
  • Stroke: Himbo I.Q. Reduction — $20    

    Stroke away your intelligence and become a dumb, slutty himbo.  This file uses 5 different dumbing mechanics make you dumb down, muscle up, bleach your hair, get a suntan, shave your pits and pubes, start dressing slutty and being promiscuous with men.  

    For maximum dumbing: Download main file or binaural version plus the spiral and loop the spiral on the screen on repeat while stroking to the audio at least once a day.  Use of spiral without audio may cause uncontrolled dumbing that fails to wear off; use of audio without spiral may cause slower dumbing.

    WARNINGS: This file is addictive. Regular use of this file will perminantly and inescapably reduce your IQ to well below normal (Test subjects wound up in the 80IQ range within weeks, some wound up below 60IQ after months of use) Contains weed and poppers references.  May cause: Illiteracy, immaturity, stupidity, and impaired judgement, especially about sex.

    NOTE: If you're looking for safe, non-perminant dumbing with no additional suggestions: use Bro Cap instead.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (11)
    Length: 39:07
    Downloads: 3623
    Love your voice Daddy. I want to worship you.
    My purchase is pending and im so excited!
    My purchase is pending and im so excited!
    so goooood
    Fank u Daddy!!! I have a iq of 39 noaw
    If youre curious this def does what it says...lol. Makes you superrr dumb. Not all iq comes back after. I can tell im not as smart lol.
    What were the test subjects? Would like to listen but afraid to of the drop in IQ. Unless you can convince me to listen.
    I just realized i dont want to get dumb... just its so addicting Daddy but it is affecting my job... and it makes me so horny... awww give it a try, Iarrn, u will like it
    Have tried these files before with no luck. I really want to be made as retarded as possible & permanently a dumb ass.
    It's been about 10 days now of listening daily, alternating between sitting up and staring at the spiral, and laying in bed just listening. Do I feel dumber yet? No. Do I notice every time I do something dumb? Oh, yes, and it's a great feeling. Also, I kind of hate going to the gym, and I'm hoping to see that change. The file is just a lot of fun. I can't wait to listen again tonight.
    Do I need premium to get my hands on the vid or are they all accessible with purchase?
    For the benefit of others in my position. I love the feel of this file as I'm using it. But certainly have not noticed any intelligence drop. Probably because my subconscious knows I need my mind to live my life. So seemingly its being totally blocked. Mind you, my subconscious seems to be blocking any and all post-hypnotic effects for ANY file or hypnotist. I just wanted to drop this here so if you have similar difficulties, you'll know you are not alone. And MAYBE its worth communicating with your subconscious to see whats up.
    Best dumbing file. Make me feel super dumb. Listened for a week. Listened an hour ago too. Int comes back after a while but rn my thoughts are so slow. Will try to loop longer next time. Very good buy.