
  • so, you wanna be a porn star?    

    file is designed to encourage, and intensify the pre-existing fantasy of being or desire to actually be a pornstar, to overcome inhibitions, and fears, and to actually go through with this if it is offered to you. it also directs you towards certain behaviors which should increase your likelyhood of attracting the attention of the right kind of individual for your lovely new passtime, someone who will want to make porn with you. contents include brief clips of pornagraphic audio, sections from  'the little pornstar', by Veve and short snips of heavily edited audio from emg's 'do anything for money'

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 29:41
    Downloads: 185
    This is labeled as having a male voice but the main voice is definitely female and I'm pretty sure TTS. Also, it's not labeled as such but it's specifically for straight men because the porn audio is from straight porn.
    There are voices of all three types and since one track is tts and one female and three male, I went with quantity as the deciding factor
    Also the porn type voice tracks are selected for their extreme nature and very dirty talk/arousing taboo content primarily for the arousal of straight women and/others who identify as something similar with attraction to men being primary