
  • Curse Breast Growth Male    
    This file curses the Male listener with breast growth that will not end until I remove the curse.

    Sex Change
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (78)
    Length: 23:06
    Downloads: 27975
    I started seeing results in this file yesterday, it does work...
    ive listen once and i've already started to develop breasts
    Does this seriously work... i'm not sure if i want to know...
    if this does work it says the breast growth wont end, now does that mean they could get unrealalistically huge if i dont have the curse removed?
    I've been using self-hypnosis for several months, and have measured a fairly consistent 1/4" increase in my bust circumference every 3 weeks with one session per day. I switched to using this file 1.5 months ago and--so far--the growth has continued. I'd say it *can* work (depends on the individual), but don't expect miracles. I've only grown 2.5" in the last 5 months, and I'm still 2" from A/B - cup breasts. I think that, ultimately, development can't exceed what you would get from HRT, which varies by the individual.
    I've listened to this file for a week so far, and have had very slight success. Will continue listening and will keep you posted. Regardless though, it does seem to be working!
    i listened to the file 2 weeks now and tried to stop listening but can't very addictive and have grown a full cup size to a b cup
    I\'ve been using this site for close to a year now, and in the past two or three weeks have been using this file and Curse Hormone Change on a multiple times a day basis. Been seeing some pretty good results with them--better than anything else I\'ve tried. Nothing faster than actually using hormones... but that probably shouldn\'t be expected, anyway. So I don\'t know whether it is this file... or CHC... or both together... but whatever the case, I recommend the mix.
    I ended up listening to this file for little over a week, once a day. I got the tiniest bit of growth, however!
    does anyone have before and after pictures
    is there a removal file for this
    Nichole: You\'ll have to pay emg to get it removed like his other curse files.
    I\'ve listened to this and othe files time and time again with little to no effect...
    Nichole, there are plenty of reputable knowledgeable hypnotists out there who can remove the effects of any hypnosis file in general, its a common knowledge. Not that I would want to take any potential money from emg, I love his work, its just that he tends to prey on the ignorant, and as far as I\'m concerned I would too given the opportunity, example hook some one with a free curse file then make them pay to remove it, its a good idea but it isn\'t the only way to remove a file.
    There\'s NO need to go into the details of Estrogen if you\'re using Hypnosis, others have been successful using affirmations or non estrogenic herbs. Estrogen has dangers for men!\nRead the medical litrature!
    I\'ve listened to this a few times over and already my chest feels so much softer and more tender. I\'d say it works great. And it feels fantastic! Best part is, I can\'t stop listening! Every night, I just can\'t get the thought of listening out of my mind, so I give it a whirl before bed and it makes my breasts feel so much softer. Hopefully soon they\'ll really start filling out.
    I have been listening to this file for 5 months now. It is highly addictive and I find myself replaying it several times each day. At first, I thought that my breast growth was just imagined. But, my shirts started getting tighter and a couple of my friends made comments. I now find that I am having to wear a 38B bra for comfort or that I have to use a binder if I don\'t want my breasts to be noticed.
    This works however...I believe it takes a constant listening to take effect, with that being said I listened half way though and got kicked out of trance and woke myself up, and I have no desire to listen to this file again which means \"curse\" or not the effects will wear off because with one hypnosis session the effects usually lasts for about 2 weeks or less (research)...SO if you want female breasts, after a long period of time of consistent listening this file will work for you
    Hey fagtopig mind uploading before and after photos?
    You go to gallery and then add items
    I could not listen to it for more than 2 mins. The guy sounds weak, not like some one to be followed, he takes gasping breaths at odd times and makes other non word mouth noises.
    I started listening to this file 4 months ago at the end of summer. During that time, my previously flat chest has grown to fill out a B cup. I have never been much into wearing bras. But, I feel that things are now getting rather bouncy and I need the support. It is easy to hide my growth under winter clothing. But, if the growth continues, I am not sure how I am going to present myself when summer rolls around again. The file is addictive and I keep listening to almost daily. Not sure if discontinuing listening to the file will stop growth or not.
    Would love to hear from other users. I wish for a nice B cup. Can someone share before and after pictures please too?
    I have been listening to this once a day.
    I’m listening to this right now, and this guy keeps sounding like he’s gonna fall asleep. Lol
    Does the growth stop after a while?
    How do I access this file?
    bruceabear press the MP3 button (or Script if you want the script for it)