
  • Horny hole & nips & useless cock    

    Touch your nipples. Rub your nipples. Tug your nipples. Play with your asshole. Fill your asshole. You do not want to touch your cock. You love to ignore your cock. You only ever want to use your nipples and asshole for sexual pleasure.


    Heavily based on pigpupsf's "Hard horny hole" (and, more specifically, on zappernapper's recut of that file, "Horny hole and nips"). The script of this file has been significantly altered to exclude mention of having a hard cock, exclude negative reinforcement, and exclude mention of orgasm. I have added statements of positive reinforcement, as well as content about ignoring your cock, among other things. The file maintains many common phrases and passages with the original files, which are two of my favorites.

    This file contains the following themes:
    - Nipple play
    - Filling your asshole
    - Ignoring your cock
    - Chastity is not explicitly mentioned, but the file is meant to work very well with being locked up
    - Positive reinforcement: I tried as much as possible to remove negative statements (e.g. "you will feel shame") and to rely only on positive statements (e.g. "It feels so good to..." and "You love to...").
    - This file is explicitly gay

    Other notes:
    - This file does not include an induction or awakener; it can be looped
    - The voice in this file is TTS (Sadly, not pigpupsf's super sexy voice from "Hard horny hole")
    - The file is laid over Calimore's, "10 minute Background Binaural for loops"
    - My first file! Tell me what you think :)

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 09:59
    Downloads: 2774
    this file was so hot!
    Thanks :)
    Is it possible to have one without the useless cock, just positive file about nipple et hole brainwash in pleasure
    I suggest trying out either of the two files this is based on, or feel free to edit the script.