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Jack's Fall, Jill's Rise Pt.1

by Solarius

Jack's Fall, Jill's Rise Pt.1

Jack woke up to the sound of water dripping.

Opening his eyes, he noticed that he was both lying on the floor of some unknown room, but also that the room was old, and dirty. Struggling against the slight weakness in his limbs, Jack picked himself up slowly, carefully, eyes looking around the dim room in cautious curiosity, noting the lack of proper lighting and the the various features. A tub, a curtained off corner, a fridge, a strong metal door and, most noticably, a fairly new and clean bed compared to the rest of the room. Looking up, he only saw one light fixture, mounted by a single electric bulb, flickering with age, but still strong enough to fill the room with light sutiuble for human eyes.

Mind whirring in thought, Jack tried to remember how exactly he went from drinking himself into a stupor at the bar, to lying in a obviously hidden room. Shivering from the lack of heat slightly, he shuffled over to the bed slowly mindful of the vertigo that had haunted him since standing up, and sat down, wrapping himself in the thick blanket.

"Where am I?" He asked to the empty room, the lack of objects making his voice echo around the room lightly. "And how did I get here?" Waiting for a n answer that wasn't coming, Jack curled into the blanket, swearing to himself that he wouldn't sleep, but was quickly overwhelmed from shock, and natural tiredness, dragged back down into the oblivion of unconciousness.

"Are you awake Mr. Harval?" The loud voice echoed through Jack's blank state of dreaming, and woke him with a start. Violently throwing off the covers, Jack looked around the room to determine where it was coming from, and who. "You won't see me Mr.Harval, I'm in a different room." Almost hearing the smile in the Women's voice, Jack pinpointed a speaker set in one of the shadowed corners, and grimaced. "Who are you?!" He demanded, desperately wanting answers from "Why am I here?!". "For our own eardrums safety, Mr.Harval, this is a one way system, including being able to watch you. But as most of our guests, I'm sure you have the same basic questions of 'Why am I here?' and 'What are you going to do?'. The answer to both of those is simple, Mr. Harval, and beautifully simple. You are here, because you are expendable by society to test on. A simple day laborer, barely finished high school, never went to college, etc. You are easily replacable, and wonderfully anynomous." The Women paused, as though to let that sink in. "To be even more clear, Mr. Harval, you have a wonderfully open mind to our... techniques. We work for a group of investors who have what you might call... aberrant tastes in their sexual fantasies and relations. One of our major contractors, in paticular, has a taste for women who were originally men... with some modifications of course. And, as I'm sure you've figured out, since there is no indication that you're stupid, you're intended to be the next of his companions, a reserve for when he bores of his current favorite." Jack had gone very pale, and began shivering, his mind awhirl with fear and confusion at this mad women's words.

"In fact, we're rather proud of the hypnotic mental changes we've developed... I can assure you, by the end, that you'll be happy in your new life. However, one word of warning. If you try and kill yourself, or harm yourself in anyway, we will be forced to punish you, Mr. Harvel. And I can assure you, we have ways. So, please relax, and try to accept as much as you can, Mr. Harvel, because there is no way you can refuse the process. Good day." With a audible click, the speaker turned off, leaving Jack in silence. And, with alarcity, Jack began yelling profanities and demands at the room, despite no one being able to hear him, his curses swiftly dissolving into weeping at the pointlessness of it all. Exhausted, and drained Jack fell asleep soon after.

"... You want to suck Cocks... you want to have Breasts... you want to be Fucked... you want to like Men... you want to be Owned... your name is now Jill... you want to..." The slow drone of sound woke Jack up after a undeterminable amount of time, the noise of it filling the room and his ears with a chorus of voices, over and over and over, droning out his own thoughts, making it hard not to follow along with them, the same words repeating again and again. Looking up at the celing, wondering when he had been put here, and when the voices had started, Jack knew, in his mind, that there was no escape from this, from his fate.

Closing his eyes again, he wondered to himself if it wouldn't be easier just to listen, to pretend that he was being indoctrinated correctly, so he could get out of this damned room...


Re: Jack's Fall, Jill's Rise Pt.1 - zion_r_liengod

Hey! I really liked this so far! I hope to see more of this story!

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