
I gotta say, I'm LOVING this!

by JDziewaltowski

If you've been reading my previous posts, you'd know that I took control of a friend, and am making changes to his lifestyle nice and slow. Well, its been going AMAZINGLY! He's bulking up quite nicely, he's still 100% under control, and no one suspects a thing. I've had him get an all new wardrobe, which was risky seeing as he still lives his normal life, but no one really cared. He now dresses like a typical AE jock. only wears jockstraps, speaks lke a typical Highschool football boy, and is SUCH an amazing pet xD When he stays at my house, I have him wear nothing but a black leather jockstrap and collar, and he's my muscle boy xD SO amazing! OH and I had him dye his hair blonde and grow it out a bit. SO hott!


- Wave

i wish someone would do this to me. this series has made me start using the bubble trigger file, and I'm hoping to start having someone use it soon. i just wanna be an oblivious sexy muscle slave and have showers with other guys. hopefully i'll find the right person to help me do that soon.

- JDziewaltowski

Just get drunk to the point where you're you can't see straight, get into bed with the file on an endless loop in your earphones, and listen till you wake up a few hrs later sober. You wont even realize that you've had a trigger placed xD

- dcpupdb

So just wondering, what do you mean when you say he's a great pet? Can you give a recap of how often you're keeping him in trance, what else you're doing with him, etc? I'm sure we'd all love to know.

- JDziewaltowski

I meant "pet" as in he's like a dog. He's loyal, obeys without question, and generally craves my attention. Um, as for keeping him in trance, I have him listen to the bubble induction once a day now. His trigger works flawlessly, and I don't really need to be like "Sleep now" or anything. When he enters a gym, he automatically goes into a very focused, determined and motivated state of mind, and cannot help but obey his trainer, and the dietician. So really, he only goes "into trance" when triggered, otherwise he lives his normal life, with the addition of anything I leave in his mind when I do trigger him. Like the clothes and voice and hair and such. He does stay over my house quite a bit when my parents aren't around (which is why I'm able to have him wear his jockstrap and collar) But otherwise, he lives at home, goes to school, hangs out with his friends, and basically lives the way he always has. I don't have him mindlessly droning about when its not needed. I DID however have to stop the whole calling me master thing... He told his mom one day that he was sleeping over his master's house..... and she had him tested for drugs -_- For some reason, no matter how hard I tried, I could NOT have him only call me master when in private! Its either all the time, or not at all. probably something I fucked up with in the initial command. Hope that answers your questions :)

- Wave

curious if you're taking anything from the guy (money, sex, pics of him posing nude, etc.), and if either/both of you are gay. if he's straight, i'm curious how he's taking to being your boi toi. also curious how many times he's listened to the file total (so I know when it'll be working 100% on me). glad you're enjoying yourself.

- JDziewaltowski

I'm not taking anything from him really. His trainer takes a pic every 2 weeks just to keep a record of his progress, but I've only taken one pic of him, zonked out on my bed cus he looked SO freakin hot in his jock! He is gay, but I'm not taking advantage of him sexually. Yes, he walks around my house in a leather jock and collar, and when he sleeps over he sleeps in my bed, but its more of a "close friend" type thing. HE has asked me to fool around a few times, in which case I gladly oblige, but it isn't because of any triggers or effects I've set on him. As for how many times he's listened... idk. I know he listened for 13hrs straight endless loop the first time, and that pretty much locked the trigger in his head. After that, he listens once a day. I haven't kept track of that.

- snailser

Just curious, what was the initial command you gave him to obey you as his master, or was it something the file does when ever he hears the trigger?

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