
da 14 - mor happnins bros

by sarka

hay wutz ^ bros i prolly wont ^date 4 a wile cince i hav 2 wurk owt 4 my wurk im stil listn 2 the files i joind n sum sports 2da i joind football n sum baseball im hopn 2 git a gurl at th game on frida knight rite now im sittn an lookn at espn an espn2 watchn th gamez im warin my ny yankees t an sum matchn short an hat i relly o lotz of cred to emg fur thos filez i hav nevr ben beter not havn a care in th wurld an i luv sports soo much an stuf eniwayz by bros talk 2 u l8tr


- BillionSix

I have never been a fan of dumb jock, but I think you are okay. I am happy for you, bro!

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