
A bit of 'splaining to do o_o

by JDziewaltowski

His gym trainer has been getting a bit nosy lately. Asking alot of questions, prying for information... Then out of nowhere, he downright demands an explanation as to why a nerdy little guy like my slave would, out of nowhere, become obsessed with body building, and why I bother to follow him to the gym every day if all I do is sit there and read (technically I watch him train, but I use a book as my cover) Not wanting to be honest about the fact that I have taken full control of said nerd, and am forcing him to grow, I quickly... lied through my fucking teeth. The story just spewed forth naturally, and was quite convincing, because the trainer bought every last word about My friend being bullied in the past, and how he wants to be more of a "guy" to please his father who he thinks is disappointed in his son. Awe!! lol sob sob sob and boom! Free week of protein shakes provided by mr trainer man! lol PERFECT! Anyways, as for everything else, its going quite nicely. Its really awesome having someone follow your every word religiously and without question. Although, it is quite alot of responsibility seeing as I control his every move. But I can handle it. Especially when I take a shower with him after a good long workout, and can literally burn myself on the heat coming off his slowly developing body :p


- Dogboy

This is really interesting, do you reinforce the hypnosis?

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