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All in the Eyes

by jmaster12

All in the Eyes

Amy loved Mick. It was very simple actually. There was nothing in the world that could tear her away from him. And it wasn’t just his win ning smile or fun per son al i ty. No, those helped, but maybe what Amy en joyed most were his fan tasies.
Having always had a very amped up sex drive, Amy was glad to meet a guy who seemed able to keep up with her. She wasn’t a slut or any thing, at least in her eyes. Though there were times when she would en gage in a lit tle risky pub lic be hav ior.
It was dur ing one of these times that she first felt his eyes on her.
No, it wasn’t Mick’s eyes. Not that any thing was flawed about her boyfriend’s eyes. It’s just that the eyes she felt were much more... in tense. She wasn’t even sure where they came from. It was sim ply that feel ing every one gets once in a while, the feel ing of being watched, stared at.
Amy and Mick had sat down for the movie Tron Lega cy. Sur prising ly the the ater wasn’t as crowd ed as it could have been, leav ing many rows empty and most view ers scat tered about. As the lights low ered, so did Amy’s hand, fum bling briefly with Mick’s zip per.
In no time his cock was grow ing, swelling in her hand. Her eyes low ered away from the screen, watch ing the throb bing mem ber, en joy ing how it re­spond ed to her touch.
She thought about swal low ing it, just low er ing her head right there in the the ater. Odds were no body would no tice, but she wasn’t some slut. She just had an ad ven tur ous side and Mick seemed to more than enjoy it.
As he strained not to moan and kept his eyes on the screen, only briefly look ing down at her hand, fin gers clenched tighter and tighter, Amy grinned.
That was when she felt the eyes on her. She slowed down her thrust ing, the up and down steady pace be com ing slight ly more jerky. Look ing around in the dim light of the the ater, she found him.
He was sit ting be hind them, his seat slight ly raised. She stopped pump­ing Mick’s dick. Sure ly there was no way he could see what she was doing. The seat backs pre vent ed too much of a view and it was far too dark.
Still, there was no doubt. The man was star ing straight at her, eyes deep brown and some how even that color dis tin guish able in the re flect ed light from the big screen. He no ticed her look ing up at him and nod ded.
Amy wasn’t sure why, but she lift ed her hand mo men tar i ly from Mick’s cock and waved. Then she looked over at her boyfriend who seemed cu ri ous as to why the hand job had sud den ly stopped.
Sec onds later, Amy had for got ten the feel ing of eyes on her and was vig­or ous ly fin ish ing Mick off. Her pop corn had some extra salty but ter soon enough. But still, in the back of her mind, some thing seemed off.
It wasn’t until a week later when Amy felt the eyes on her again. She was in the gro cery store, brows ing with Mick, when he pulled her around a cor­ner and pressed up against her. It was just a kiss, noth ing graph ic, but as soon as he touched her lips, she felt the eyes on her from some where else.
Some how Amy knew it was the same pair of eyes. Even if her con scious mind didn’t fully ac knowl edge it.
She looked around, and there he was. The man was stand ing by the frozen food, near ly frozen in his pos ture. Oth ers passed by him, never pay­ing him much mind. But he sim ply stared, right at Amy. Once again, as Mick gave her breasts a quick grope and ended the kiss, the man nod ded. And again, as be fore, Amy found her self giv ing him a wave.
Min utes later, the event was for got ten and Amy and Mick left the store hav ing a pleas ant day.
Amy near ly for got her mys tery man for a cou ple of weeks. She en joyed many more in ti mate en coun ters and never once had the feel ing of being watched. One thing she did no tice was that the en coun ters didn’t seem to have the same pas sion be hind them. Maybe sub con scious ly she was dis tract­ed, think ing about the the ater that day, or imag in ing what the acts might feel like in a more pub lic set ting. She just wasn’t sure.
Then one day, she was pass ing the bul letin board at school when she saw an ad that just jumped right out at her. It wasn’t so much the word ing as it was the im agery on the sheet.
The small poster had a cropped image of a man’s face, not giv ing too much away ex cept for his eyes, deep brown and in tense look ing. They stared out from the poster, seem ing to fol low her as she passed by.
Amy stopped and ap proached the board. She stud ied the eyes, the in ten­si ty of that stare. Her cheeks flushed and she began breath ing slight ly quick­er, her hand feel ing sud den ly eager to stroke a large shaft. Every thing flood­ed back into her and she felt drawn to the ad.
It was an ad ver tise ment for a pho tog ra phy stu dio. My Eyes stu dio, pho­tos by Don, she read. Ba si cal ly, Don, it seemed was look ing for col lege age girls to pho to graph, for art por traits and with the po ten tial to earn some pay as mod els.
Amy had al ways known she was at trac tive. With in her group of friends, she was the only one that had steady boyfriends, and every one en vied her large chest, nat u ral ly pale skin, bright eyes, and silky brown hair. She smiled, think ing about how nice it might be to sur prise Mick with some art pho tos for his birth day.
She looked briefly up at the eyes again, feel ing al most dizzy, but re cov­er ing and walk ing off, but not be fore she took one of the phone num bers from the bot tom of the poster.
Less than a week later, Amy was sit ting in front of the cam era in Don’s apart ment.
The man had called out from some back room as she en tered. He sim ply told her to take off her coat and find a com fort able place in front of the cam­era. She walked in and found a small set up, with a rich bur gundy back drop. In front of it were set a chair, a small leather couch, and a plush white rug.
Amy laid her coat on a side table and went to the chair. As she sat there, she looked around, study ing the space. It was a typ i cal apart ment, noth ing too fancy, noth ing all that out of the or di nary. She briefly won dered why no­body else was here. She as sumed that like many artists, maybe the pho tog ra­ph er sim ply pre ferred work ing in si lence.
“Hey there, sorry about the delay. I had some prints dry ing in the...” His voice sim ply trailed off as he saw her, a smile cross ing his face.
Amy looked over and near ly shiv ered as she rec og nized those eyes. The poster had seemed fa mil iar, but many peo ple had brown eyes. Some thing was dif fer ent about this man’s, about Don’s.
“Well, this is a pleas ant sur prise.” Don said, ap proach ing and of fer ing his hand.
Amy looked up into his eyes, rais ing her hand and let ting him light ly shake it. She felt the warmth of his skin, the ca ress of his fin gers over hers, and re al ized sud den ly it was the same hand she’d been jack ing off Mick with when she first felt this man’s eyes on her.
Don let go, seemed to look puz zled, then nod ded. “Name’s Don, what’s yours?”
Amy felt that nod shake her from her trance. She looked around briefly, al most for get ting her self in the mem o ries of this man’s stare.
“Um, oh sorry. My name’s Amy. I saw your poster.”
“Yes, I imag ined you might.” He said. “You know, it may be fate or some thing, but I’ve had my eye on you for a while now.”
Amy shiv ered, sud den ly feel ing chilled in her short sleeve top and skirt. She looked down, blush ing. “You, you have?”
Don smiled, then quick ly turned and walked back to the cam era. As he ad just ed the tri pod, he con tin ued talk ing. “Yes, Amy. You have a qual i ty I rec og nized right away, a pas sion if you will. I know a good model when I see one. Trust me Amy there is a lot of po ten tial in side you.”
For some rea son, the words ‘in side you’ seemed to res onate deep with in her gut. Amy twitched a lit tle, feel ing the room spin and look ing over as Don flipped on the cam era with a whin ing buzz.
“So tell me, Amy. What is it you’d like to get out of these photo ses­sions?”
Amy straight ened up. “Ses sions?”
“Well yes, of course it will take sev er al ses sions to re al ly see your po ten­tial. I think you and I are going to be to geth er for a long time.”
He smiled and Amy shiv ered again, the word ‘to geth er’ echo ing in her mind.
“I thought, well I thought maybe my boyfriend might enjoy some artsy pic tures of me.”
Don frowned and ad just ed the cam era a lit tle. “Oh re al ly? Your boyfriend, what is his name, if I may ask?”
“Mick.” Amy said, grin ning as she pic tured her won der ful man.
Don leaned over, look ing through the viewfind er, mak ing a cou ple of small tilts to the angle of the cam era, then look ing up at Amy.
“Mick huh? Well, you strike me as a girl who prob a bly needs a real man, not a boy. Tell me, is Mick a boy or a man?”
Amy thought about the ques tion as Don snapped a few pic tures. “He’s a man. I mean he’s my age.”
Don snapped a few dif fer ent shots, rais ing and low er ing the cam era only slight ly. When he looked up he was grin ning, his dark eyes as in tense as ever.
“Ah, but Amy, you’re a col lege girl, right?”
She wasn’t sure what he meant, but sim ply nod ded. “I guess so. Why?”
“Well if Mick is the same age, that makes him a col lege boy.”
Amy couldn’t fault the logic. Sure, she fig ured. “I guess it makes sense. So he’s a boy.” She said.
Don low ered be hind the cam era again, his in tense eyes fad ing but some­how re main ing like af ter im ages in Amy’s eyes. “You see, Amy, a girl like you needs a man.”
Amy was get ting con fused at this point. She want ed to ques tion why this man was even ask ing so much about Mick. She want ed to ask why he seemed so in ter est ed in her. But every time she thought about ask ing, his steely stare caught her and she ended up smil ing for the cam era.
“Amy, there are girls out there for Mick. He strikes me as a good guy. Noth ing wrong with that. But you, you’re a very spe cial girl, one with an ap­petite I imag ine isn’t fed near ly enough in this world.” He paused, looked over the cam era. “Lower the shoul der of your shirt. Yes, just pull it down, ex­pos ing more of your neck.”
Amy did as in struct ed, pulling her right sleeve down, ex pos ing the creamy white skin of her shoul der. As she smiled and thought about what the man was say ing, she let him go on flash ing photo after photo.
“I knew it from the mo ment I saw you, Amy. I have an eye for these things. You’re a very sen su al being aren’t you?”
“I guess so.” Amy said.
“Non sense, no guess ing about it. You are a sen su al being. You have that body and your mind for a rea son. Tell me the truth, you think about your body a lot, right?”
Amy blushed and he snapped more pic tures. She bit light ly at her lip. “I... well... I think about it, yes.”
“You know, men prob a bly think about it too.”
“They do?” Amy asked.
“Oh yes, of course. A body like yours draws all kinds of looks I bet. I mean, it’s not per fect, but you are an amaz ing look ing girl. Think of your self as a work of art. Men ap pre ci ate your kind of art, so they nat u ral ly are drawn to you, in thought. I bet you are the sub ject of more fan tasies than you know.”
Amy was shiv er ing now as Don spoke. She felt her pulse quick en and her nip ples hard en as he con tin ued.
“Why don’t you put one leg up, lift your skirt above the knee?”
Amy did as in struct ed and Don re moved the cam era from the tri pod. He got down on one knee and began snap ping var i ous an gles, get ting close ups and more in ter est ing shots as she as sumed bet ter poses.
“You’re a nat ur al at this, Amy. Though next time, I’d like it if you wore some thing more re veal ing, maybe a strap less top and skirt that con forms more to your thighs. You know, some thing silky.”
She want ed to say no, but Don’s com pli ments today were al ready fill ing her with pride. She didn’t want to in sult him. He was an artist after all, and had paid her the ul ti mate com pli ment of say ing she her self was a work of art.
“Okay, I guess. So when should I come back?”
Don snapped a few more pic tures, mov ing in tighter on her face. Then he stopped, checked the back of the cam era, and turned away. “How about we make you my reg u lar ap point ment week ly, this time of day?”
Amy smiled as he looked back at her, the in ten si ty in his eyes more than cap ti vat ing. They seemed to mes mer ize her as he swept up and down her body. “Okay, sure. I’ll be here next week then.”
“Great, see you then. And don’t for get what I asked you to wear.”
The week passed quick ly and some how, Amy couldn’t get Don out of her thoughts. Even when she was with Mick, she often thought of Don. She won dered why the man had such a charm or charis ma. It sim ply seemed he in vad ed her thoughts and she couldn’t wait until it was time for their next ses sion.
She got up early the next week and planned her out fit care ful ly. She found a skimpy top that was just slight ly too tight for her large breasts. She de bat ed wear ing a bra, but ul ti mate ly de cid ed Mick might pre fer pic tures of her look ing sexy with out one. She found a skirt that wrapped close ly to her upper thighs and bare ly reached her knees. Then she brushed her hair, mak­ing it re al ly shine.
When she ar rived at Don’s apart ment, his stu dio, she was near ly flut tery with an tic i pa tion. Once again, he was in the back and asked her to go in, get comfy in front of the cam era.
She again chose the chair, fig ur ing Don would tell her if she need ed to be any where else. As she wait ed, she won dered if she’d made good de ci sions in her choice of cloth ing. One whis tle from Don as he strolled in was more than enough as sur ance. She blushed as he stared at her.
“Wow, Amy, just wow!” Don said. He quick ly went and turned the cam­era on, look ing over it at her. “Now this is more like it. You re al ly are a spe­cial girl. See, now this is more what you need. It’s a style that tells the world you need a man, not a boy.”
Amy thought about Mick. Was he re al ly a boy? She grinned though, when Don nod ded at her a mo ment later, all doubts of Mick leav ing as she went into pos ing mode for the pho tog ra ph er.
“So tell me, Amy. What made you choose these clothes today?”
As Don began snap ping pic tures, mov ing around, kneel ing, Amy tried to think clear ly. It wasn’t easy with such in tense eyes scru ti niz ing her. “I think I want ed some thing sexy that Mick might enjoy see ing.”
Don low ered the cam era, a vis i ble frown cross ing his face. “Oh Amy, we talked about that, didn’t we? Mick is just a boy. You need a man. Men know how to han dle lit tle girls like you.”
Some thing seemed in sult ing in how he said that, Amy thought. But as he began snap ping pic tures, she al most for got what it was that both ered her and thought about the words. She need ed a man? She had Mick, right?
Don moved around, then got on his knees not three feet away from the chair. “You are right, you know, Amy. Sexy is bet ter. I think it’s your type of girl. All girls have a type you know. Some are book ish. Some are brainy. Some are like you. I’m not pos i tive, but sexy seems to fit.”
Amy blushed and smiled sweet ly for the cam era.
Sud den ly Don stopped. He put a fin ger to his chin, scratch ing for a sec­ond or two. Then he looked over Amy’s legs and up to her face. “Amy, why don’t you pull your top down a lit tle, show off more of your chest?”
She felt em bar rassed but looked down at her top. It was al ready re veal­ing enough to her, but Don was the artist. She tugged light ly, low er ing the strap less top, al low ing more of her pil lowy breasts to pop up into view.
“Great, great, hold like that for a sec ond.”
Amy re mained as he in struct ed, hands still poised on her chest, pulling her top down, leaned a lit tle for ward so her large breasts near ly swelled up to wards the cam era. She grinned, bit ing soft ly at her upper lip.
“I knew I was right about you, Amy. You’re a girl who has very spe cif ic needs and def i nite ly one of those is a man. It’s nat ur al though. I mean you’re the kind of girl that draws men’s eyes. They look at you for very spe cif ic rea­sons. And why shouldn’t they? I mean you have what men want.”
Don stood and began snap ping photo after photo, aim ing much of the time straight down at Amy’s breasts. He wasn’t even get ting her face in half the shots, sim ply shoot ing every inch of her ex posed flesh.
Sud den ly he paused and walked away. When he turned, his eyes were very in tense, and he seemed both ered by some thing.
“Is any thing wrong?” Amy asked. “Do I need to change my pose?”
Don smiled. “Yes, a bit. Pull your top down a lit tle more.”
Amy com plied, tug ging slow ly until her top bare ly rest above nip ple level. She smiled ner vous ly.
Don sim ply kept watch ing, eyes fo cused on her. “Lower, still lower. Just a lit tle lower.”
Amy kept tug ging, pulling at the top each time he in struct ed. Sud den ly she felt some thing she knew hadn’t been in tend ed. She looked down to find both nip ples sit ting just atop her low ered strap less top. She was ex pos ing her breasts to Don.
She began to pull back up when Don raised his voice. “No, no Amy. You had it per fect ly.”
“But my... my...” She start ed to ask.
“They look per fect. Just as I sus pect ed.” Don said. He grinned and she found her self caught in his gaze. The word ‘per fect’ res onat ed and she sat back, re leased her top and al lowed Don to begin tak ing top less pho tos of her.
“Ex cel lent job. Great look you have. You’re a nat ur al.” Don said, mov ing around, snap ping pic ture after pic ture.
Soon Amy was more than com fort able, even heft ing one of her breasts up and out of her top, lick ing the upper swells of her flesh, low er ing her eyes as in struct ed by Don.
Even tu al ly, he seemed to tire of her breasts and walked back to the tri­pod, set ting the cam era on it. He looked back and stud ied Amy.
She wait ed on him to speak, still sit ting there, top pulled down around her belly, nip ples hard and slight ly damp from her lick ing.
“You know, Amy, you were meant for this. I can just tell. I think sexy though, may have been the wrong word.”
“Oh re al ly?” Amy asked. “I’m not sexy?”
Don smiled. “Well, of course many may say you’re sexy. I just think maybe the word you’re look ing for is some thing dif fer ent.”
“Like what?”
Don grinned and nod ded. Amy felt giddy see ing him nod at her. Her thighs shiv ered. “I think a boy might be tempt ed to call you sexy. But we both know you’re be yond any boy. Men know what you are, and they know how to use you.”
Amy shiv ered as the words ‘use you’ res onat ed deep in her mind.
Don began pack ing up the cam era, check ing some con nec tions to the light ing. Then he turned to Amy still sit ting there look ing mo men tar i ly lost.
“You can go ahead and leave for the week, slut.”
He said it so ca su al ly, Amy al most missed it. But when she did hear it, she felt a com bi na tion of being in sult ed and turned on si mul ta ne ous ly.
“But I’m not... I’m not a...” She said.
Don looked up as Amy slow ly pulled her top back up, stand ing and look ing very con fused.
“A slut?” Don asked. “Come on Amy. You know in side you there’s a slut wait ing to break out. It’s what I saw in side you that day in the the ater. I knew you were a spe cial girl. Men can rec og nize these things. Boys can’t.”
Amy gath ered her things and walked to the door. As she was about to leave, Don called out. “Oh and Amy, next week don’t wear any panties.”
Some thing seemed wrong about that, but the only ques tion that came to mind was some thing else. “What kind of top should I wear?”
Don smiled, car ry ing his cam era with him as he walked by her, his eyes locked on hers. “Doesn’t mat ter, Amy. You won’t be wear ing it here. I plan on get ting some good shots of your slut ty body. Sound like fun?”
Amy want ed to say no. She felt like she should. But some thing in side her twitched with an tic i pa tion. So she sim ply nod ded and smiled. “Okay.”
The week seemed to drag on for ev er. Amy found her self dress ing much more to how Don said she was. Mick seemed pleased, but Amy felt un able to re al ly care what Mick thought. He was a nice guy and all. But he was just a boy. She re al ized that now. It was strange how she hadn’t re al ly no ticed be­fore. Boys just were... well they were boys. She need ed a real man, a man who knew what sluts like her were good for.
The word slut kept slip ping into her mind all through the week. Amy knew she was a slut. Maybe she’d al ways known. Mick was still the only one she’d have sex with so maybe slut was a strong word. But she was still at the core, a lit tle slut. She made sure to dress ap pro pri ate ly so the world, and most es pe cial ly the men in that world knew she was a slut.
The fol low ing week fi nal ly ar rived and Amy showed up early, wear ing a short skirt, short est one she owned, no panties be neath, and an old t-shirt she knew didn’t re al ly mat ter.
This time Don was wait ing and as soon as she walked in, he strolled ca­su al ly up to her and smiled, his pierc ing gaze in stant ly mak ing her tummy jump in side.
“Lose the shirt slut, and get over there on the couch.”
Amy smiled. “Okay.”
She quick ly stripped off the top, toss ing it to the floor and rush ing over to the leather couch, breasts jig gling and bounc ing all over the place.
Don didn’t speak at much for the first ten min utes or so. He sim ply snapped pic ture after pic ture, oc ca sion al ly walk ing over to tilt her chin up al­low ing for a more ex pan sive view of her jig gling col lege rack. He seemed to enjoy po si tion ing her, and even tu al ly Amy was fully at ease let ting the man squeeze her breasts up and snap pic ture after pic ture of them squished to­geth er for the cam era.
“You look hot. Very nice for a slut.” Don said. He low ered the cam era and stud ied her.
Amy could feel his eyes on her body. She knew he was pleased, but there seemed to be hes i ta tion in him. “Is any thing wrong, Don?” She asked.
“Hmm... well maybe.” He stud ied her some more. She was lying on her belly on the couch, chest lift ed up, breasts proud ly dis played. He walked around be hind her, then looked stern ly at her face. “I know what it might be. Lose the skirt.”
Amy blushed. “Um, I don’t know. That’s a lit tle much right?”
Don nod ded at her, his eyes in ten si fy ing. He al most looked angry for a mo ment. “Amy, what are you?”
She wasn’t pos i tive what he was ask ing. “Err, a girl?”
“Yes, but what kind of girl?”
Sud den ly it clicked. She blushed a lit tle. “A slut ty girl?”
Don smiled. “Nat u ral ly. And slut ty girls like men see ing their nude bod­ies.”
Amy thought for a mo ment. She couldn’t fault logic like that. She was a slut ty girl. That much was clear. She stood up and un zipped the side of her skirt, let ting it drop and step ping out from it. Nat u ral ly, hav ing not worn panties, she re al ized Don was now see ing every inch of her. Some thing about that seemed both wrong and yet very right.
“Per fect. Now that’s the body of a real slut. I mean sure, your tits could be a bit big ger, and maybe you’re too smart to re al ly make men fully sat is­fied, but Amy, you def i nite ly are noth ing but a slut.”
For some rea son any protests Amy want ed to sound were swal lowed up in her throat. In stead she found her self mo men tar i ly lost in his eyes, his deep brown eyes. All she could say was, “Thanks.”
For the next half hour, Don took pic ture after pic ture, get ting her into po­si tion after po si tion, mak ing her spread her legs, touch her self, lean back and bite on the tip of her pinky while her other hand worked over her clit. He had her pose in ways Amy had never imag ined, each one fur ther ing the be lief in her mind that she was noth ing but a slut.
“Ex cel lent job.” Don said. “Very hot, very slut ty. You have me turned on quite a bit from that shoot.”
Amy looked from Don’s mes mer iz ing eyes down over his chest to his crotch. She was cap ti vat ed by how bulging his pants were. She felt a sense of pride at hav ing been that good a model for him.
“Why don’t you take care of me while I re load some film in the cam era, okay?” Don said.
Amy wasn’t sure what he meant, but as he walked over to a table and pulled out a chair, she saw what he had in mind. Don un zipped his pants as ca su al ly as ever. Then he pulled a large, throb bing cock from his pants and let it sim ply stand at at ten tion while he sat to un load the cam era filled with her nude pic tures.
After a sec ond or two, Don looked over at her, rolled his eyes, and seemed frus trat ed. “Amy, get over here and suck you lit tle slut.”
“But... but...” Amy said, even as she stood from the couch.
“But what? This is what sluts like you are good for.”
Amy found her self kneel ing next to the chair, her hand in stinc tive ly grab bing hold of Don’s firm cock. “But, what about Mick?” She asked.
Don laid the cam era down and glared at her. “I told you al ready about him. He’s a boy. You need a man. A man knows how to han dle sluts like you. All you’re good for is hav ing a cock stuffed in side you. Isn’t that right?”
Amy con tin ued jack ing her fist up and down off his cock. She tried to think clear ly but every time she found a rea son why what he said wasn’t true, she caught her self star ing up into those eyes. Fi nal ly, she shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
Don grinned. “Well trust me, I’m an artist, and I’m sure. You need some work, maybe a few gal lons of cum stuffed in side your holes, but trust me Amy. You’re noth ing but a slut. And sluts are only good for one thing re al­ly.”
Amy shiv ered as he said this. It seemed so wrong but the more wrong it seemed, the righter she felt it be come. She licked her lips and opened wide.
“That’s it, suck hard, you lit tle slut.” Don said a few min utes later as Amy kneeled bob bing her head up and down, quick ly bring ing him to a quick and pow er ful cli max. She held the sperm in her mouth and stood up to go to the bath room.
“Where are you going?” Don asked.
Amy mere ly looked at him and point ed to her mouth.
Don laughed. “You’re a slut. Sluts al ways swal low.”
Amy wasn’t sure she want ed to, but it sud den ly seemed wrong not to swal low. She opened her mouth, show ing Don his thick creamy load, then tilt ed her head back and gulped his seed down.
It tast ed strange but bet ter than any cum she’d ever got ten tastes of from Mick. She shiv ered under Don’s watch ful gaze. She liked that look. And she loved the taste of an older man on her tongue.
As Don fin ished re load ing the cam era, he turned quick ly and got a few can did shots of Amy, tiny drib ble of semen run ning from the cor ners of her mouth. He grinned. “You’re a real slut, Amy.”
She smiled and thanked him.
“Now why don’t you go for the day. I think we have plen ty to work with. I’ll see you next week.”
Amy gath ered her clothes and when she was pass ing by Don to leave, he reached out and grabbed her ass, spin ning her to him.
“Yes?” She said.
“Next week, I think it’s time you re al ized your full po ten tial. I want you to be ready for some more in ti mate pic tures. Well, maybe the word in ti mate doesn’t fit.” He seemed to think for a sec ond, his fin gers mas sag ing her thigh. “Let’s just say we’re going to fully ini ti ate you into em brac ing that slut in­side.”
Amy left, and for much of the week she near ly came in her panties each time she thought about what ev er Don could mean. She found her self dress­ing down right slut ty in all her class es, hav ing gone out and pur chased cloth­ing the old Amy never would have dared wear. The guys seemed to like it, but most of them were just boys like Mick.
Mick seemed some what both ered for the first time, and Amy knew why. She was no longer pay ing as much at ten tion to him, not pro vid ing him with the hand jobs or blow jobs she used to oc ca sion al ly enjoy.
It wasn’t as though Amy didn’t have these things on her mind. She was now con stant ly think ing of sex. She found it hard to study, dif fi cult to pay at­ten tion in class. It was im pos si ble not to think of men and their thick, throb­bing cocks. She want ed more of Don. She want ed his cum on her tongue. The taste had been am brosia and she need ed more of it.
Fi nal ly the day ar rived again and she showed up at Don’s apart ment. She start ed to open the door, but found it locked. She felt flus tered but sim­ply knocked and gave the door bell a cou ple of rings.
A few min utes later, Don swung the door open. She smiled up at him, her eyes plead ing to get in side and start their ses sion. But today, Don stood in the door. He wouldn’t let her pass.
“Is some thing wrong?” Amy asked.
Don smiled, his in tense eyes bor ing into her soul. He sim ply nod ded and point ed down.
Amy wasn’t sure where the idea came from. It just seemed to pop into her head and she was more than happy to com ply as she dropped to her knees and quick ly un zipped him.
In sec onds, she was slob ber ing all over his cock, bob bing her face up and off it as she gave a very pub lic blow job right in his door. She heard a gasp once, maybe twice from some where be hind her, but Amy couldn’t care less who saw this. She need ed this cock. She need ed him fuck ing her face raw. And most of all, she need ed his cum spew ing down her throat.
Don grabbed the top of Amy’s head. He began thrust ing his hips hard er, fuck ing her skull and send ing his cock deep down her throat. Amy made lit­tle chok ing nois es but loved it. She couldn’t get enough of Don’s manly mem ber. She want ed it to blast her stom ach full. She want ed those gal lons he had men tioned. It was near ly all she could think of.
And then he start ed to cum, and it was in jerk ing sprays of semen, flood­ing her belly, coat ing her tongue, fill ing her mouth until it spilled out and drib bled from her chin to the old t-shirt she had worn.
Don slipped from her lips and smiled. He looked down pat ting her on the head. “Yes, Amy, that’s a good lit tle slut. Now come on in and get those clothes off. I have a fun day planned for you.”
Amy stood on weak knees, her own de sire amped up from per form ing like such a des per ate slut. She en tered the apart ment and began strip ping right away, drop ping her clothes on the floor as she walked over to the couch.
As Don began pho tograph ing her, hav ing her do de praved things such as stuff her fin gers up in side her cunt, and squeez ing hard on her tits, until they turned red and throbbed a lit tle, he told her more about how spe cial she was.
“Oh wow, Amy, you re al ly were meant for this. I’m not sure what you think your slut ty brain needs by going to col lege, but you have a body that was meant to be used. It was meant to be fucked until un able to con tain any more cum. That’s what you are, Amy, a cum soak ing lit tle slut. And you’re a nat ur al too.”
Don moved around pho tograph ing her, his words ab sorbed into her mind, her thoughts, her deep est re cess es. Amy never ques tioned his poses, his di rec tions for her. She sim ply grinned and en joyed being his model, his slut.
“You know what?” Don said after fin ish ing up a roll of film.
“What’s that?” Amy said, fin ish ing off her own fran tic mas tur ba tion.
“I think I’d like to take you on as my own per son al slut.”
Amy was be yond words. She swelled with pride at such an un ex pect ed com pli ment. Then she re mem bered Mick, the boy she used to find fas ci nat­ing and hand some.
“What about Mick?” She asked.
At this Don laid the cam era down and walked back over to her. “Are you still with him? I told you, he’s a boy. No slut like you de serves a mere boy. You need a man.”
Don paused and grinned, nod ding his head. “Here, let me show you what you need.”
Amy was about to ask what he meant, when he grabbed her shoul der and pulled her up off the couch. He led her over to the table and pushed her for ward over it. As she braced her self look ing back over her shoul der, she watched Don drop his pants and stroke at his very hard and thick shaft.
“This ought to show you what a man can do, where a mere boy might sim ply try.”
Don stepped in be hind Amy and rubbed his erec tion up and down her ass. She moaned and found her self press ing back un con scious ly. She looked for ward, bit ing her lip and sigh ing.
“What... ooh... what are you going to do?”
Don held his cock just out side the lips of her pussy, teas ing her, mak ing her whim per. He leaned over and whis pered in her left ear. “It’s sim ple Amy. I’m going to fuck you until I fill you with cum. That’s all this hole of yours is good for. You’re a liv ing breath ing cum re cep ta cle and I’m going to use you as one. Hope ful ly this will drive home the point that you’re mine now. Get rid of what’s his face, and come here to live with me. I’ll do what a man can and fuck you all day long. I’ll fuck ing knock you up like a slut should be. I’ll find a way of mak ing your tits even big ger. I’ll make you noth­ing but a brain less lit tle whore for me to use and sell out to my friends. That’s what I’m going to do.”
Amy al most or gasmed just from hear ing his plans. She thrust back, stab­bing her pussy on his cock and groan ing as he began rock ing into her.
Slow ly, and then faster, deep er, with jab bing thrusts, Don fucked the life out of Amy. He grabbed her hips and pound ed her like the slut she was. He reached around, play ing with her nip ples, squeez ing her tits, then reached up and grabbed hold of her hair.
“Oh fuck... Amy, you were made for this. I’m going to shoot so much more than pic tures of you. I’m going to shoot cum in side you until to pass out! All your days are going to be spent per fect ing the slut in side and get ting rid of that stu pid col lege ed u ca tion you have.”
Amy moaned, scream ing out every few sec onds, rock ing back at Don as hard as he was rock ing into her. She thought about what he was say ing. She pic tured her self as his slut, his eager lit tle cum con tain er. She pic tured him fuck ing her stu pid, quite lit er al ly. She or gasmed con stant ly as he sent his cock into her depths.
“Ohhh... Oh... Oh Fuck meeeee!” Amy cried out.
Don con tin ued de scrib ing every thing she was and what her real pur pose had al ways been. He de scribed his plans in de praved de tail, how he would take her in pub lic, fuck her like a slut, let her walk around with his cum bloat ing her belly, drib bling down her thighs in streams. He told her of how he’d use her as a whore, loan ing her out if he saw fit, but al ways get ting to fill her with his cock at the end of the day.
Amy whim pered in bliss ful plea sure as Don fi nal ly seized up in side her cunt. He pressed deep, bur row ing into her womb and blast ing her full of cum. She hadn’t ex pe ri enced the thrill of hav ing a man use her and fill her with his seed. It was what she’d al ways dreamed of, what she al ways need­ed.
As Amy lay for ward over the table, Don pulled his cock from her and sat down, load ing more film in the cam era. He stood and began tak ing shot after shot of Amy fully fucked, sperm run ning freely from her wide open cunt. He laughed and told her how these shots would look great post ed on line. He want ed to send some to Mick, just so the boy knew what a real man could do.
Amy sim ply smiled and tried to re cov er from such an in tense fuck ing.
As she later got dressed, Don walked over and met her at the door. “Now Amy, I think we both know what you need to do. Dump Mick. He’s a sim ple boy, and boys aren’t what you need. You need a man, a man like me who can fill you all up and make you the bloat ed cum slut we know you were meant to be.”
Amy smiled. “Yes, you’re right, Don. I need some one like you, and I want you to do every thing you promised.”
She stared into his eyes, grin ning like a lit tle school girl. The in ten si ty of the brown made her weak in the knees, the dark ness filled her mind with de­vi ous ideas. And when he nod ded, she near ly or gasmed again just from know ing he planned on mak ing her his own per son al slut.
That very week, Amy broke up with Mick. She could hard ly stand to look at him any more. His goofy smile, his child ish body. He was a mere boy. She need ed a man. Only a man could fuck her into a stu por like Don had. And only a man could make her the per fect slut, only good for tak ing a cock in side her.
She dropped out of school, packed up her bags, and one week later went to Don’s door with every thing she owned.
Knock ing at the door, Amy felt oth ers look ing at her. She knew they were look ing at a real slut, dressed as she was in mi cro-skirt and tube top. She couldn’t care less what they thought of her. Only one man’s eyes made her twinge with an tic i pa tion and soon enough he opened the door, grin ning at her.
“Ready for your new life, slut?”
She melt ed under his gaze. “I’m your fuck ing slut, of course I’m ready!”
And with that, Don opened his pants, grabbed Amy and was soon fuck­ing her right there against the door frame, lift ing her up and down his cock, grab bing at her tits when ev er he could.
Neigh bors from sur round ing apart ments looked on in dis gust as Don showed Amy what a slut was truly like. He fucked her hard and deep, let ting every one see just what a lit tle whore she was.
Amy moaned, feel ing that in cred i ble erec tion stab up into her. She held the door frame with one hand, played with her nip ples with the other. She closed her eyes and en joyed the be gin ning of her new life as Don’s slut.
“Oh fuck... you’re tight, Amy. I’m sure I’ll loosen you up in time. For now though...”
And with that, Don spewed the first thick load of cum straight up into Amy’s belly. She felt it fill ing her, spray ing her womb with heat. She loved that sen sa tion. She never again want ed to go any where with out a belly full of seed.
Pulling Amy in side, Don didn’t get many pic tures taken that day. Most of the time was spent with Amy on her knees, ei ther suck ing him hard, or let­ting him fill her with more juicy sperm. Im pres sive ly, Don man aged to fuck her three times be fore he need ed to take a break and get some food in him.
Amy lay there splayed across the couch, thick cum drip ping from her ass, run ning in rivers from her cunt, and plas ter ing her face and tits. She loved the feel of it on her skin, in her body. She for got all about that boy, what ev er his name had been. She only saw Don. He was an artist, one who paint ed beau ty into the world. And now he had her as a can vas. She only hoped he paint ed her white every day.
Over the fol low ing months, Amy grew ac cus tomed to being a slut. She en joyed being used for sex u al plea sure by Don, and knew that no mat ter what oth ers might think, only his cock could ul ti mate ly sat is fy her.
She even saw that boy, the one whose name she could no longer re mem­ber. She saw him at the the ater one evening while she was busy bounc ing up and down in Don’s lap, send ing his cock straight into her al ready sat u rat ed womb. Most of those watch ing seemed to enjoy. The boy she used to be with seemed both ered.
She saw him in the gro cery store one day also. Nat u ral ly, she was on her knees, just out of sight of most cus tomers, busi ly suck ing off Don. She just loved drink ing his cum. But then she saw that boy again. He seemed to be star tled at first, then sim ply took a few min utes to watch. She gave him a nice show, let ting Don pull out and spray his seed lib er al ly all over her face. Noth ing was quite like walk ing out of a store, know ing every one could see sperm spat tered on your face.
But the boy seemed to sigh and walk off. Oh well, Amy fig ured. He’d be a man one day. Until then, he just had to watch. She gig gled a lot more than she used to. Don said that was be cause he was mak ing her stu pid. When she asked how, he sim ply looked at her, told her to trust him, and gave her that nod that could make her weak in the knees.
Amy en joyed be com ing stu pid. She al most en joyed it as much as tak ing a cock. Al most, but not quite. One thing she def i nite ly en joyed was hav ing her tits grow. By the time she re al ized they were get ting heav ier and fuller, Amy was far too dumb to un der stand how Don ex plained it. But she was very eager to see how big they got. And she loved when he pulled out the cam era and took pho tos of her.
She saw the mag a zines that bought these pho tos. They were filled with sluts like her. But only she was so stuffed with cum that she looked preg nant. Don tried to ex plain one day that she re al ly was preg nant, but Amy sim ply gig gled and went back to suck ing his cock. All she cared about was fuck ing, hav ing a hard cock plow ing into her. It was what she was made for, why she ex ist ed.
Deep in side, Amy knew some thing had hap pened that day she was giv­ing what’s his name a hand job in the the ater. She knew some thing had changed. But all she could re al ly re mem ber was the man with the pierc ing stare, the man who’d changed her life, who’d made her the slut she now was. He had her from the mo ment they locked eyes. He would have her for ev er.
The End


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