • Cant feel your bladder — $20    
    Imagine that EMG gives you a special medicine that makes it so you can't feel your bladder at all and thus can't control it. The first dose only lasts a few hours, but ever additional one lasts longer and longer. Pretty soon you can't feel your bladder at all.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3)
    Length: 22:34
    Downloads: 228
    Temporary(fixed time)
    A pretty nice, straightforward file for those who find visualization and Eriksonian techniques to be useful for them. A standard EMG induction follows a body that is just what it says--an attempt to cause temporary bladder incontinence by visualization of it being anesthetized. Occasionally, a chair squeak or two comes through the recording, but it doesn\'t detract from the file. As warned, repeated use of this file will eventually lead to full-time bladder incontinence.
    I wish this was free. It sound like so much fun.\n