
  • Cherry's Re-mixes series #1 Daddy Special:   ,  

    The Cherry's Remixes series are Files I've made previously for my beautiful wife, some already on WMM some not, upgraded, updated, remixed and otherwise modified according to the specifications and requests of my babygirl (She gets what she wants.) Warning: Most Cherry's Remixes contain strong themes of non-Adult-Baby, sexually explicit age-play fantasies/roleplay/ as well as examples of Daddy based dirty talk that doesn't sound forced or foolish. 

    Last week my princess was looking at my files, and said, 'Daddy, most of these aren't nearly kinky enough, or they aren't ringing my bells hard enough yet. 'Can't you make them more intense?' 'They're close, It's getting soo good, I think you know it's worlds better than when we started, but I still get self conscious; or worry what other people are thinking about me, my actions and outfit, especially out in public, and even at the best of times, sometimes I get stuck in my head, and when i do you aren't there, feeding me, or spanking me or whatever, y'know?' 'I'm still landing  in my fucked up past, sometimes, and not my preferred fetishized kink version, the one I really had.  I really think we're almost there, so.. what do you think, can you fix them, please?" "I know it's work for you -but i think.. you like it.. or at least, the results.' (bit of an understatement there)  'think about what it would be like if my.. kitty training (I knew she wanted to say 'slut-training', but she couldn't bring herself to do it when she wasn't particulary turned on - this for me was motivation - it was proving her point.) was purrfect.. no dead spots left , no more glitches where i burst into tears in the middle of a public display, or whatever, please..Daddy?' Being a reasonable person, and a gentleman, of course I asked what I could do to help. Wordlessly she handed me a notebook, with about fifteen pages covered in her handwriting, most pages had the heading of one of my existing files, with her wishes for additions listed below. a few pages had entirely new script ideas. This is the first of the Remixes, a deeply deviant shift into 'over-drive' with Cherry's remix of  my 'Daddy Special'  file. it's got a heavy focus not only daddy dirty talk but also age play fantasy play (all age-play material is purely for fantasy purposes, between consenting adults.)






    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 40:09
    Downloads: 87