
  • SlutinmyHead - Engagement Ring Slut — $10    
    Your engagement ring makes you promiscuous because watching it sparkle is hypnotic. Monogamy might get easier once you\'re both officially married, but until then, this is just how it is. You are an engagement ring slut. Put on your lipstick and enjoy it.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 19:44
    Downloads: 57
    Temporary(until event)
    Get this free with purchase of Buy Me My Ring or Buy her That ring.
    This info about getting the file for free was not shown in the main listing. I would have totally bought the others to get this one for free. Two for one is always better. Not fair. Any chance to reverse the deal in light of this... meaning get one of the ones mentioned above for free? Thanks and keep up the good work. Chemistry of a Good idea is the hottest one in your collection so far. Its cool to hear both your voice and a girls voice.
    Mokshaman - PM me for a free file. I made that comment half-joking because of how the files would work together, but I will honor it. And if somehow you find this even though it's been a few years, I'll send you any one free file of your choice :)