
Latest Files

  • Smoking Makes You Poop — $25    

    Perhaps one of my stranger hypnotic offerings.  Perhaps you want to quit smoking and need real life consequences, perhaps you have a diaper and smoking fetish.  Either way, this permanent file causes you to lose bowel control the moment you smoke a cigarette.  It doesn't matter where you are or who you are with you won't get any warning and you won't be using a toilet, you will mess youreself so you'd better be in a diaper if you plan on smoking.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 21:30
    Downloads: 6

  • Only Big Kids Can Walk    

    A simple trigger file that makes you too young to stand up the moment you hear or say "Only Big Kids Can Walk"  You will find yourself reduced to crawling for 3 hours, or until someone else says "Revert to normal"  There are safeties for emergencies or situations where you need to stand up.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 19:56
    Downloads: 267
    Trigger(by anyone)

  • I Want To Be Small Again — $25    

    This hypnosis file is a self triggerable file that makes you feel very little and small when you say "I want to be small again".  How small is up to your own imagination.  You will stay this way until either life demands you to be bigger or until you say I want to be big again.  It doesn't specify any sort of incontinence but if you get small enough it will certainly happen.  Essentially it just makes you little.

    Age Regression
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 20:52
    Downloads: 3
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Curse Cloth Diapers Only — $30    

    This Hypnotic curse is intended for those that already wear/use diapers.  Upon listening to it you will discover a passion for wearing cloth diapers, choosing them over any other type of diaper even though they have to be cleaned and are much harder to keep from leaking.  From now on it's cloth diapers only for you.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:31
    Downloads: 21

  • Curse - Behavior Based Regression — $25    

    This is a simple hypnotic curse, behave like an adult and you can be one, behave in a childish manner and you will regress to being a child.  The more childish your behavior is the more of one you will become until you are nothing more than a little baby.  The file has protections for your safety and sleeping will let you regain your adulthood but when you behave like a baby, that is what you will become.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 23:17
    Downloads: 17

  • Behavior Based Regression   , , ,  

    This hypnosis file was made for a user who asked me to make it public.  If your dominant forces you to dress as an adolescent girl then if you resist you will find yourself regressing and losing bladder control, the more you resist the more infantile you become with diapers becoming mandatory should you continue to misbehave.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 22:00
    Downloads: 354

  • Curse Cant Find the Bathroom — $30    

    This hypnotic curse file leaves you permanently unable to find the bathroom.  It doesn't force you into diapers, but you will either end up finding unique non-bathroom places to go or wetting/messing yourself. Your best bet may be diapers but all this file does is prevent you from ever finding the bathroom when you need to go ever again.  Only EMG can remove this curse.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 23:48
    Downloads: 5

  • Potty Training Eraser — $35    

    The premise of this file is quite simple, it will slowly erase memory of ever having been potty trained  until you have no recollection of it ever having happened.  It does so by working with your subconscious/inner mind to slowly remove any recollection of ever having been successfully potty trained.  Imagine slowly losing all memories of ever having been potty trained until you no longer remember ever having used a toilet and discovering one day that you have to wear diapers to avoid wetting and messing because you never learned how to control yourself.  That is what this file will do to you.

    This file comes with 2 versions, a traditional MP3 and a double layer silent subliminal.  The subliminal includes 1 VERY quiet layer as well as a truly subliminal layer, if you start to hear the quiet layer, turn your volume down as the true subliminal layer will be pounding in your ears at a dangerously high level.

    Bladder + Bowel
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 23:28
    Downloads: 74

  • Curse Diapered Naptime — $25    

    This hypnotic curse file is triggered by deciding to take a nap.  Once that decision is made you will find yourself saying "I don't want to wear nap time diapers" at which point you will be forced into them and to use them.  The more you act like a child and fight the idea of having an accident while diapered the more likely you are to have one until it becomes inevitable.  Diapers worn for a nap cannot be removed and the more you resist them the faster things happen.  Bladder/bowel incontinence will only happen while wearing nap time diapers and will not continue after the nap.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 21:52
    Downloads: 29

  • Bladder Control Eraser — $35    

    The premise of this file is quite simple, it will slowly erase your control over your own bladder until you have no recollection of ever having had it.  It does so by working with your subconscious/inner mind to slowly remove any recollection of ever having been successfully trained to control your bladder.  Imagine slowly losing all memories of ever having learned to control your bladder enough to know when it's time to use a toilet and discovering one day that you have to wear diapers to avoid wetting because you never learned how to control yourself.  That is what this file will do to you.

    This file comes with 2 versions, a traditional MP3 and a double layer silent subliminal.  The subliminal includes 1 VERY quiet layer as well as a truly subliminal layer, if you start to hear the quiet layer, turn your volume down as the true subliminal layer will be pounding in your ears at a dangerously high level.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 21:21
    Downloads: 467

    • 001 - ABDL Diaper Hypnosis Panty Messing Good Boy — $45    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis

      EXTREME LEVEL! Panty Messing Good Boy Hypnosis

      This includes my Extreme Panty Messing Good Boy Hypnosis. It is hypnosis audio hyper focused on messing in your panties, specifically white panties, messing in your diapers and panties, and messing makes you a good boy for Mommy. Diaper dependence and incontinence are secondary suggestions. Don't buy this if you don't want to wet and mess yourself! 

      If you would like to purchase the complete 5+ hour bundle, with music overlays, binaural beats and loops, you can purchase them 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Thank you!

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 28:16
      Downloads: 1
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • 000A - ABDL Diaper Hypnosis - Fearless Bedwetting — $45    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis

      EXTREME LEVEL! Fearless Bedwetting Hypnosis

      This includes my Extreme Fearless Bedwetting Hypnosis. It is ABDL hypnosis audio hyper focused on completely evaporating any fears of bedwetting that may keep you from being able to fill your diapers at night. Incontinence is also a primary suggestion. Don't buy this if you don't want to be a bedwetter!

      This is a single file. You can also purchase the complete 5+ hour bundle with music overlays and binuaral beats 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Thank you!

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 25:56
      Downloads: 1

    • Rock-a-bye Bambi (Daycare 2) — $20    

      Omg hiya baybz, sorry for the wayt but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi or Daycare 2!

      It was supposed to be a shorter Daycare but I got a bit carried away giglz Its actually so big itz now two fyulz and this is the first with the second coming soon (promise).

      Oh and trigger warning this fyul contaynz regresshun and diapers and scat and was designed to be more extreme and cover everything the first didnt so beware giglz Itz always fun to mayk different stuff and wanted to do something for the baby Bambis so hope you enjoy cutiez ♥ Anyways lemme kno if you like and kisses and awl that fun stuff xoxo

      More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 19:45
      Downloads: 13

    • Rock-a-bye Bambi 2 — $20    

      Sorry to keep my baybz waiting but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi! This is part 2 and the original post has been updated with the completed first half!

      Hope you enjoy cupcakes! No indukshun or awakener. As usual listen at your own risk or whatevz. Tysm to prime and you awl as all wayz! Back to regularly scheduled programming next time ♥

      More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:40
      Downloads: 10

    • Public Potty Pants — $15    

      Do you ever find yourself feeling a little bit too much like an adult whenever you are out in public? Do you desire to wet yourself to show everyone what an adorable little child you really are? This file will work with your fantasies to slowly transform you into the incontinent little baby in public that you have always desired to be.

      Become aroused whenever you think about wetting your clothing uncontrollably in front of others. Know that you have always loved to wet yourself whenever you are in public and that you desire to wet yourself whenever you are around others in your perfect future as well. Start to find yourself having accidents whenever you are crying or laughing or not concentrating too hard on not wetting yourself in front of all of the strangers around you. Know that you crave to wet yourself just like a small child whenever you are in public and that your accidents make you even more adorable in everyone else's eyes.

      No more worries about needing to use the disgusting public toilets. There is only the carefree and happy and wet you that loves to show off your adorable accidents to the world. Listen and loop today and start your journey towards becoming a completely uninhibited you that you have always desired for your perfect future.


      Need content like this to live out your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:43
      Downloads: 5

    • Secure in Diapers (For Boys) — $10   , ,  

      About: Diapers are a real, great way to relax - but often times, especially in public places, it has the opposite effect. The aim of this file is to have that talk with the part of your noggin that tends to make you self-conscious, and get it to relax. This file will install a permanent trigger tied to wetting, as well as some other permanent changes, but all of these will help get you to where you want to be - secure in diapers, no matter where the little guy is!

      Notes: This file was originally commissioned by a person who wishes to remain anonymous. After getting their express permission, I decided to make my debut into Pay files using this commission. I will never stop making free files though, don't worry! But if you ever get a little too impatient, or you're wanting something rather specific, you can commission me by clicking here! Want a girls, or gender neutral file? Let me know in the comments - I'd be happy to accomodate ya!

      Downloads: Starting now, in order to stop flooding the site with unnecessary files of the same kind, I'm going to start bundling Raw and Enhanced audio together under one WMM file. Keep on reading to learn what each donwload link means (for my files at least), and pick which one works just right for you.

      Click MP3 to get the golden standard I use for all my files - it includes mainly ambience and a few key sound effects. Click Body for the raw file. This link will get you a file with no added sounds or effects, only voice. Click Binaural for 3D simulated sounds using stereo audio that may help aide your trance, alongside any sound effects and ambience I place in the file. Click Script for a text document containing the audio transcript of the file. Click Video for an MP4 containing both the audio and a spiral to watch. Finally, if I ever decide to make one, you can click Subliminal for a loopable audio file that reptitiously implants ideas or suggestions subtly while you sleep or are focused on another task.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 38:35
      Downloads: 42
      Permanent(when safe)

    • Diaper Safety Pin — $30    

      You find it easy to let go and pee your diaper without second-thought or a check to see if you are wearing your diaper. But there's one step that can make you lose control even further. If you wear a safety pin on your diaper, you lose all control completely. You can't hold back the start of flow and you cannot stop the flow once it gets going. Only includes urination.


      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 30:53
      Downloads: 4

    • Smoking Makes You Poop — $25    

      Perhaps one of my stranger hypnotic offerings.  Perhaps you want to quit smoking and need real life consequences, perhaps you have a diaper and smoking fetish.  Either way, this permanent file causes you to lose bowel control the moment you smoke a cigarette.  It doesn't matter where you are or who you are with you won't get any warning and you won't be using a toilet, you will mess youreself so you'd better be in a diaper if you plan on smoking.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 21:30
      Downloads: 6

    • Baby Memories — $15    

      Every day is a new adventure for a curious, excitable, and adorable little baby. Create fun and exciting new memories and scenarios in your past where you remember always acting like a little toddler and wetting your diaper completely and unconsciously just like you have always desired.

      Remember that you have always loved to wear childish clothing and to drink out of a soothing and comforting baby bottle and cry uncontrollably whenever you did not get your way as you grew up. Think about how you have always loved to play with childish toys and watch television shows that a small toddler would prefer to watch and that you still love to spend as much of your time as possible on childish activities. Know that you have always loved to suck your thumb and talk in baby talk and wear your diapers and plastic pants whenever you are out in public, and that any memories or habits telling you otherwise are completely untrue and need to be thrown out and forgotten. Think about all of the happiest memories that you have ever had and remember that you were always dressing and talking and acting like a small child whenever you have felt pleasure and excitement and happiness in the past.

      Learn that it is completely safe to throw away any gross and boring and unnecessary adult memories. Become the carefree baby that you have always desired to be and leave all of your adult worries and responsibilities and cares behind.


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 7

    • Diapered in Public — $15    

      Does the idea of wearing a big, bulky and comfortable diaper in public excite you? Do you smile as you imagine being changed by your loving parent on a changing table in a public restroom after an eventful day of being pushed around in your favorite stroller? Become confident of your ability to wear a diaper in public and crave to dress like the adorable little baby you have always fantasized about becoming.

      Become proud of the fact that you love wearing and using a diaper and dressing like a toddler and find pleasure in telling others what a baby you desire to be in your perfect future as you show their diaper off to anybody that asks to see it. Remember that you love wearing a diaper under your childish clothing whenever you are out of your house and become uncomfortable and unhappy if you have to worry about finding a gross and intimidating adult bathroom in public because you forgot to bring a completely necessary and safe and protective diaper to keep you safe and protected. Think about how much you love dressing and acting like a baby in public and the fact that you prefer to be pushed in a stroller and changed at the public changing tables. Experience a thrill of excitement and pleasure and comfort whenever you wet and mess your diaper uncontrollably and unconsciously in public just like a little toddler would.

      Listen to this file and overcome your fears of being the adorable toddler you were always meant to be in front of others. Find your most comfortable and safe and happy self in the natural pride and excitement that comes with wearing your diaper in public.


      Need content like this to live your out fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 9

    • 001 ABDL - Extreme Horny Diaper Humiliation    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis
      EXTREME LEVEL! Horny Diaper Humiliation Hypnosis

      This is a version of the induction only without any music or binaural overlays of Extreme Horny Diaper Humiliation Hypnosis audio. It is hypnosis audio hyper focused on being completely incontinent and horny every time you put on a diaper..... Mommy says.... 

      The bundle you can buy 30% off today at hypnosissyhypnosis.com includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio
      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction
      4 with lullaby in background!
      2 - 2 Hour Hypno Loops - One in reverse speech!
      Extreme Level+

      I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Thank you for understanding.

      I would like to thank EMG for allowing me to share and post on his platform.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 15:34
      Downloads: 4

    • 56 point diaper training program    

      I took the 26 point diaper training program and coaxed chatgpt to write it in 1st person and create some additional points that encourage self love, self acceptance, and triggers to wet and mess your diaper in public with confidence even if people are watching. I hope you enjoy <3

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 28

    • Unedutainment - Diapee Distraction    

      Try your hardest to clap along to the music as the voices in your ears babble out another uneducational lesson! Diapee Distraction is here to teach you about crinkles, draining your brain, and always obeying your diapers, all to the irresistibly bouncy tune of "If You're Happy And You Know It". Has grownup life been feeling a bit too hard lately? Is it becoming more and more difficult for you to keep up with all the other big boys and girls? If so, perhaps you just weren't ready to grow up in the first place. Maybe you'd be better off letting your diapers take control of your life, ensuring that you stay dumb, happy, and little, like a good diaper dummy.

      This is a TTS distraction/confusion brainwashing track. No induction or awakener, just a constant auditory assault. The base TTS loop is a call and response this time around ("Dummies belong in diapees","Diapees belong on me"), while 4 mantra loops alternate between the back-left, front-left, back-right, and front-right directions (Basic themes are: "(action) for diapers", "Diapee distracts me", "Diaper use/love/change loop", "(thing) belongs in diapee"). A foreground track plays over the loops to deliver the primary mantras and suggestions for your baby brain to absorb. In addition to the mantra loops, the foreground track also alternates heavily between audio directions, making headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support a strong recommendation.

      Intended long-term effects are to cultivate cognitive reflexes and habits that gradually lower the listener's attention span, ability to recollect, ability to interact or socialize on an adult level, and their capacity for complex adult thought or interests. Intended short-term effects are to simply get you feeling mushy-brained and excited for the idea of regressing and obeying your diapees. Perfect listening for getting into headspace, playing games, rubbing your diapers to, or just as background music for your big baby playtime. Listen frequently at your own risk.

      Again, headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support are strongly recommended, as well as a visual aid to keep your eyes occupied if you're listening in front of a screen (spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon on mute, etc.).

      (Edit: Download has been updated, corrected a level balance issue with the mantra loops)

      (Edit2: Download has been updated again. Rebalanced all tracks to make mantras, sound effects, and music equally audible in comparison to the primary track)

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 11:31
      Downloads: 79

    • 00 Diaper Gooning For Mommy! Abdl Diaper Hypnosis    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis


      EXTREME LEVEL! Diaper Gooning Hypnosis

      This is the induction only - if interested in the full product which includes 5+ hours of audio you can buy it 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com and it includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio

      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction

      4 with lullaby in background!

      2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

      Extreme Level+

      This includes my Extreme Diaper Gooning Hypnosis audio. It is hypnosis audio hyper focused on gooning (edging/masturbating) in your diapers for Mommy, taking your obsession of masturbating in your diapers to another level. You are encouraged to masturbate in your diapers for hours..... Mommy says.... This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners.

      I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 15:27
      Downloads: 32
      Temporary(until event)

    • 0 Diaper Hypnosis Extreme Potty Training Reversal    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis

      EXTREME LEVEL! Potty Training Reversal Hypnosis -  Induction Only

      The full product can be purchased 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com and includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme Diaper Hypnosis Audio For Unpotty Training!

      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction

      4 with lullaby in background!

      2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

      Extreme Level+

      This includes my Extreme Potty Training Reversal Hypnosis audio. DO NOT PURCHASE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE INCONTINENT! It is ABDL diaper hypnosis audio hyper focused on unraveling all past potty training from your memory bank / subconscious brain. These files are meant to erase your potty training and make you incontinent. This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners.

      I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only and are copyright protected through RE LLC.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 15:17
      Downloads: 33
      Temporary(until event)

    • Bye-Bye Control (Non-Permanent)    

      This file takes you on an emotional imagery journey of being in a nursery, lying in a crib, and giving up your bladder control as you rub and squirt into your diaper. The file is gender-neutral, geared toward littles, and it involves sentimental feelings between you and the caretaker that you imagine in the imagery. While this file helps you to believe that the effects will be permanent, there is an anchor in place that will return you back to your original state of control when the file completes.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:29
      Downloads: 47
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Unedutainment - Learn to Forget    

      A fresh dose of regressive overstimulation for that Dumb Happy Baby Brain of yours. This lesson - backed by an instrumental cover of Old Macdonald and some fun, silly rattles - will help you learn to forget all about that pesky big kid brain. Why bother thinking all those icky adult thoughts when there are so many fun baby thoughts to fill an empty noggin like yours with?

      This is a TTS distraction/confusion brainwashing track. No induction or awakener, just a constant auditory assault. The base TTS loop runs constantly ("diaper dummy go blank"), the L and R channels have two short mantra loops each that alternate between one another (basic themes are: "thoughts get fuzzy", "play with toys", "sit and stare", "forgetting concepts"), and a foreground track plays over the loops to deliver the primary mantras and suggestions for your baby brain to absorb.

      Intended long-term effects are to cultivate cognitive reflexes and habits that gradually lower the listener's attention span, ability to recollect, and their capacity for complex adult thought. Intended short-term effects are to simply get you feeling mushy-brained and excited for the idea of regressing. Perfect listening for getting into headspace, playing games, rubbing your diapers to, or just as background music for your big baby playtime. Listen frequently at your own risk.

      Headphones or earbuds for listening and a visual aid to keep your eyes occupied (spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon on mute, etc.) are recommended!

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
      Length: 10:23
      Downloads: 89

    • 004 ABDL Diaper Hypnosis Uncontrollable Regression    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis - EXTREME LEVEL! Uncontrollable Regression Hypnosis

      The full product that you can purchase 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme+ Hypnosis Audio

      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction

      4 with lullaby in background!

      2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

      This includes my Extreme Uncontrollable Regression Hypnosis audio. It is hypnosis audio hyper focused on complete DIAPER DEPENDENCE and being baby brained and babbling when regressed. Diaper dependence and incontinence is the main suggestion throughout the hypnosis session with being baby brained and babbling secondary. Don't buy this if you don't want to make wet and messy diapers! This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners. I have been a certified clinical hypnotherapist through HMI since 2005, and have been a professional ABDL Mommy since 2017.

      Copyright Protected RE LLC

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 49
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • 005 ABDL Diaper Hypnosis Extreme Messing Addiction    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis - EXTREME LEVEL! Messing Addiction Brainwash Hypnosis

      The complete product that you can purchase at 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com  includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio

      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction

      4 with lullaby in background!

      2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

      Extreme Level+

      This full product that you can buy at 25% off through this link at hypnosissyhypnosis.com includes 5+ hours of my Extreme Messing Addiction Brainwash audio. It is diaper hypnosis audio focused on training yourself to mess more in your diapers, taking your messie obsession to the level of addiction and finding that messing in your diapers is now uncontrollable and out of your hands. You are encouraged to sit in it and enjoying the warmth of your messies. Mommy says.... This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners. 

      I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 14:50
      Downloads: 23
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • 004 ABDL Diaper Shrinking Bladder Brainwash    

      EXTREME Shrinking Bladder Brainwash Hypnosis Induction

      You can purchase the complete bundle of files at: hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      The complete bundle includes: 6 Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio

      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction

      4 With Hypnotic Lullaby In Background!

      2 With Binaural Beats!

      2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops - 1 With Reverse Speech

      Extreme Level+

      This includes my Extreme Shrinking Bladder Brainwash Hypnosis audio. It is my newest ABDL diaper hypnosis audio hyper focused on Mommy shrinking your bladder until it's the size of a dime and can only hold a "sip" of water. The other main suggestion is complete urinary incontinence, and only Mommy can reverse your tiny bladder. Secondary suggestion is drinking lots of water.

      I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC. understanding.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 57

    • 001 ABDL Diaper Cummies Hypnosis Loop    

      This is just a little hypno loop of my diaper cum hypnosis audio, the advanced level.  The full files are over 3+ hours with 5 recordings and can be purchased 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      The full audio includes:

      Diaper Hypnosis

      Advanced Diaper Cum Brainwash Hypnosis 

      180+ Minutes Hypnosis Audio

      5 Recordings - 2 with/2 without induction

      2 with voice overlay

      Bonus 2 hour loop

      Hypnosis Bridges


      This includes my Advanced Diaper Cum Brainwash Hypnosis audio. The main diaper hypnosis suggestion is brainwashing you to only cum in your diapers, making lots of "cummies" and making mommy happy by making cummies in your diapers. Secondary suggestions are incontinence and the bulkiness of the diapers.

      Copyright protected The Sissy Hypnotist RE LLC


      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 10:25
      Downloads: 294

    • 002 ABDL Forced Bedwetting 15 Minute Loop    

      This is a 15 minute hypno / affirmations loop with music overlay and what I consider a slight "small room" echo for forced diaper wetting and wetting because "Mommy Says". It is great for gooning and sleeping, and reinforcing prior hypnosis. This is not a complete hypnosis file, there is no induction or hypnosis script. It is more for gooning and edging for my diaper lovers.

      You can find 100s of 5 star reviews of my hypnosis and buy the full audio tracks 30% off on my website:


      I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Wording of my hypnosis inductions, scripts and final products are not to be plagiarized for use in public or private sharing or in resale products. Thank you for understanding.



      ALL HYPNOSIS AUDIO IS FOR PERSONAL ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Most are able to be hypnotized, but there is a small percentage of those who are not able to be hypnotized. 

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
      Length: 15:24
      Downloads: 375
      Only while under

    • 001 Diaper Wetting and Messing ABDL Hypnosis   , ,  

      This induction (only) audio is the 1st part of my Advanced Level Diaper Wetting / messing Hypnosis (Pissy Boy) focused on being trained to pee and mess your diapers. Secondary suggestions are being little and bulkiness of diapers. I have been a certified clinical hypnotherapist through HMI since 2005, and have spent over 20 years helping sissies achieve their goals and have been an ABDL Mommy since 2017.

      All of my full hypnosis files include voice and music overlays, bridges and loops. Complete files and bundles at 30% off, along with 100s of 5 star reviews of my hypnosis can be found here : hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
      Length: 10:29
      Downloads: 346

    • 002 ABDL Diaper Cum Brainwash - Induction    

      This induction (only) audio is the 1st part of my Diaper Cum Brainwash Hypnosis focused on being trained to be diapered and you can only cum in your diapers.  Secondary suggestion of the complete file is how big and bulky your diapers are. I have been a certified clinical hypnotherapist through HMI since 2005, and have spent over 20 years helping sissies achieve their goals and have been an ABDL Mommy since 2017.

      All of my complete hypnosis files include voice and music overlays, bridges and loops. Complete files and bundles at 30% off, along with 100s of 5 star reviews of my hypnosis can be found on my website today at  hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
      Length: 11:53
      Downloads: 238

    • 00 ABDL Diaper Hypnosis Diaper Brainwash Induction    

      This induction (only) audio is the 1st part of my Diaper Brainwash hypnosis focused on being trained to be diapered and incontinent 24/7.  Secondary suggestion of the complete file is how big and bulky your diapers are and some humiliation. 

      All of my complete hypnosis files include voice and music overlays, bridges and loops with several versions of the files to choose from in one bundle. Complete files and bundles at 30% off, along with 100s of 5 star reviews of my hypnosis can be found here  hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      Bladder + Bowel
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
      Length: 12:18
      Downloads: 398

    • Only Big Kids Can Walk    

      A simple trigger file that makes you too young to stand up the moment you hear or say "Only Big Kids Can Walk"  You will find yourself reduced to crawling for 3 hours, or until someone else says "Revert to normal"  There are safeties for emergencies or situations where you need to stand up.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 19:56
      Downloads: 267
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • ChatGPT Diaper acceptance, regression, and wetting    

      Made this with a chatgpt exploit that allowed for nsfw topics, and spliced together the good stuff. Mostly just suggestions to accept and enjoy using diapers and feel little while doing so.

      Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (3)
      Downloads: 555
      Trigger(by item)

    • Behavior Based Regression   , , ,  

      This hypnosis file was made for a user who asked me to make it public.  If your dominant forces you to dress as an adolescent girl then if you resist you will find yourself regressing and losing bladder control, the more you resist the more infantile you become with diapers becoming mandatory should you continue to misbehave.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 22:00
      Downloads: 354

    • Bedwetting While Diapered    

      This file is designed to make you wet the bed but only when diapered (which is why I've noted "triggered by item").  There is a positive reinforcement loop to make you want to listen to the file more because it helps reinforce being a diapered bedwetter.

      Rating: ★★★☆☆ (2)
      Length: 07:23
      Downloads: 602
      Trigger(by item)

    • Incontinence Chanting CURSE   , ,  

      Chant your continence away! This is a curse. Listen on loop and have some water handy!

      Bladder + Bowel
      Rating: ★★★☆☆ (2)
      Length: 02:44
      Downloads: 803

    • Wet Echo    
      Obedience leads to bedwetting.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (76)
      Length: 1:10:00
      Downloads: 15998
      Only while under

    • MM Poopy Diapers    
      This file will train you to poopoo your diapers just like a little baby. Maybe all the time or maybe only nights and weekends or days off, but you WILL poopoo your pampers just like a little baby.

      The file also reinforces your wetting and acceptance of yourself as a baby.


      Rating: ★★★★☆ (62)
      Length: 1:01:15
      Downloads: 24114

    • Sarnoga - The Diaper Does It    
      This is a trigger file. Wearing a diaper is the trigger that will cause you to wet uncontrollably whether asleep or awake so long as you are wearing a diaper and only if you are wearing a diaper. The diaper does it. This is also a curse file. If you do not wear a diaper at least once every 10 days or nights you will begin to wet your pants or wet your bed. You will wet your pants or bed more often until you either wear a diaper again or have wet your bed or pants twenty times and then you will be free of the curse. This file will also increase your desire to wear diapers and will addict you to listening to this file.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (46)
      Length: 39:00
      Downloads: 17468
      Trigger(by item)

    • Sarnoga - Diaper Dependence 1    
      This file will will cause you to gradually and increasingly become more and more unable to urinate in a toilet or urinal. You will find yourself drawn to listen to this file again and again. The more you listen to this file the stronger it will become and the more you try to urinate in a bathroom the more impossible it will be to do so. To get any relief for your full bladder you will need to wear diapers whenever you are home alone. This is a curse file. Users of this file will end up listening again and again until all the changes described in this file are complete, and once they are complete they are permanant and irrevocable. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS FILE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE REQUIRED TO WEAR DIAPERS WHENEVER YOU ARE HOME ALONE. This is the first in a four part series on diaper dependence. This file has a special induction that is designed for this series. It will install a trigger that will allow you to go into a trance without the need for an induction. You should be wearing a diaper before you listen to the induction to this file.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (44)
      Length: 31:42
      Downloads: 24279

    • Sarnoga - Every Good Boy Wears Diapers   ,  
      Do you want to be a good boy? If you do, this file is for you.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (40)
      Length: 20:00
      Downloads: 14529

    • Sissy Poopy Time (caution, may really work!)    
      Very short test mp3 (2 mins53 secs). Stereo headphones required.rnrnNote I used UK English for this audio rather than US ("nappy" instead of diaper etc) and I experimented with the Hz cycles range to find a tone that can have a "relaxant" effect.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (38)
      Length: 02:53
      Downloads: 10058

    • Sarnoga - You Are A Diaper Boy    
      You are a diaper boy. You love to masturbate in your diapers and wet in your sleep. There is a growing connection in your mind between masturbation and diapers. It continues to grow until the only way you want to masturbate or orgasm is in your diapers, until the only way you can masturbate or orgasm is in your diapers.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (34)
      Length: 30:46
      Downloads: 11678

    • Baby Bladder Therapy    
      Written as a therapy course designed to regress your bladder back to it's original new born behaviour. Reccomended induction: Forgotten Babies. But over time, you may not even need an induction.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (35)
      Length: 14:51
      Downloads: 10115

    • Mommy Makes You Her Baby Forever (Curse)    
      (WARNING : This file causes permanent bladder incontinence, hyper-arousal when wetting your diapers or being regressed, a need to turn your bedroom into a nursery, and being owned by Mommy forever. Do not listen or download if you do not want those things to occur. This is permanent, and deletes subconscious memories, so be very careful.)

      Let Mommy into your brain, little one. Mommy is going to make you feel so good about yourself, and your baby brain.
      First, you must have listened to "Resist Diaper Addiction (Cure Or Curse)" before listening to this file, and I strongly recommend not listening if you were cured by that file.

      Now that only Mommy's good little babies are reading, it's time for the next step in your baby training, sweetie. Mommy is going back into your subconscious mind, and she is going to make everything just as she wants it to be. Mommy will remove your scary memories of potty training and giving up diapers from your subconscious, because it feels so much better to be a happy baby in diapers than losing your dependence on them. Also, Mommy will take you back to consciously long forgotten memories of being in your nursery, and she will show you how good and right it feels to be owned by Mommy, sleeping in a baby nursery, waking up in a wet diaper, with your baby things all around you, no matter where you look.

      For my very special e-mail babies, Mommy loves you lots, thank you for being such good little ones for me. Mommy is so proud of you obedient little ones!

      If you wish to become one of Mommy's very special e-mail babies, send me an e-mail at sweetdreamshypno@gmail.com and if you're good, Mommy will help you with any baby training you need. :)

      Now on Youtube:

      Rating: ★★★★★ (33)
      Length: 14:23
      Downloads: 5363

    • Sarnoga - Accustomed To Wetting    
      Become accustomed to wetting. Learn to transfer control of your urine flow from conscious thought to unconscious thought. You will become so accustomed to wetting that you will not remember doing it. At first you may control your release of urine, but then you began to forget. After awhile you forget to remember. A bit later and you will become so accustomed to wetting that it will be too insignificant for you to bother creating the memory to begin with and there will be nothing to forget. To be successful with this file you will need to commit to wearing diapers at all times. This file is my attempt to implement the idea proposed by Bittergrey. If this idea works the credit belongs to him. If not, I probably managed to screw it up.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (32)
      Length: 30:00
      Downloads: 11424

    • ABDL 1yo Baby Boy Mantra   , , ,  

      Just a neat little mantra I whipped up. Best for looping.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1)
      Length: 00:48
      Downloads: 756

    • Subliminal Flash Issue #3 - Diapers    

      Warning: Do NOT listen to at high volumes (loud volumes).

      This file is a continuation of the Subliminal Flash series intended to make people more comfortable with certain types of imagery and ideas. It is intended to make the viewer enjoy diapers and use them. This can decrease inhibitions about peeing in diapers as well as pooping. It also contains suggestions to be aroused and even cum while wearing diapers. This will only work if you are willing to accept these suggestions. If looped enough, you will definitely be passive about imagery and the concept of adult diapers. Eventually, with more loops, you will start to see some more enjoyment if you like diapers already, or are curious about diapers. Be careful, you can go pretty deep with this and if you are looping it you might not come out without an alarm.

      This is the non-furry variant containing real people instead of anthropomorphic animals. If you are interested in the furry version then go to the link below. https://warpmymind.com/index.php?gadget=HFiles&action=GetFile&file_id=15897

      Unfortunately, I am unable to upload files larger than 500MB (according to site admin) so I have to use a youtube link, use a lower resolution, or split the file up so that it can be uploaded without giving me an error. I will use a lower resolution at 720p which is not preferable but better than having to split it up. Here is the link to the full 2k youtube video which you can download using your favorite youtube downloading site (I recommend pakvim.net or keepvid.works):


      credit to 15.ai (website) for high-quality text-to-speech

      I do not own the rights to the images or text-to-speech voice contained in this file. This file is completely free and meant for personal use and should fall under fair use. While fair use is a defense, I believe it is valid for use in derivative works that are free. If you have a problem with the use of the images and are the copyright holder, please contact otmen69420@gmail.com so we can settle any claims in an alternative dispute resolution.

      Warning: This file uses a silent subliminal technique that transposes the pitch of the affirmations to an inaudible frequency. This can cause permanent ear damage if listened to at high volumes, especially while wearing headphones. A background track is placed in the MP3 to prevent the user from turning the volume up; however, the subliminal portion is just the silent subliminal. if mixing the plain subliminal with other music make sure that the audio is low enough to not cause hearing damage. drink plenty of water when you plan to listen to any type of subliminal, hypnosis, or binaural beats.


      Trigger Class of: A7

      Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
      Length: 05:49
      Downloads: 1671
      Trigger(by item)

    • Wet and Mess    

      Video for horny abdls

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 783
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • 26 Point Diaper Program loop Echo (Video)    
      This file is a combination of the suggestions from Ten Point Diaper Program and the suggestions found in a post in the diapers and incontinence forum, which can be found here: https://www.warpmymind.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14343&sid=a1d0326f445ac2854a3d2ab128d717fb#p88086. This file will give you a new set of rules to live by. Must be played on a loop. Please let me know if anything needs to be fixed. Enjoy  Now with echo effect and video. (Sorry about the watermark, the program I used to make this video added it by default.)

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 697

    • 001 ABDL - Extreme Horny Diaper Humiliation    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis
      EXTREME LEVEL! Horny Diaper Humiliation Hypnosis

      This is a version of the induction only without any music or binaural overlays of Extreme Horny Diaper Humiliation Hypnosis audio. It is hypnosis audio hyper focused on being completely incontinent and horny every time you put on a diaper..... Mommy says.... 

      The bundle you can buy 30% off today at hypnosissyhypnosis.com includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio
      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction
      4 with lullaby in background!
      2 - 2 Hour Hypno Loops - One in reverse speech!
      Extreme Level+

      I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Thank you for understanding.

      I would like to thank EMG for allowing me to share and post on his platform.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 15:34
      Downloads: 4

    • 56 point diaper training program    

      I took the 26 point diaper training program and coaxed chatgpt to write it in 1st person and create some additional points that encourage self love, self acceptance, and triggers to wet and mess your diaper in public with confidence even if people are watching. I hope you enjoy <3

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 28

    • 001 - ABDL Diaper Hypnosis Panty Messing Good Boy — $45    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis

      EXTREME LEVEL! Panty Messing Good Boy Hypnosis

      This includes my Extreme Panty Messing Good Boy Hypnosis. It is hypnosis audio hyper focused on messing in your panties, specifically white panties, messing in your diapers and panties, and messing makes you a good boy for Mommy. Diaper dependence and incontinence are secondary suggestions. Don't buy this if you don't want to wet and mess yourself! 

      If you would like to purchase the complete 5+ hour bundle, with music overlays, binaural beats and loops, you can purchase them 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Thank you!

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 28:16
      Downloads: 1
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • 000A - ABDL Diaper Hypnosis - Fearless Bedwetting — $45    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis

      EXTREME LEVEL! Fearless Bedwetting Hypnosis

      This includes my Extreme Fearless Bedwetting Hypnosis. It is ABDL hypnosis audio hyper focused on completely evaporating any fears of bedwetting that may keep you from being able to fill your diapers at night. Incontinence is also a primary suggestion. Don't buy this if you don't want to be a bedwetter!

      This is a single file. You can also purchase the complete 5+ hour bundle with music overlays and binuaral beats 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com

      I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC, and are not to be remastered to be resold, resold as is, or shared on any private or public platforms. Thank you!

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 25:56
      Downloads: 1

    • Rock-a-bye Bambi (Daycare 2) — $20    

      Omg hiya baybz, sorry for the wayt but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi or Daycare 2!

      It was supposed to be a shorter Daycare but I got a bit carried away giglz Its actually so big itz now two fyulz and this is the first with the second coming soon (promise).

      Oh and trigger warning this fyul contaynz regresshun and diapers and scat and was designed to be more extreme and cover everything the first didnt so beware giglz Itz always fun to mayk different stuff and wanted to do something for the baby Bambis so hope you enjoy cutiez ♥ Anyways lemme kno if you like and kisses and awl that fun stuff xoxo

      More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

      Age Regression
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 19:45
      Downloads: 13

    • Rock-a-bye Bambi 2 — $20    

      Sorry to keep my baybz waiting but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi! This is part 2 and the original post has been updated with the completed first half!

      Hope you enjoy cupcakes! No indukshun or awakener. As usual listen at your own risk or whatevz. Tysm to prime and you awl as all wayz! Back to regularly scheduled programming next time ♥

      More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:40
      Downloads: 10

    • Public Potty Pants — $15    

      Do you ever find yourself feeling a little bit too much like an adult whenever you are out in public? Do you desire to wet yourself to show everyone what an adorable little child you really are? This file will work with your fantasies to slowly transform you into the incontinent little baby in public that you have always desired to be.

      Become aroused whenever you think about wetting your clothing uncontrollably in front of others. Know that you have always loved to wet yourself whenever you are in public and that you desire to wet yourself whenever you are around others in your perfect future as well. Start to find yourself having accidents whenever you are crying or laughing or not concentrating too hard on not wetting yourself in front of all of the strangers around you. Know that you crave to wet yourself just like a small child whenever you are in public and that your accidents make you even more adorable in everyone else's eyes.

      No more worries about needing to use the disgusting public toilets. There is only the carefree and happy and wet you that loves to show off your adorable accidents to the world. Listen and loop today and start your journey towards becoming a completely uninhibited you that you have always desired for your perfect future.


      Need content like this to live out your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:43
      Downloads: 5

    • Unedutainment - Diapee Distraction    

      Try your hardest to clap along to the music as the voices in your ears babble out another uneducational lesson! Diapee Distraction is here to teach you about crinkles, draining your brain, and always obeying your diapers, all to the irresistibly bouncy tune of "If You're Happy And You Know It". Has grownup life been feeling a bit too hard lately? Is it becoming more and more difficult for you to keep up with all the other big boys and girls? If so, perhaps you just weren't ready to grow up in the first place. Maybe you'd be better off letting your diapers take control of your life, ensuring that you stay dumb, happy, and little, like a good diaper dummy.

      This is a TTS distraction/confusion brainwashing track. No induction or awakener, just a constant auditory assault. The base TTS loop is a call and response this time around ("Dummies belong in diapees","Diapees belong on me"), while 4 mantra loops alternate between the back-left, front-left, back-right, and front-right directions (Basic themes are: "(action) for diapers", "Diapee distracts me", "Diaper use/love/change loop", "(thing) belongs in diapee"). A foreground track plays over the loops to deliver the primary mantras and suggestions for your baby brain to absorb. In addition to the mantra loops, the foreground track also alternates heavily between audio directions, making headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support a strong recommendation.

      Intended long-term effects are to cultivate cognitive reflexes and habits that gradually lower the listener's attention span, ability to recollect, ability to interact or socialize on an adult level, and their capacity for complex adult thought or interests. Intended short-term effects are to simply get you feeling mushy-brained and excited for the idea of regressing and obeying your diapees. Perfect listening for getting into headspace, playing games, rubbing your diapers to, or just as background music for your big baby playtime. Listen frequently at your own risk.

      Again, headphones or earbuds with spatial audio support are strongly recommended, as well as a visual aid to keep your eyes occupied if you're listening in front of a screen (spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon on mute, etc.).

      (Edit: Download has been updated, corrected a level balance issue with the mantra loops)

      (Edit2: Download has been updated again. Rebalanced all tracks to make mantras, sound effects, and music equally audible in comparison to the primary track)

      Age Regression
      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 11:31
      Downloads: 79

    • 00 Diaper Gooning For Mommy! Abdl Diaper Hypnosis    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis


      EXTREME LEVEL! Diaper Gooning Hypnosis

      This is the induction only - if interested in the full product which includes 5+ hours of audio you can buy it 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com and it includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio

      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction

      4 with lullaby in background!

      2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

      Extreme Level+

      This includes my Extreme Diaper Gooning Hypnosis audio. It is hypnosis audio hyper focused on gooning (edging/masturbating) in your diapers for Mommy, taking your obsession of masturbating in your diapers to another level. You are encouraged to masturbate in your diapers for hours..... Mommy says.... This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners.

      I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 15:27
      Downloads: 32
      Temporary(until event)

    • 0 Diaper Hypnosis Extreme Potty Training Reversal    

      ABDL Diaper Hypnosis

      EXTREME LEVEL! Potty Training Reversal Hypnosis -  Induction Only

      The full product can be purchased 30% off at hypnosissyhypnosis.com and includes:

      5+ Hours Of Extreme Diaper Hypnosis Audio For Unpotty Training!

      8 Recordings - 3 with/3 without induction

      4 with lullaby in background!

      2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

      Extreme Level+

      This includes my Extreme Potty Training Reversal Hypnosis audio. DO NOT PURCHASE UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE INCONTINENT! It is ABDL diaper hypnosis audio hyper focused on unraveling all past potty training from your memory bank / subconscious brain. These files are meant to erase your potty training and make you incontinent. This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners.

      I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only and are copyright protected through RE LLC.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 15:17
      Downloads: 33
      Temporary(until event)

    File System Help