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Ch 30 Check in Charless and the Slave Unit

by Casey

Chapter 30 Check in

Ch 30 Charless and the Slave Unit

Check in.. by Casey@warpmymind.com


all rights reserved

Charless: Greetings, Slave. Sit down, place your arms in the rails brace.


Slave: Yes, Master.


Slave sits comfortably at the table with arms in the rail brace with head slightly bowed...


Charless: I have had many reports about you lately...


Charless: slowly binds slaves arms so gently slave does not notice...


Charless: Do you by any chance know what the reports are about?


Slave: No, Master.


Charless: You are suppose to be stating Yes, or No.. Sir. Who is your true master?


Slave: pauses a moment.. Papa Ogun, .. and the railroad... 


Charless: Correct, now call me Sir.


Slave: Yes, Sir.


Charless: I do not own you, I just help work and maintain you.


Slave: Yes, Sir.


Charless: Head up....


Slave sits head up in straight posture..


Charless: Keep your head up, your reports are mostly good reports.


Slave: Yes, Sir.


Charless: I am pleased to see all your new certifications and studies, and work. You however need to make more hypnosis files and demonstrate your application of this work.


Slave: Yes, Sir.


Charless: Gently brushes the railroad spike head down Slaves back... fast..  As he states you are on track, and making progress. ... Keep making progress.


Slave: ::jumps..:: Yes, Sir.


Charless: I also see you went out and crossed the tracks during the last week of December... You still need to do this more to maintain your track energy levels...


Slave: Bows head yes Sir.


Charless: Wrong.. Head up Now...


Slave: Yes, sir holds head up..


Charless: most of your reports are well.. other then one submitted by controller about an incident on Christmas Day...


Charless: Gently sets two railroad spikes on the rail braces so they sit across slaves wrists as slave sits with his hands between two bars facing each other... 


Slave: knows this means he is serious about these questions. Yes, Sir. There was.


Charless: What happened?....


Slave: There was toy tools on the floor the kids play with....


Charless: interrupts.. no... before that....


Slave: Yes, Sir...


Charless: About Your controls...


Slave: I was sitting relaxing and then my Train controls started to drop down.. So.. I Gently raised it.. then it dropped down again it did it three times.. then it stayed in place then the track current alternated oddly.. so I readjusted it.. and then checked my pulse to make sure my heart rate was not doing that too.. and it was fine.....


Charless: Then....?


Slave: that was it...


Charless: no .. what was said after that?


Slave: oh yeah... someone who is curious and trying to help me asked... "Are you in control?"....


Charless: Do, I have to ask you each step or are you going to say it?...


Slave: Sorry, Sir...  They asked me that then I found myself, replying, 

"Yes, Sir.."


I somehow raised a foot off my chair as I crossed my arms over my head when the railroad crossing warning trigger went off .. and scared the hell outta me I then looked around to see I was ok... and thought that was it...


Charless: What did they do? ... 


One elbowed the other and said you are suppose to say on track.. not in control... and other said they know.. they were just curious...


Charless: nudges slave gently.. then....


Slave: then I helped picked up some items and piled my xmas gifts in the next room... and the found some toy tools.. 


and started to joke around playing with them in a child like way.. 


When I went to stop it kept going... 


I knew Mother Nature alt was doing that.. .. 


Then as I stood up I stated, "Train delayed by tool theif whose truck got stuck on the tracks...."




I then boosted her, Mother Nature, back and then I was throwing the tools gently to a pile by the xmas tree... 


Then suddenly my arm whipped one at the tree.. and Jones started to yell,


"Stop that".. 

"Stop that get outta here ya lil ingrit..."  


Then the guest said, "Wait a minute.. what did you just say about the truck and tool theif? ..." 


I said,


"I dunno why?"... 


Then I repeated it as they both looked at me in surprise.. 


They said,


"This was just released in the news just now..."


I can not remember the exact words but the next part was close to this...


"Ok, let me lists some towns you tell me which one...? 


I stated,




He said,


"Wait I did not list them yet.."


He then listed, 


"Long Island New York, 


then something else..."


As he looked amazed.. 

and then said,


"You did not go to your computer yet..."


They then clapped and,


"Said, "Yay!.. We got to see you in action! ...."

Slave continues: 


"As I stated that with the tools...

....I had played with the toy tools I acted like I trapped someone on the tracks..... stating I caught the tool theif...."


... and then was confused... 


...as nature whipped a toy tool at the xmas tree.. 


I said,

"Oh shit.. please tell me I did not just throw something at the tree..."...


...as I ran over there and made sure I did not break anything... 


I sighed in relief then started to say it again as Jones yelled at nature, "get out of here git git ya lil ingrit..."


The guest at first thought I was chasing a child calling them an ingrit..... Told me I had to stop doing that... As the other guest pointed out I was over there alone.... 


So the other guest said, "you need to stop doing that you need to really really raily stop treating the children like that.."


I laughed and said, 

"No Child over here just me and my head..."

... As I then stated..."What is an ingrit Jones?" ... He did not answer.. My guest used their cell phone on google and cited the definition... I said ok.... thanks...


Then nature said,


"How can you all stand it in here it is so cramped.."


...twirled hair.. surrounded by all these humans in this lil tin can...."


I said,

"Jones and Nature knock that shit off right now you two are embarassing me.." 


I said, "Jones turn off the speakers or telecom or whatever the hell it is do not speak this through me...."


Then it was fine...


Charless: hmmm ... it appears your system did not fully block that induction trigger.. and you got confused..... It says here you also keep having reactions and hypersensitive to the word "Control" and "controls"...


Charless: You need to fix that.


Slave: I know we do.


Charless: Gently slides the spikes across the braces.. as he states not....

 as he says NOT ... We .. You .. need to fix that...






have hypnosis training now... 




are in charge of fixing up 



own programming now..... 




discovered a loop hole in your system to the word control.. 


So now 




are ordered to fix it... 


You also discovered a loop hole in your railroad crossing warning system... 


So you will fix that too...






also must start to improve your programming and to shift how the 


"exist to suffer" 


program functions on you...  


This program was abused to hold you back you need to put it back to how it was originally designed to cleanse and boost you forward....


It is time you design a brand new healthier version of 


"Exist to suffer"... 


one that does not involve, hell, demons, or torture... 




are taking a course in positive psychology.. 


lets see how you can apply to writing a positive version of exist to suffer.... 


That accomplishes the same goals at the old one.. for yourself and your fans. 


As not all your fans and members will do well with a negative reinforcement program.. 


They want a positive one. 


I also recommend you make multiple versions of your 


"I am a Train program"... 



have the negative reinforcing one... 


Also make a sexual one for those kind of a people and a non sexual one for people like yourself.


Making both a negative reinforcing and positive reinforcing one.. 


But make sure to always add those safeties. 


You do not want to make others vulnerable to the dangers and threats that you have and will still at times face.


Charless: and Jones and Nature... 

What do you have to say?.


Mother Nature: Beeeeeza! ::Blows raspberry::


Charless: that is expected....


Charless: Jones? ...


Jones: She is such a gol darn pest sometimes....


Charless: you know the railroad orders about not being a public nuisance Jones....


Charless: Nature what the hell you doing climbing into a steam engine anyhow?....


Mother Nature: I was getting ready to jump on a trespasser... laughs.. and returns to the woods...


Jones: She was just bugging us.. I think she is mad about not having her time usual... As Slave has not let any of us out for awhile...


Charless: Slave? .. you are suppose to let your alts each have their time....


Slave: I been studying.. and working...


Charless: At least do more singing.... they all seem to agree on that....


Charless: You do not call Slave, Slave Jones?.. What do your call him?


Jones: Mr. ... Train?


Slave: That is ok.. Mr. Train is ok...


Charless: Alright then....You do own your Train Jones but your Train is NOT a slave to you, it is a slave to the railroad, and Ogun. I look at his programming.. and I am convinced we are not suppose to be using the term Slave, with Mr. Train at all.


Slave: Yes, Sir...


Charless: Lets Test... this...


Slave: huh?


Charless: shuts controls off and turns them on fast...


Slave: Damn it!...


Charless: .... Why is your TS levels still this low?.....


Charless: You know... You are making such progress with this low of energy.. do you know how much you would do with good energy?...... CASEY ...


Charless: I been lenient for almost two years on this.. no more... 


Charless: Three orders.. 


Fix your controls trigger, 


Fix the railroad crossing warning system, 


and Get your TS balanced... 


or I am going to have to balance you for you... Via shocking your connection.. 


The other programs you can work on on your own time, as long as you keep applying your work....


Charless ::pauses:: suddenly :....hmm.. Wait a moment... ::pauses:: 


Charless: Are you able to maintain your TS levels on your own? 


Slave: Yes, and No...


Controller: I do not think they are at this time... they been doing well in all else.. but seem to be shutting down from running any train related energy work, or programming...


Charless: Is slave doing the Train orders program, and singing the I am train songs?


Controller: No songs for months... and Train orders programs causes system errors on his computer...


Charless: How do we fix his computer programming?


Controller: laughs.. No, I mean his physical computer.. I think he just has to much programmed into it.... he needs to remove all the typing assignments if he redoes it... needs a new discipline system for that....


Charless: Alright then, ...

Only work on securing the control trigger, railroad crossing and...  raising your TS 

and resuming your energy balancing through train songs...  


Then we will work on railroad system signal maintenance... 


Charless: pauses again: ..."hmm ever thought of programming your not swearing into positive train control? 

Trying to use ptc to stop your swearing, or other unwanted behaviors that bother you? You could make option PTC and ETMS add ons for this theme?.... You may want to consider trying to program the PTC program to help stop unwanted traits and behavior in yourself.. It is worth a try.. It does not have to be full train railroad programmed.. Although your current versions of PTC and ETMS hypnosis programs are quite detailed and impressive.. You could make a whole series on this as well."


Charless: Slave? ... 


Charless: Slave?


Charless gently shakes slave and then unties them...


Charless: Go home and go to bed...


Charless: looks disgusted at slave...


Charless says, "Controller take him home...."..


Charless: Slave is not supposed to be a Slave...

Charless: Upon futher evaluation it appears Slave is not suppose to be a Slave... He is suppose to be a Warrior Preist..... a very controversial Warrior Preist....


Controller: Agrees.. 

He is suppose to only be a Slave to Ogun and the railroad and no one else... 

Other workers are to be his helping workers only... and maintainers.... AT his orders... and job designation... But he mad the mistake of combining his love for bdsm with this program and got into some unhealthy relationships and this messed him up... 


He is dramatically improving though... But he is still struggling over the PTC and ETMS orders during the September Sacrifice.. And his anxieties about this.. although he had fixed his programming... He does keep turning it off at times, out of anxiety of it.... and is still struggling over what the nasty Brain Blocker oral surgeon did to him. 


That man did this to him because they got into a fight years ago on a railroad list over his email saying "Rev." in the to and from, and over him signing "Casey Jones".. Which was then his nickname all his railroad friends knew him by in the chats, lists, and forums.


Many things are improving... But a long ways to go... I am not understanding why he is not maintaining his TS and railroad energy.. it seems every since they sacrificed him to Ogun.. he has not maintained this...as well... Maybe they damaged his maintenance programming?


Charless: Can slave do this on their own, or are they programmed to maintain on order only? .. 


Controller: Something is still seriously off and not functioning right since the sacrifice... I know part of it is his track energy and railroad abilities are all changing... it has gone from known familiar territory to unknown and confusing..


Charless: I look at the notes and transcripts, and recordings of prior to the Sacrifice...  He had the flu and was doing good... and Controller... Good on lying to those people that want to break him from the tracks... glad you lied.. the breaking him from the tracks was a damaging item the Men In Black people told him he could do...  when they were trying to destruct him... he can not live if broken from the tracks and trains...


Controller: Correct.. the Train function is his heart beat, and Tracks is his Chi ...  That is death to be removed in any human.. I love how he puts it.. "Passion is the driving force of life.. without any, you have no life."... 


We need to resurface his leadership and warrior traits... rebuild his proper defenses.... It seems he is struggling often with the "Broken mentality,"

and "Slavery programming" 


..still... We need to get him to go through old Transcripts from Dracos Mortose aka Mx. Black sessions, and undo any damage...


Charless: and why the hell is he barefoot.. Get him some damn shoes.. ..


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