
  • harmed - Shout Yourself Stupid — $15    

    Tourettes. Verbal tics.  The inability to control your mouth. Like a yawn or a sneeze, you simply yell. You're unconscious ready to unleash nonsense whenever, wherever. For the dumb fucks. The more you let it out, the quicker your mind dies...


    harmed: Human Adjustment Reprogramming Machine Education & Destruction.


    Start with the Trancer, then mix in your other harmed files and let them loop. Some like to touch. Others find themselves lost in the hypnotic void. Use headphones, and set the volume to something peaceful.


    Craving More?? I like that


    New @

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:00
    Downloads: 20