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Skunk science

by abdl123


og 1

I've made a very unusual discovery. This morning, I encountered a female Raichu (subject 01, AKA Jade) wearing a bizarre latex suit and asking for help.

I obliged, helping her into the containment facility at the laboratory, and she is now in containment room 01 under examination.

Subject 01's main complaint was that the suit she was wearing was not possible to remove. A quick test of my own appears to have confirmed this, with the suit remaining undamaged even by sharp knives and scissors.

Subject 01 is, as noted, a female Alolan Raichu. She is known to have unusual tastes (including at least one that made the news, see attached documents) but has told me that she did not put the suit (now known as Suit 01) on herself, nor did she ask someone else to do it.

Suit 01 description is as follows.

Suit material resembles latex, but is impossible to damage with all available equipment. It covers subject 01's entire body apart from her face, though an opening in the back of the hood section allows her hair to spill out.

The suit has an overall design similar to that of a skunk, with black and white coloured material reproducing a typical skunk fur pattern. It is mostly skintight, with exceptions on the hands and feet (which are covered with thicker material to produce 'paws'), the tail (which forms an expansive skunk tail design and appears to be inflated) and around the waist, which has a large bulge that produces crinkling noises when moving. It appears that this part of the suit is a diaper.

Testing has found that subject 01 can pull down the hood of the suit, but nothing more, and that it is not stretchy enough to permit her to get out through the neck hole. Subject 01 has also described a number of other odd properties of the suit – these will be looked into in future logs.

Log 2

Conversation with Subject 01/Jade has revealed important information about how she became trapped in her suit. The rest of this log is an attempt to summarize the differences.

Subject 01 reported that her initial contact with the material of the suit came after a pest problem in her back yard. Her account states that she had a problem with feral Stunky and Skuntank, and that after several weeks she went to purchase some skunk repellent from a pest control business. (Investigation has found that the pest control business she mentioned does not exist, and that the building has recently been cleared out. No records were found.)

After using the product by spraying it all over the garden area, Subject 01 found the next day that the skunk problem had been increased and that there were now more Stunky and Skuntank in her back yard than she had ever seen at one time. When checking to ensure she had bought the right product, Subject 01 accidentally spilled some of the spray on her hand.

Her description of the spray is as a thick, black liquid, though she says that it sprayed quite well when the bottle was used. She washed it off with soap and hot water, and after deciding to return the product for a refund returned to bed for a nap.

Subject 01 states that she woke up hours later and that the suit was already on her body at that time. It is not known if the spray caused her to fall asleep, as Subject 01 says she often takes naps but not normally for this long in the morning. She also states that she did not notice anything unusual about her sleep apart from that.

I should go and retrieve the bottle of spray, in case someone else runs across it.

Log 3

When retrieving the bottle, I encountered another skunk suited person, a Vaporeon (subject 02, AKA Luiza). She came back to the lab with me and is now in containment room 02.

Despite my initial assumption, subject 02 was not infected by the same spray bottle as subject 01. Subject 02 instead says that she used a perfume purchased at the market from a stall (on examination, no such stall was registered at the market) and woke up after using the perfume in her suit. This perfume bottle has also been retrieved.

The second suit has allowed me to determine some of the common features and differences between different examples of the same suit.

The common factors include the difficulty of removal (neither Suit 01 nor Suit 02 are vulnerable to damage) and the basic form – thick padded paws, large diaper bulge, tail, hood. Unless otherwise stated the rest of this analysis will examine the differences.

Suit 02 has a different colouring, still with a typical skunk pattern to it but with a purple tint compared to the simple black/white of suit 01. The paw pad colours are also slightly different, with suit 02 having hot pink paw pads compared to the red-pink of suit 01.

Suit 02 has a zebra-striped 'punk' hair style made of latex on the top, and has no separate opening for hair. Suit 02 also includes a spiked collar and has gone around the earrings of subject 02, leaving them on the outside. Subject 02 has said she does not want to discover if this means she cannot lower the hood.

Subject 02's pre-suiting aesthetic was different to subject 01, and included more of a 'punk' style. Possibly this is responsible for the difference.

Log 4

After discussion with subjects 01 and 02, an acquaintance of theirs was contacted and agreed to volunteer for an experiment. The volunteer, a Flareon (Subject 03, AKA Maggie) was exposed to the trigger – specifically subject 01's bottle of skunk repellent – and then observed while the suiting took place.

Subject 03 reported feeling sleepy, but avoided going to sleep. The material appears to spread from the initial point of contact, producing more material from seemingly nowhere, and covers the victim over in a latex suit with a skunk pattern. The diaper bulge develops later, taking a few minutes, and the tail does the same – though for subject 03 the change in her tail shape was not significant as she already had a large tail.

Attempts at removing the material while it is forming appear to make some progress early on, with the suit able to be 'peeled' up a bit while it is still about the size of a glove, but the more of the suit that develops the harder it is to remove any of it. It is already known from subject 01 that cleaning off all the initial material with soap does not prevent the suit forming.

The colour is different again for suit 03, with a slight orange tint to the black and white colours. No other major differences in the suit's basic design were noticed.

This confirms that the origin of the suits is what was originally suspected – the spray and the perfume, along with possible other sources. It's fascinating how it seems to spread from nothing, though – in a previous log I used the word “infected”, and that's what it seems like.

Log 5

Subject 04 (AKA Nevah, an Eevee) is the most advanced case I've found so far. Instead of having an open-faced hood, her suit (suit-04) is full-face and includes a muzzle. This process does not appear to be happening with the other suits yet.

Suit-04 also has larger ears, though this may be a consequence of the same suit progression.

Since subject 04 is also not fully cooperative, I have reluctantly restrained her to prevent her from causing too much trouble.

Subject 04 has also allowed me to determine how the suits progress. It seems the diaper is not just cosmetic.

When a subject uses their diaper, the diaper shortly cleans itself (though the means by which this takes place are unknown) and shortly afterwards a 'skunk smell' is generated, which is produced for at least the next several hours. Subject 04 brought this to my attention as she seems especially prone to use her diaper (and as such produce the 'smell'), though it seems that all of the subjects are doing the same thing – they simply do not notice their own scent.

The scents are usually not a traditional skunk smell, but vary widely. This may be linked to the individual properties of the subject in the same way as the suits are. Further investigation will be attempted.

In addition to the process of scent generation, the diapers also grow larger with each use. This has led to subject 04 having a very large diaper and ending up clumsy as a result; I have been unable to tell how long she has been suited, as she just tries 'begging' and looking cute when asked.

Log 6

Subject 03 has had an unusual encounter which has demonstrated an unexpected aspect of the skunk suits. Just a short while ago, a friend of hers (Luigi, a male Vaporeon) came to visit the lab, and asked to talk to her.

I agreed, but failed to inform subject 03 that a friend was here to meet her. Luigi entered the containment cell, and the noise appears to have taken subject 03 by surprise.

Immediately on hearing the door open, she raised the tail of her suit and sprayed a black gooey liquid (similar to the skunk repellent) at Luigi. This caught him by surprise, and he was unable to avoid being hit by the liquid.

Subject 03 has immediately apologized once she realized what was happening, but Luigi has still been splattered with the liquid and he has had to be placed in quarantine as well.

I have done two subsequent tests with subject 01 and subject 02, which have demonstrated that the skunk suits seem to cause an alteration of the behaviour of their wearers. They cause the subjects to gain instinctual behaviours, in particular related towards spraying, but in addition subject 01 sniffed a new food (a pomegranate, which were on sale today in the shops) before peeling and eating it.

This instinctual response seems worrying. It indicates that the suits are influencing their wearers in more direct ways than just making it hard for them to stay awake while the suiting process takes place, and the spraying in particular has problematic implications.

Luigi will be kept under observation.

Log 7

My suspicions have been confirmed. Luigi (now subject 05) has been skunk suited overnight by the spray, and is now the first male subject in containment.

There do not appear to be many differences between the male and female subjects of the suiting process. The colouring of subject 05 is a reddish pink, one of the more unusual colours seen thus far, and the normal process of assimilating the hair has taken place.

The greatest single oddity, however, is that the stripes are not a typical skunk pattern. Instead there is a heart design – subject 05 has declined to explain why this might be the case.

The diaper size is typical, as is the tail size, and the paws have no more manual dexterity than normal.

Wait, hold on-

Log 7 addendum

While the previous log was being recorded, subject 05 underwent a radical transformation. His suit colouring became slightly pinker, but more importantly the suit developed a pair of breasts and hair developed out of the back of the suit hood to give a more feminine look.

Subject 05, when questioned, eventually admitted that he was thinking about how he would look in a girl skunk suit when the transformation took place. It is not known if the transformation has influenced his body below the suit as subject 05 refuses to talk about this.

The more I discover about these strange suits the more worried I am. It is becoming clear that they have strange powers and their own agenda, and that they are attempting to spread – whether as part of a deliberate plan or just because of how they are designed.

I am no closer to an answer to how any of this happens, but I will see if more information comes to light.

Log 8

I've found another subject (subject 06, AKA Rosa) and taken her into containment. Her case is unusual, as she did not leave her home for several days after being initially converted and so it is unclear how her suit progression began; however, by this point there are some notable oddities.

One of these is that subject 06 now moves around on all fours by preference. Her morphology as a bipedal Espeon should have prevented her being able to move on all fours comfortably, but she describes it as seeming natural and even comfortable. It also appears as though the suit has made it harder for her to walk normally (though not impossible) as in addition to the latex paws now familiar from examining subjects 1-5 there is a stiffness in the knee and elbow joints to slightly discourage bipedal walking.

Subject 06 has been unable to clarify if this happened immediately or developed later. Her account of her transformation is that she had been reading a book, and that her initial reaction to discovering herself trapped in a skunk suit was that she was dreaming. She realized the truth only later.

The book has been located, and careful examination by remotes has revealed that there is latex skunkifying material in some of the middle pages – squashed flat by the weight of the rest of the book, but when opened it springs out. This is further evidence of a deliberate plan to build traps, though the source remains frustratingly elusive and I cannot make any further headway on it.

Asking the other subjects revealed that, while subjects 01, 02, 03 and 05 have not reported any urge to go down on all fours, subject 04 will no longer stand up. It seems that this may reflect an advanced state of 'corruption', and should be monitored carefully.

Log 9

After a comment from subject 06, a new line of testing has opened up and been successful. The risk of contamination has prevented a test on touch sensitivity to verify the observation but subject 06 has said that she feels more sensitive in areas the suit covers (currently almost the whole of her body).

Suit 01 has progressed to the point where there is a full hood, complete with nose, but it is possible to remove. As such, subject 01 has performed a number of experiments under my direction relating to the senses.

The hearing test involved playing quiet tones under background noise and in a quiet room. In all tests subject 01 displayed significantly greater ability when wearing the hood – not only to hear the quiet sounds, but also to locate the location of the speaker.

The eyesight test involved a darkened room and the use of small point sources of light. No change took place whether the hood was on or not, possibly due to the way the hood leaves the eyes clear.

The smell test produced the most worrying results, in particular part 3. Part 1 involved identification of scents, with subject 01 able to identify the smells of fruits while wearing the hood when she could not even tell the smell had been released into the room without the hood. Part 2 involved the smell of another skunk subject (subject 04), which illustrated that even a strong scent easily detectable by an unsuited subject was only mildly recognizable whether the hood was worn or not – though after donning the hood subject 01 became visibly happier and walked over to hug subject 04.

Part 3 involved opening up a new (darkened) room, in which a scent sample had been placed – one of my lab coats, which was sacrificed for the test. Within a minute of the door being opened, both subject 01 and subject 04 began moving (on all fours) to the darkened room, in a way which made surprisingly little noise given the squeaky nature of the suits.

Once in the room, both sprayed the scent sample at once.

This suggests to me that the enhanced senses are at least partly to actively hunt down new possible targets to be sprayed, and that the spraying of subject 05 was not entirely an accident.

Log 10

After considerable negotiation over the phone, Aithra (a female Umbreon) agreed to volunteer for further testing. It is my hope that the research she has helped with will allow some form of cure to be developed.

Aithra was informed of the nature of the suits, and how they appear to be acting in a predatory fashion. In order to determine the nature of this, Aithra was equipped with some protective gear (unfortunately not airtight – I have no airtight equipment beyond the containment labs) and sent in to do some regular chores such as cleaning up, as the subjects have made something of a mess of the room over the past few days.

Most of Aithra's cleaning proceded without incident. When cleaning up around subjects 03 and 05, as well as 02 and 06, nothing untoward happened despite only subjects 02 and 03 having been warned of Aithra's arrival ahead of time. No spraying took place in any of these four incidents, and the only problem was that Aithra complained about the smell produced by the suits.

When cleaning up the area subjects 01 and 04 are staying in, however, Aithra's behaviour changed. She sat down for a rest, and when subjects 01 and 04 arrived in the room I feared she would be sprayed. Instead subject 01 began talking to Aithra – the conversation seemed normal (recording attached separately) and subject 04 just lay around while occasionally doing 'sit' or 'beg'.

After about twenty minutes of conversation, subject 01 brought up the topic of skunk suits directly. Aithra appeared a little dazed during this time, and showed interest in the suits. She also began sniffing the air deeply, especially when subject 01 waved her skunk tail under Aithra's nose, and after each sniff appeared more detached.

35 minutes into the conversation, subject 01 asked Aithra if she wanted a suit of her own. Aithra nodded, and subject 01 sent subject 04 to fetch something from the darkened room used in the previous test.

Subject 04 quickly returned with a complete empty skunk suit (suit-07), with yellow stripes on a black background, and helped Aithra into it.

Aithra is now to be referred to as subject 07. In more recent conversations she has appeared to be largely lucid, and unclear on how she became dressed in her suit, but has a habit of sniffing the tail of her suit and reacting as if drunk.

This is especially worrying as Aithra was fully informed. It strongly suggests that the skunk suits can not only influence their wearers, but others as well.

Log 11

Further behavioural analysis has been performed on subjects 01, 02 and 04 to determine their different behaviour. A standard suite of behavioural tests has been performed, with mixed results.

These tests were performed while in a hazardous material suit, to make the tests possible.

Some reflex tests indicated reflexes are much faster than expected, though not all of them. Particularly interesting was the use of the laser pointer, which turned out to cause subject 04 to chase the point. She seemed to enjoy this a lot.

Tests also indicated that the movement of the tails can be controlled, but is largely instinctive. Tail movements differed when the subjects were pleased, concentrating, annoyed and surprised, adding to previous observations. (Analysis of a subject not previously possessing a tail has not yet been performed, but the suit tails are significantly different from the tail of an Alolan variant Raichu (subject 01) and subject 01's old instincts should not have led to the observed behaviour.)

Subject 01 and subject 02 were cooperative during the tests, but other oddities developed. In addition to a propensity to be easily distracted, both would flick their tails up at the face plate of my hazmat suit – in some cases obscuring my vision for several seconds. On one occasion subject 01 took my glove and pressed it against her while her tail was blocking my vision, despite my protests, though she did not use force to keep it there.

During one test (memory test on subject 01 using standard flash cards) subject 01 began to make an unusual number of mistakes. When I asked her what the problem was, subject 01 replied that she was having trouble concentrating and that it would be much easier for her to focus if I took my hazmat suit off. When I rebuffed her, she pleaded with me and… the only word I can use is 'jiggled'… while suggesting that we would both remember what would happen if I took off the hazmat suit much better than 'this silly test'.

Subject 02 behaved in a slightly different way. With her the memory test went fine, but when I was performing the reflex test she began shifting to try and cuddle me. This disrupted the test, but despite insisting she would do whatever was needed to keep the test going she kept stopping to attempt to cuddle. The testing was delayed nearly thirty minutes by this behaviour.

The final incident of note took place when I left the testing chamber. Subject 01 stood in front of the door I used to enter, bent over and waving her diapered rear at me to block me from using the door. This prevented my leaving for several minutes, until I eventually went to use a different exit.

Thorough decontamination protocols were followed.

Log 12

I'm not sure if anyone's going to find this.

Things have gone wrong. I don't know how, but the subjects I was examining have escaped containment. The alarms didn't go off, and I only realized when I noticed a pungent smell in the air.

I'm hiding in one of the equipment closets. I'm using an air mask – I think I managed to purge the air well enough to avoid problems from-

-okay, I think I'm safe again. The subjects are prowling the halls, and I'm having to avoid making noise when they're too close or they might find me.

When they're close I can hear them moving, it's a kind of squeak-crinkle sound, and Subject 01 – oh, whatever, Jade keeps calling for me to come out and have fun with her.

Luiza is saying that as well, she's just wording it a bit differently. I'm not sure about where the rest of them have gone, maybe they've left…

I'm going to need to try to make it to the main control room, or the exit… one of those, at least. Maybe I can seal them all in here if I reach the main control room-

-I think she's gone. That was Aithra, I'm sure of it.

I think they're going past more often now. Maybe they're hunting me down – Jade is certainly making more offers now, and she's sounding all teasing.

I'm going to have to move. I'll try to keep this with me, but if I lose it… If this is recovered, I'm – or I was – the head researcher at this facility. My name is Arbanis. And… I did my best.

...okay, that's a bit closer to the control room. I should be able to get in there soon.

Wow, that smell's pervasive now… and not as bad as I first thought, really… focus, I need to get to the controls.

Log 13

I've finally found what I was missing!

It's actually a really obvious realization once you know, it makes sense of all the test information. It's just that skunks and skunk suits are great!

That's why everyone loves them – they're just so comfy, and springy and soft, and hugs from skunks are the best! And hugging when you are a skunk feels even better!

Jade and Luiza found me, and stopped me from panicking and running away, and then they snuggled me and told me so much about how much they loved their skunky outfits, and it took me a while but I started to see why they were so great! That smell they have is kind of odd at first, but it really grows on you the more you smell it and you don't mind it at all after long. And once you have your own suit, you can make your own scent and it feels so comforting~

Even the things I thought were really odd, like the diaper, they're so much better once you try them – I should have tried this a long time ago! And now I have skunk snuggles all the time, it's so happy and soft and…

...ahhh! There's nothing else I can say about it!

So my official recommendation is… wear skunk suits! Give a skunk suit a hug! We just want to make you feel all happy like we are!

Don't worry… we'll find you~


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