
  • Fucked by Satan: A Dark Submission — $20    
    Get fucked by Satan and impregnated with a demon butt baby in this new 45 minute demon file designed to be compatible with Hypnotic Chastity, Submissive Trigger, and the Demon series of files. (script written by an anonymous acolyte, not me.)

    This file is designed to be less extreme than Your Inner Demon, since it lacks the PNP and evil/corruption elements of that file yet either work as a part of the Demon system OR serve the purposes of replacing that file for purposes of Satanic Masturbation and Mindless Self Indulgence.  Watch this space for music and binaural versions in the future.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (5)
    Length: 47:57
    Downloads: 1222
    I have listened to this file 3 times now, I keep NEEDING more, I’m shooting so hard. MORE, please SATAN, More.
    If you are craving more, move forward with Satanic Masturbation or Mindless self indulgence.
    Please show me the way
    I wair for binauraL version impatiently...really twists my mind
    Just got my binaural programs back from my ex, should have a 3 layer binaural w subliminals soon.
    thank you very much...normal version fucks my mind...bit scared where binaural brings me
    i have them all, please make more
    I listened for the second time tonight and my anus is dripping wet. So hot. Got to get more, but the Inner Demon file sounds too far, possibly. Only saw bad reviews. Does anyone have good experiences you can share?
    I assure you, you will not regret taking this plunge
    You will return again and again, to allow HIM to continue planting His Seed in you.
    I love your files but I can't afford them all...I started the Male Conversion series but it is to expensive man for poor students like me to finish the series. I would really like to try the Demon series, can you help? privatedong10@gmail.com
    I love your files but I can't afford them all...it is to expensive man for poor students like me to finish the series. I would really like to try the Demon series, can you help? privatedong10@gmail.com
    It is to expensive man for poor students like me to finish the series. I would really like to try the Demon series, can you help? privatedong10@gmail.com
    Listened for first time last night , could feel Satan inside me in my cock and balls through my body , would love a file that goes even harder . I’ve only literally just started on my path to following Satan , changing my sexuality also and going to start being fucked by guys , I’m in Melbourne , Australia , if anyone wants to use me feel free to drop me a message .
    I am very drawn to this dark side and I am a woman. I wish there were files that were female oriented. I have listened to your files on soundcloud and enjoyed your voice even though these were obvious male files.
    Once this file settled into me i have listened every day and i feel Him and feed my Demon more and more. i would love another one in this vein to strengthen the effects even more.
    Want to try this series but just a little confused on the order I should listen. Is this the first in the series or is it the Inner Demon file?
    binaural or the stereo that moves from side to side really hits me way hard. So I'd like this file done that way. But even as it is, this is a great mind fuck file.
    anyone in melbourne australia email me andreirom5151@gmail.com
    AMAZING!! Very strong. Hail Satan!!!
    This file gave me the most earth-shattering mind-melting soul-snatching ORGASM of my entire life! The high I felt when He came in me brought me into another relm. Wow. I'll be listening to this one for years to CUM. Hail Satan!