
  • Curse Enchanted Keyboard    
    This file is for anyone, and would be addictive. This is the ultimate file. Whenever you type something, and finish with THE END then the event will happen to you. Eg you can say that you changed into something and then changed back, and you would do so. You could say you had sex and you would do so. There are endlesss possibilitys of fun with this file idea. It could obtain anything, and of course if you didnt say before the end that you changed back to normal the changes would become physical if possible,if not then mental and hallucinated. All would be real to the listener and all is felt and seen and heard.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (68)
    Length: 22:52
    Downloads: 14571
    is this just for the person using it? or you typing something for other people?
    This is the first and only file that actually worked. I wrote that I would masterbate in front of my neighbor and not remember afterwords and it worked. Boy was she pissed. I could'nt tell why though.
    how many times do you need to listen to it for it to work because i did once and nothing happened
    This file works! I wrote that this file wouldn't work, and voila! Oh... wait... I don't get this >.<.
    if it works for you, can you break the curse the same way? typing "I changed back to normal and this curse doesnt work on me anymore. THE END"?
    I'm scared to use this. It sounds awesome, but I wish the "The end" trigger was somthing less obious. Like, what if I was writing a story about a guy being tortured, forgot about this, then wrote "The End"?
    Listened to it a bunch of times didn't work for me but I'm not susceptible to hypnosis either. Hope it worked for someone would be a really fun file.
    I don't really get all the effects advertised, but I mess around with it and can change little things about myself and my view on things. (Example: I don't get stressed out over things, I'm not ashamed of anything I am, and I'm happy more of the time.) I've also made effects of files that I heard before happen again and last longer. I just randomly find myself typing in things I want to come true about me, and as long as it isn't hallucinatory or forgetfulness, it comes to pass gradually. Maybe with enough listening I can forget things and hallucinate... Great file, thank you so much for making it!
    I've listened to this twice now and think it's working. I can change my emotions with it and other internal stuff, but I having trouble altering my senses. I'll listen to it more and see how it goes.
    Please explain to me how this is a "curse"? It makes dreams truth, does it not? It is more of an "Enchant". Now for a joke, I PUT ON MY ROBE AND WIZARD HAT. THE END
    Ciradis: oh u
    I put this on and fell asleep in the relaxation stage, and then woke up 2 hours later and halfway through the file, but it didn't manage to work. >_O
    (2 hours later and halfway through is because I had it looping)
    Yeah, who wouldn't want this?
    Yeah, who wouldn't want this? Thanks for making it free EMG.
    This file works well for me, too, but I listened to it for almost 3 weeks and I started out with some very small effects (like making the curse itself work more strongly), using it every day for things I knew would probably happen. One day I saw in the forums where someone else had used it to make them say another name in place of their own, and I had to give that a try. Imaging my surprise: every time I tried to say my name, the name "Jessica" popped out instead! At that point I knew I could start using it for more interesting pursuits. :)
    i think I\'m going to have to try this. it sounds very interesting and seems like its worth a try at least. I\'m going to download it now and see what happens
    I guess the curse is the fact that if you write out a story, and not meant it to be anything dealing with this file it would end up happening.(let\'s hope that Stephen King doesen\'t know of this site). I\'ve used it, it\'s worked fairly well. The trick is wording what you want.
    does this work with just what you type or is it anything you read ?
    Can you make ob that is not addictive ????????
    \"i will get out of bed. THE END\" got out of bed\n\"my bladder feels full and i will pee my diaper.THE END\" i pissed my diaper\n\"i will percieve and feel that my penis is a vagina. THE END\" nothing happened\nworks...just not on hallucination parts
    I listened to it once and got a half effect. I said my eyes are green the end and they turned slightly green ish in the mirror. Still brown though, but they look like they have a green overlay on them. Or turquoise really.
    I think there\'s a Twilight Zone episode like this, or maybe it was the Outer Limits. I will figure out what show I\'m thinking of. THE END.
    New favorite! Worth the time to do. A happy curse! Right now its no perception changes like see things that is there. But I hope with time that will change. It works in the other areas very well.
    This file worked on me, thanks EMG! woof!
    This file sounds awesone, but could you please make a version with another trigger? Like for example write \"THE END\" and snap your fingers three times afterwards? At least nothing that can happen by accident. Or is it maybe possible to change the trigger once the file is \"installed\" by writing down what trigger will be valid from this point on?
    \"The trigger for the enchanted keyboard curse is now \'THIS HAPPENED\' at the end of what you wrote. THE END\" might work.
    So uhm I\'ve listened to this file on and off for the last week now like every day since the first listen. can you say ADDICTED? can you say CURSED? Nyah.. yeah.. I turned myself into a cat girl meow and i can\'t... stop.. listening. but the effects are not physically percievable. But now.. I randomly feel my tail and ears... meow. It\'s wierd... I wrote elaborative descriptions to.. I don\'t think.. I...can..change..back.. today I\'m starting to feel breasts physically and feel like i\'m in an altered state all the time. I\'m probably stuck meow.. it\'s only getting more intense every day. Sometimes I wake up and i think i\'m going to see myself as a cat girl in the mirror. Black long hair, soft furry black ears, and tail, partial paws for hands.. with some fur on them. Same with my feet some fur on my ankles.. The file works for other things to but not as well for hallucination. I made myself more confident. Check my journal on the site. MEOW!!! I swear.. This works it\'s just confusing. I\'m very confused.. I think I\'m becoming less intelligent though.. atleast partially!! I keep zoning out and thinking about random things.. O.0 I feel my ears twitching sometimes... I wrote that I don\'t have human ears anymore and forgot to change back. I can still see and feel them. but I think a complex transformation is gonna take more time. o.0 I... I don\'t know. Has anyone tried anything this complex? Nyahh!!! Oh yeah and i randomly mew now around people and I can\'t help it.. it\'s embarassing. >.< i\'m stuck feeling... at the very least FEELING like a cat girl. Could this have anything to do with the fact I also listened to curse-trig catgirl. I\'m beginning to see how easily my little mind can be changed and altered and how easily I can be changed with hypnosis. I like it. .. and I might change more. soon. ... someone respond to this comment ^^; nyah
    It is definitely working, I asked for longer hair and even though I don\'t see it it can feel a strange sensation all over my head. And that\'s only after a week or so of listening. My long term goal it\'s to be able to hallucinate being being a woman and so far I think it will be successful.
    So, after listening to this for a while, I have to say, works pretty well. I'm really pleased with some of the effects I've written, mainly reinforcement of other files, and using the effects of other files in new ways, such as taking the basis of TrigMorph, and instead of imagining a subject, rather looking at a picture. Further, that effect would let you choose the subject, and experience what you think that object/person is experiencing. Quite the feeling, being a pool toy that's being inflated.
    ThatoneGurl's comment got my attentio. I think going to try this. Wish me luck!
    Can I get the script for this one please?
    It didn't work. :/
    First I revisited showering naked with my mom when I was 8. And then a beautiful blonde woman named Katie showed up at my door and fucked me really good.. THE END
    Lexi becomes unable to resist doing anything sexual she is asked to do and will just do it helplessly regardless of whether she wants to or not. She forgets about this file and can only change back if she finds this comment again.
    Lexi becomes unable to resist doing anything sexual she is asked to do in person and will just do it helplessly regardless of whether she wants to or not. She forgets about this file and can only change back if she finds this comment again. THE END.
    Is it important to writte in english for this hypnosis to work ot can i writte in a diffrent language that i understand(exept of the "the end" part of curs.
    Is it important to writte in english for this hypnosis to work ot can i writte in a diffrent language that i understand(exept of the "the end" part ofcourse).
    Is it important to writte in english for this hypnosis to work ot can i writte in a diffrent language that i understand(exept of the "the end" part ofcourse).
    The listens in and some effects were felt, but the complete changes didn't happen yet. Will definitely keep listening until i can get the full effects because it is definitely starting to work