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JackDrago's Recent Entries

What is it like for the alter

by JackDrago

Hey bros, Butch here. Jack wants me to tell you what it's like to be me. Most of the time, I am not the one driving the body. Sometimes I am hanging out in my room in the cabin in the woods, sometimes I am there in Jack's mind and we're having a conversation with each other.

Likes and dislikes: Favorite TV show MacGyver, film genre: action, Director: John Milius. Music: 2000s new metal like Tool, Drowning Pool, Linkin Park

I get time out to run the body on a pretty regular basis. Every time we pass a mirror, I check us out and make sure we look good. When it's time to pick clothes, dude, I take over and dress us like a metal head with a camo fetish. Sometimes I take over for sex and fuck like a total alpha male stud.

What turns me on: Punkin' little dick ed faggots like you in the ass. ;-) I am a total top who fucks like he just got out of prison every time. I talk dirty and play rough. I really like to pound eager asses into total submission and I can grind on your G spot for hours.

Lately, I have been pumping iron every day. We are programmed to exercise and have it be pleasurable for either of us, but because of the way i am programmed, it's nice and tingly for Jack, but Fuck, almost as good as an orgasm for me. It starts with this manly feeling in my balls and then my cock swells up huge and I feel it wash over me from head to toe. It feels so good to lift weights.

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- bbchain

yo butch! good to meet you man. I too have been workin' on letting my alter take over more and more and the few times he has have been great! Hell maybe he'll get to meet ya too. Look forward to seein' more of you and jack.

- Alvin

My imaginary friends greet and salute both of you! n.n Alrite I admit it I'm insane and schizophrenric

- JackDrago

Alvin, BBChain, good to hear from you, dudes! I am always looking for bros to chill with. -- Butch.

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