
  • FurryTransformation    
    Lets you see yourself as a furry of any gender, age and species that you choose with the trigger of 'Morph to a of years old'. You will see/feel the fur, tail and ears as if they were your own and had always been. In addition you will see the people around you the same way{but will be able to recognize friends etc.} The trigger ends when you say 'morph back to normal' [self trigerable]

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (97)
    Length: 29:37
    Downloads: 15051
    Trigger(by anyone)
    just can't get it to work. The trance is good, but i keep swallowing the whole time. I tried it twice but don't get any result other than trance. I also don't feel refreshed afterwards.
    try drinking some water before you start the session, a dry mouth can ruin it
    well, any drink will work, just somthing to get the mouth wet
    Hope this works. I have always wanted to be a kitty person with a cute tail and kitty ears.
    do i have to be awake to do this ?
    I hope this works. i wanted to be any kind of antropromorphic animal.
    i cant get it too work y?\n
    Hi. Im finding it hard to go into trance. I do somewhat, like i have a hard time moving my arms. But do you have any suggetions on how i can go into trance easier?
    Does this have an induction, or should I listen to a few trance inducers before listening to this?
    i listened to it once so far... the top of my head tingled when i said the phrase... not much, but...
    do you say \"Morph to a girl of ---- years old\"?, or do you say \"Morph to a girl tiger of ---- years old?
    how many times do you have to listen for it to work?
    i am going to try it asleep with earphones on repeat can you all tell me about the effectiveness of this method
    i didnt know you had to be asleep at first, i went into a trance but nothing else happened, i listened to it twice and now I\'m embaressed
    Ive only recently begun trying to trance and hypnotise myself a couple days ago and this is the very first file that ive tried...so far i seem able to get to a light trance state however so far ive only felt mild tingles now and then when i say the trigger and when i trun my head i sometimes catch the form fo what i want form out the corner of my eye but nothing trully beleiveable yet.\n\nAm i rushing this?...should i have started on a easier file rather than one that affect the entire body
    Tried it for first time. Worked better than I thought and it gets better as it sinks into my mind
    Personally, I found this to be a great file, though I only used it once. I tried triggering it shortly after by attempting to turn myself into a 41 year old lion, and I noticed that my feet and hands started to tingle a bit where patches of fur would grow. I\'m going to keep listening to this file daily until I can completely put myself through a transformation. Great work EMG!
    Ive listened for atleast a year now. I\'m thinking my Subconcious has a good fortitude and that\'s why no files work well for me. The only one I got to work was the instant wetting one and I don\'t like that fetish. I\'m just at the point of giving up on hypnosis altogether. Although what little feeling I get from the dragon trigger file is awesome. I got a ghost tail off that. It was cool. :) but another problem is I want weird furries as transformations.
    i cant get into trance I Listend to it 3 times. I cant get it to work. Im Awake i cant fall asleep.\r\nWhen i say the Trigger I feel a little tingley thats it. Please Help
    I keep coming back to the File tho so i think im in a little trance
    every time i try to download the file i get a scrren that say: Fatal error: Call to undefined function SendFile() in /home/warpmymind/public_html/modules/Files/index.php on line 458
    It says \"binaural and subliminal\" but I find neither of these things...
    Is sleep required?
    well not much happened, i tried to turn into an anthro wolf, so far only my eyes have changed to a mostly yellow w/ green and a dark ring around it
    I went through a quick, conscious listen to it and it\'s done a decent amount so far! I can feel some of the desired species I become, and from time to time people look like furries for a split second. This will be the file I listen to plenty and often. :P