
  • Forbidden Fruit    
    What if a tricky devil were to take you under and tell you a secret... the best thing about hypnosis? Are you curious enough about it to risk having your mind stolen and enslaved in order to learn about it? Do you imagine that something like that just couldn't happen to you, or that you could safely listen just one time, just to find out what this is all about? Maybe you are secretly hoping that maybe it would happen. This is the nature of forbidden fruit. Sweet, because you can't have it without taking a risk. Do you dare to taste it?

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (42)
    Length: 10:47
    Downloads: 6343
    MG--that\'s amazing--makes me so effin\' hot!
    Amazing! This is the first file I\'ve listened too in which I\'ve experienced full post-hypnotic amnesia! usually I can still remember at least PART of the file, or I\'ll remember it but keep pushing it back every time I try. But with this file, I remember the fact that I\'ve listened to it, but I can\'t even remember WHEN I listened too it what I was doing before and after listening to it! And I can\'t remember any of the details about the file! I remember afterwards realizing I can\'t remember the contents of the file, but not the file! I KNOW I\'ve listening to it though!
    Hello Sir, YES SIR! Perfect, Sir! Just wonderfully perfect, Sir!
    Sir, an excellent file!! How I wish I was knelt before you, as You offer me the apple from the garden; the apple that allows You to further enslave me to You
    Very nice work. I agree with a commenter on one of your other files, you\'ve mastered a very slippery kind of language that\'s hard to either resist or remember much about afterwards. Plays to all my weaknesses too :) Wanting to be noticed, wanting to submit, unable to prevent myself being drawn back to listen again. Dangerous stuff that I\'ll do my best to avoid!
    Thank You Sir. i am honored to experience Your sessions, Sir. i seek to go further into total and complete enslavement to You, Sir. Whatever You choose to explore and experiment on me to reach the goal You most interest would be sought from my submissive and eager extreme surrender to Your power and control Sir. i love what Your words do to me, Sir. Thank You again so much, Sir.
    Sir, I was completely captured by your words, I need that apple. I feel that urge to get down on my knees and allow the surrender to overtake me. Please grant me the access to go further with you.
    Great file, Sir.
    I want to serve you Sir. Please. I want to be on my knees in front of you, clinging to your every word, and obeying your every whim. Please Sir, tell me how I can do this. I long to please you.
    Sir, you won. I don not know why I listened to this file, but it\'s done...I will be your slave, I am you slave. Order, I will obey. Whatever. I do not know why I write that, but that\'s it. I have been waiting during one hour, tried to resist, but I can\'t no more. You did it.
    Please, Sir, let me be your slave. Let me obey you. I tried to resist but can\'t. I want to kneel for youu as you make me your slave, Sir.
    Please sir I want you to take advantage of my slave body and submit me to your desires.
    Please enslave me more, Sir.
    Great file, Sir.
    Please Sir i want to be your slave... i need to hear your words in my head. i want to listen and feel your commands over me. i am usually a very difficult subject but your session left me with the need to contact you and express what a great file this is and to thank you Sir for creating it.
    Great file! I can hardly remember any of that, but it\'s left me bloody horny, haha. Won\'t be listening again as I am owned already...was just curious about the language use that could lead to all those interesting comments. Most files don\'t cause this extent of memory loss in me, so kudos on an excellent file!
    Sir, I am open and ready for all your suggestions. If I could, I would be kneeling at your feet now. I hope you will consider me for further training.
    lol .. i took one bite.... then another.... then another.... then another.... now i think i will eat the core with the seeds to see what will grow..... thanks
    and again i keep biting the apple and wonder why i keep listening to you files... please let me know how you can help me.... thanks
    Great file Sir! I would love to hear more.
    Once again, I listened to this file, thinking I would pay attention and figure out what\'s in it that makes me feel like I enjoy it so very much. And once again, I came out of trance just coasting on the buzz. And once again, it\'s not until the next day that I realize my curiosity was not appeased and I have to dedouble my efforts and listen again. I dunno. Maybe it\'s a biorhythm thing, or some kind of gravitation pull of the moon. I\'ve been noticing these last few months that I get more submissive on the full moon. (Is there such as thing as a were-slave?) I wish WMM afforded a way to message their contributors personally.
    I never fully went under. The whole thing was incredibly arrogant and egotistical. There was no actual \"fruit\" in the file. Mainly just \"I\'m planting things\" and \"I have planted things,\" but there was no actual planting, and there were no \"things.\" \n\nIt makes the full moon a trigger too. Telling you that you\'ll think of this file every time you look at the night\'s sky. \n\nNot worth it.
    feverdream...please let me have a bite of the fruit.......how can i talk to you
    Full moon tonight. And I\'m back for more. I love this file!
    Feeling the pull of the file. If you haven\'t tried this you must!
    Full moon again. And that means i am on my knees, desirous only to serve.
    i kneel before You\nobedient and eager\nthe moon compels me
    forever on my knees. forever and ever and ever.
    The full moon pulls me in again. As the yellow orb rises in the horizon, engorged by the evening atmosphere, it pulls me in and envelops my mind. I don\'t even notice when i sink to my knees. my mind goes blank except for one simple concept: OBEY.
    The full moon is at its farthest point from the earth of all the year. But its pull is stronger than ever. Again, on my knees. Obedience is all.
    I don\'t know what just happened, all I know is I need to leave a comment asking for more ways to serve you, sir!
    Full moon in the sky\nCaptures my soul frees my mind\nOnce more on my knees
    Looking up at the full moon, i feel my soul taking flight, pulled by the immense gravitational force, until it leaves this body entirely, leaving only obedience
    i am the sea \nmy soul is boundless \nmy obedience is deep \nit is my nature \nto be compelled by the moon
    The fully moon captures the imagination, inspires a sense of peace, of belonging. Obedience. Always, obedience.
    the moon rises, my heart soars, i sink to my knees
    i have partaken of the forbidden fruit. The seed has been planted; the roots have grown deep. The full moon nourishes it and it grows ever stronger. Its vines and branches twist around my body and pervade my brain, forcing me again to my knees.
    Moon. It hangs there. Taunting. Testing. Summoning. i hold my breath and sink slowly to my knees.
    I want to kneel at your feet and submit so much.
    Amazing file sir, I can\'t wait to listen to all your files now
    Not sure why but feel the need to comment, Sir.
    I would love for you to enslave me
    Really amazing, I would love to be your slave.
    this is the second of your files I listened to because I liked the name. like the other responders I really don't remember it even though it was barely an hour ago but I'm sure it will have some nice effects on me.....:)
    that was great
    I want to kneel and bow before you my Master. Please nake more, I would love to hear more whispers from your golden tongue serpent. <3
    Also, I need that apple sir! May I please have a bite!
    Also, I need that apple sir! May I please have a bite?
    Please take me. I am new and dont know how to contact you one on one.
    I think you’ve become my new favorite hypnotist.
    Thank you sir. I really want the apple. I know your words made sense but I can already feel them slipping away. I think I’ll stay and listen to your voice a while longer.
    I want more suggestions. Please continue to enslave me deeper and stronger.
    I can't stop listening to all your files, even though I can't remember anything after, All I know is I must leave this comment. Please master, tell me how I can further submit to you