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Sandrana's Recent Entries

Dumbing Down Part 6 and 6b

by Sandrana

This time, like the title syas I got to listen to two fils. In the morning after getting up, I would listen to 6 and later in the afternoon I would listen to 6b. The idea was that by the tiem afternoon came I could use another orgasm and a dumbing refresh effect ;) My reward file for finishing with the 5th file was an edited version of Slut Remix with the stuff about mastubration being bad cut out. Cause that really wouldnt work very well with the dumbing down files :D Its a great file and I enjoyed listeing to it and will for some time to come I think :)

The first day I got to listen to the new file I got up before my alarm. I was so very excited to listen to the new file, which I did right away. Hrny and dumb and happy and blissful was catching on right away. I got really turned on by linking being dumb wtih beng horny and the other way around so thatit would just get wrse and worse. And telling me that every time i do a mistake or something dumb I will get pleasure from doing it. I lvoe that.It took me 90 minutes to fianlly cum and when I did it was pretyt hard and very loud. Prety sure that oculd be heard by hte neighbosr. It's unusual for me to be loud which was just something I had gotten used to while growin up ina house full of people and thin walls ;)
The Horny and dumb and happy and blifsul got stuck in my head for the rest of the day and sometimes I would say it out loud too which just tunred me on so much! Every little mistake I made gave me more and more pleasure. Every time I did someting dumb I would play with my nipples or edge my pussy while telling myself how dubm I was becoimng.
The second file I listend to in the afternoon whilw atching pron. Spent aobut 45 minutes with it before I came. The thing that suck with me most was that my orgasm would no longer have a lasting satisfaction, that I would get horny very soon after again just like I had been before the orgasm. And that had already not been very long! But what send me over the egde was that whenever i would try to prtend I am smart I would just get floodded by porn until I stoped pretending. I lov that idea so much.
It effected my day a lot. I was horny all the time and now I would also think about the porn I had seen and had the need to watch it again and find new ones to watch.

The second day I unfotrunately msised my alarm and was in a hurry. I onlyhad half an hour but somehow i managed to cum in that time, as if my mind or my pussy knew there wasn't much time. However the orgasm wasn't as good as the ones I have been having since i started listening to the dumbin down files. So that was a bit disppaointing. The second file I again listend to in the afternoon. but there I couldtake up the full hour and so cummming was much more satisfying. I spent the whole day in the dumb zone and I felt that it was just right timng for the second file. I really started to feel specially dumb right after I came, like lots of my brainc ells had just turned off and wouldn't turn on again for some time, if tat all. I loved gteting a refresher to get me back deeper in the dumb zone by listening to the second file.
I haven't been keeping up with news at all andpeople around me starrted to notice that asking me why I didn't know this boring stuff or that useless thing. They slo explained stuff to me but I pretty muh frgot about it right away again. I got asked what i was doing instead and I said that I was watching pron. I ggigled and I think they didn't take it seriously even though it is of course true.

Unforutantel I got sick ove rthe weekend and spent most of my time in bed. I still listend to the files and had orgasms but I dont remmeber much and i cant really tell if the files had any more ffects on me during that time as I felt alreay weak and slow and half brain dead. I think its very telilng that even though I am really sick I still couldnt stop myself from listening and cuming to the files. I would fall aslep after and sometimes even during so the files would just keep playing for unknown amount of time. I really didnt have much concept of time. I'm still stick though I am a bit better and I had to ekep up the challange right?
I am looking forward to feeling better but also to the next file tomorwor :)


Take your time - isty

It wouldnt do to get even sicker. If you need to take a break to get your health in order do so. That being said, Well done Sandrana. It shows as you wrote this how much youve become more a bimbo and what you want is getting closer to you.

Wow! - StrippedGears

You\'re definitely making great progress! It\'s so clear that your mind is withering away thanks to the files!

Still going? - isty

Its been a while, are you ok Sandara?

Well.. - StrippedGears

... File 7 in the series is Math Confusion. Perhaps she lost count of how many days it has been?

no worries - Sandrana

I was just sick and therefor didn#t really go to the computer cause I spetn most time in bde. But im dongi better now. I have been at the docotr today and he agres too. So I will be picking up stuff again. I\'ll posta jorunal entry latr expalining a fewthings but for now yuo can be hpapy to know I\'m okay :)

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