
Latest Files

      • Relax Under Pressure - Slow 23 - Major Pixel — $25   ,  

        Relax Under Pressure - Shitter - Slow 23 - Major Pixel


        Careful - This file helps you become the shitter we all know you are. Simply mix this with your other Slow files to find yourself unable to keep from messing your diaper, soiling your underwear and finding yourself dealing with the follow on effects…


        Wear your headphones or buds and simply listen as you rest.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 20:00
        Downloads: 76

      • Messy Pants — $15    

        Every baby dreams of messing their adorable diapers uncontrollably and without constraint so that they can just relax and be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. This file works to help you relax and forget your troublesome grown-up responsibilities in order to ensure that you never desire to ever pee or poop in a boring and gross adult toilet ever again.

        Listen as you learn to unconsciously release your bladder and bowels naturally like a little child in any kind of situation that you might find yourself in. Discover yourself developing a deep inner pride whenever you successfully mess yourself in front of others, and learn how much joy you gain from never having to become anxious or worried or sad from having to find a confusing restroom whenever you desire to relieve yourself in your future.

        Learn to give up your boring adult responsibilities and find comfort in your “Messy Pants.”


        Need content like this to live your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Downloads: 276

      • Bowel Weakening Subliminal Hypnosis — $75    

        In this 67 minute recording I use a powerful subliminal trance to alter the way you perceive your bowels and to retrain your bowel muscles to be weaker, leaving long term effects. You mind learns to relax and accept the weakening. When you get the urge to go poop, instead of tightening your muscles, your mind and body will relax. You will find that it's harder to fight the urge and that you have to get to a bathroom sooner after the urge starts. Listening to this once a week will cause your bowel muscles to be a little bit weaker, but not completely incontinent. If you listen to this multiple times a week, the effects will get stronger over time and could lead to incontinence (this is a gradual process). You will notice some effects on your bowels muscles and your ability to control your urge within hours after listening to this recording.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 1:07:41
        Downloads: 222

      • Covert Hypnosis: Freeze and Mess Yourself — $30    

        This 25 minute covert hypnosis file guides you into a relaxed mental state. You feel that you are just listening to me speak as you fall into a trance state without noticing. You don't notice as I implant suggests for you to freeze and mess yourself. Your desire to mess grows and grows, until I trigger you to lose control of your bowels. This file contains quiet binaural beats in the background. There are no age regression components and no long term effects. This file is best listened to when you already have an urge to go #2. It will push you over the edge.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 25:06
        Downloads: 93
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • Slow 19 - Re Learn Bowel Control — $15   , ,  
        Just the thing for you diaper pervert. Once again asked to make a dirty bit for a client I've taken full advantage. Enjoy needing a diaper long term as you find yourself losing control of your bowels and losing your so called shit often...
        Careful. A filthy bit by your ol' homie... Major Pixel. The Voice 666.. Of Niteflirt fame.
        All part of my modular works. Make a playlist. Listen over and over. Cum all over yourself, pervert.
        Listen as you rest. Wear headphones. Let it loop nightly with your other files.
        oh - fwiw I'm back. Obviously. And taking requests as it were...

        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 20:00
        Downloads: 270

        • Relax Under Pressure - Shitter - Triggers   ,  

          Yo Shitter - Here we go. My way of thanking you for supporting my work... This is a file of triggers for Under Pressure Shitter found here on WMM. UPS sets you to relaxing whenever you're under what you perceive as pressure, social, anxiety or other and causes your bowels to relax and release.

          This file will add the following triggers to your programming. When you're in a group setting of 3 or more people you'll find yourself inclined to shit yourself, when you're speaking with or interacting with women on the phone, via video call or live, you'll be triggered to crap yourself and when you're in a place where you feel like someone is talking down to you or lecturing you you will mess yourself, unable to control your bowels.
          This is all part of my Slow work and something you can mix in with your other files etc. 
          Have fun pervert, and enjoy
          Relax Under Pressure can be found here https://www.warpmymind.com/HFiles/#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6InJlbGF4IHVuZGVyIHByZXNzdXJlIn0=
          The Voice

          Rating: ★★★★☆ (5)
          Length: 20:00
          Downloads: 627
          Trigger(by anyone)

        • ChampTehOtter - Incontinent Pants Pooper    

          *Warning* This file will turn you into an incontinent pants pooper. Don't listen to this file unless you are prepared to poop your pants whenever and wherever you need to. Don't say I didn't warn you! *Warning*

          I recommend the subliminal track (body with binaural) if you wish to loop for overnight use.

          I hope you enjoy this file and please send a comment my way to let me know your experience.

          If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter

          Rating: ★★★★★ (14)
          Length: 19:35
          Downloads: 5342
          Only while under

        • Subliminal diaper messing music file    
          Testing this style.

          Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
          Length: 05:01
          Downloads: 1595

        • Scat Feeder - Dominant    
          This a companion for my submissive elsan waste disposal extreme file. I may upload the submissive version but it was custom for my interests and has elements that listeners should inspect with caution. This one encourages extreme pleasure from the act of forcefeeding and domination. I use multiple channel audio and sound effects to introduce subliminal type effects. However, note undetectable messages have not been proven to have any effect therefore everything in this file is detectable even though you may not have attention time to parse all of it consciously. This is my own work using Audacity and a phone to record - therefore I offer it freely.

          Rating: ★★★★☆ (9)
          Length: 1:08:55
          Downloads: 1949
          Only while under

        • Forced Incontinence - Anal Dilation    
          WARNING!!! This file is intense and meant to test the new concept of forced bowel incontinence. It works through a combination of addictive anal training, intentionally failing to exercise the external sphincter muscle (the one that allows you to “clench”), and a psychological reinforcement that convinces the listener they are unable to resist the urge. This should eventually result in a state where you are too loose to close your asshole and cannot help but defecate regardless of whether you are wearing a diaper or not. I have not included an induction so I recommend you listen to the file untranced first to ensure this is really what you want. Listen at your own risk. This is my first file, so constructive criticism is appreciated.

          Rating: ★★★★☆ (16)
          Length: 07:19
          Downloads: 6508

        • Poop in a Diaper    
          This is a nice sounding file that can be looped in the background. With the fixed amount of time being from people that might stare when something inappropriate is being listened to in public. Also there might be an nice feeling from doing something people do not know about, that would shock them. Deviance generates its own group of sensations.

          Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (5)
          Length: 01:07
          Downloads: 4460
          Temporary(fixed time)

        • Forced Incontinence - Anal Dilation    
          WARNING!!! This file is intense and meant to test the new concept of forced bowel incontinence. It works through a combination of addictive anal training, intentionally failing to exercise the external sphincter muscle (the one that allows you to “clench”), and a psychological reinforcement that convinces the listener they are unable to resist the urge. This should eventually result in a state where you are too loose to close your asshole and cannot help but defecate regardless of whether you are wearing a diaper or not. I have not included an induction so I recommend you listen to the file untranced first to ensure this is really what you want. Listen at your own risk. This is my first file, so constructive criticism is appreciated.

          Rating: ★★★★☆ (16)
          Length: 07:19
          Downloads: 6508

        • ChampTehOtter - Incontinent Pants Pooper    

          *Warning* This file will turn you into an incontinent pants pooper. Don't listen to this file unless you are prepared to poop your pants whenever and wherever you need to. Don't say I didn't warn you! *Warning*

          I recommend the subliminal track (body with binaural) if you wish to loop for overnight use.

          I hope you enjoy this file and please send a comment my way to let me know your experience.

          If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter

          Rating: ★★★★★ (14)
          Length: 19:35
          Downloads: 5342
          Only while under

        • Scat Feeder - Dominant    
          This a companion for my submissive elsan waste disposal extreme file. I may upload the submissive version but it was custom for my interests and has elements that listeners should inspect with caution. This one encourages extreme pleasure from the act of forcefeeding and domination. I use multiple channel audio and sound effects to introduce subliminal type effects. However, note undetectable messages have not been proven to have any effect therefore everything in this file is detectable even though you may not have attention time to parse all of it consciously. This is my own work using Audacity and a phone to record - therefore I offer it freely.

          Rating: ★★★★☆ (9)
          Length: 1:08:55
          Downloads: 1949
          Only while under

        • Relax Under Pressure - Shitter - Triggers   ,  

          Yo Shitter - Here we go. My way of thanking you for supporting my work... This is a file of triggers for Under Pressure Shitter found here on WMM. UPS sets you to relaxing whenever you're under what you perceive as pressure, social, anxiety or other and causes your bowels to relax and release.

          This file will add the following triggers to your programming. When you're in a group setting of 3 or more people you'll find yourself inclined to shit yourself, when you're speaking with or interacting with women on the phone, via video call or live, you'll be triggered to crap yourself and when you're in a place where you feel like someone is talking down to you or lecturing you you will mess yourself, unable to control your bowels.
          This is all part of my Slow work and something you can mix in with your other files etc. 
          Have fun pervert, and enjoy
          Relax Under Pressure can be found here https://www.warpmymind.com/HFiles/#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6InJlbGF4IHVuZGVyIHByZXNzdXJlIn0=
          The Voice

          Rating: ★★★★☆ (5)
          Length: 20:00
          Downloads: 627
          Trigger(by anyone)

        • Messy Pants — $15    

          Every baby dreams of messing their adorable diapers uncontrollably and without constraint so that they can just relax and be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. This file works to help you relax and forget your troublesome grown-up responsibilities in order to ensure that you never desire to ever pee or poop in a boring and gross adult toilet ever again.

          Listen as you learn to unconsciously release your bladder and bowels naturally like a little child in any kind of situation that you might find yourself in. Discover yourself developing a deep inner pride whenever you successfully mess yourself in front of others, and learn how much joy you gain from never having to become anxious or worried or sad from having to find a confusing restroom whenever you desire to relieve yourself in your future.

          Learn to give up your boring adult responsibilities and find comfort in your “Messy Pants.”


          Need content like this to live your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

          Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

          Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
          Downloads: 276

        • Covert Hypnosis: Freeze and Mess Yourself — $30    

          This 25 minute covert hypnosis file guides you into a relaxed mental state. You feel that you are just listening to me speak as you fall into a trance state without noticing. You don't notice as I implant suggests for you to freeze and mess yourself. Your desire to mess grows and grows, until I trigger you to lose control of your bowels. This file contains quiet binaural beats in the background. There are no age regression components and no long term effects. This file is best listened to when you already have an urge to go #2. It will push you over the edge.

          Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
          Length: 25:06
          Downloads: 93
          Temporary(fixed time)

        • Slow 19 - Re Learn Bowel Control — $15   , ,  
          Just the thing for you diaper pervert. Once again asked to make a dirty bit for a client I've taken full advantage. Enjoy needing a diaper long term as you find yourself losing control of your bowels and losing your so called shit often...
          Careful. A filthy bit by your ol' homie... Major Pixel. The Voice 666.. Of Niteflirt fame.
          All part of my modular works. Make a playlist. Listen over and over. Cum all over yourself, pervert.
          Listen as you rest. Wear headphones. Let it loop nightly with your other files.
          oh - fwiw I'm back. Obviously. And taking requests as it were...

          Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
          Length: 20:00
          Downloads: 270

        • Bowel Weakening Subliminal Hypnosis — $75    

          In this 67 minute recording I use a powerful subliminal trance to alter the way you perceive your bowels and to retrain your bowel muscles to be weaker, leaving long term effects. You mind learns to relax and accept the weakening. When you get the urge to go poop, instead of tightening your muscles, your mind and body will relax. You will find that it's harder to fight the urge and that you have to get to a bathroom sooner after the urge starts. Listening to this once a week will cause your bowel muscles to be a little bit weaker, but not completely incontinent. If you listen to this multiple times a week, the effects will get stronger over time and could lead to incontinence (this is a gradual process). You will notice some effects on your bowels muscles and your ability to control your urge within hours after listening to this recording.

          Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
          Length: 1:07:41
          Downloads: 222

        • Relax Under Pressure - Slow 23 - Major Pixel — $25   ,  

          Relax Under Pressure - Shitter - Slow 23 - Major Pixel


          Careful - This file helps you become the shitter we all know you are. Simply mix this with your other Slow files to find yourself unable to keep from messing your diaper, soiling your underwear and finding yourself dealing with the follow on effects…


          Wear your headphones or buds and simply listen as you rest.

          Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
          Length: 20:00
          Downloads: 76

        • 001 Extreme Diaper Mess Cummies Hypnosis ( Abdl )    

          ABDL Diaper Hypnosis
          EXTREME LEVEL Messy Diaper Cummies Hypnosis 10 minutes of induction only. You can purchase all 5 hours of these files 25% off at: hypnosissyhypnosis.com

          The full product you can purchase HERE includes:

          5 Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio
          6 Recordings - 2 with/3 without induction
          4 with lullaby in background!
          2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

          This includes my Extreme Messy Diaper Cummies Hypnosis audio. It is hypnosis audio focused on training yourself to mess more in your diapers and make cummies in your diapers after making a messy, enjoying it, and only being able to make cummies in your diapers when you make messies. Mommy says.... It has humiliation and big bulky diapers as secondary suggestions. This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners.

          I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only and are copyright protected through RE LLC.

          Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
          Downloads: 65
          Temporary(until event)

          • 001 Extreme Diaper Mess Cummies Hypnosis ( Abdl )    

            ABDL Diaper Hypnosis
            EXTREME LEVEL Messy Diaper Cummies Hypnosis 10 minutes of induction only. You can purchase all 5 hours of these files 25% off at: hypnosissyhypnosis.com

            The full product you can purchase HERE includes:

            5 Hours Of Extreme Hypnosis Audio
            6 Recordings - 2 with/3 without induction
            4 with lullaby in background!
            2 -2 Hour Hypno Loops

            This includes my Extreme Messy Diaper Cummies Hypnosis audio. It is hypnosis audio focused on training yourself to mess more in your diapers and make cummies in your diapers after making a messy, enjoying it, and only being able to make cummies in your diapers when you make messies. Mommy says.... It has humiliation and big bulky diapers as secondary suggestions. This is the extreme level and you should be prepared, may not be for beginners.

            I kindly like to remind everyone that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only and are copyright protected through RE LLC.

            Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
            Downloads: 65
            Temporary(until event)

          • Relax Under Pressure - Shitter - Triggers   ,  

            Yo Shitter - Here we go. My way of thanking you for supporting my work... This is a file of triggers for Under Pressure Shitter found here on WMM. UPS sets you to relaxing whenever you're under what you perceive as pressure, social, anxiety or other and causes your bowels to relax and release.

            This file will add the following triggers to your programming. When you're in a group setting of 3 or more people you'll find yourself inclined to shit yourself, when you're speaking with or interacting with women on the phone, via video call or live, you'll be triggered to crap yourself and when you're in a place where you feel like someone is talking down to you or lecturing you you will mess yourself, unable to control your bowels.
            This is all part of my Slow work and something you can mix in with your other files etc. 
            Have fun pervert, and enjoy
            Relax Under Pressure can be found here https://www.warpmymind.com/HFiles/#eyJoT2Zmc2V0IjoiMCIsInR4dFNlYXJjaCI6InJlbGF4IHVuZGVyIHByZXNzdXJlIn0=
            The Voice

            Rating: ★★★★☆ (5)
            Length: 20:00
            Downloads: 627
            Trigger(by anyone)

          • Relax Under Pressure - Slow 23 - Major Pixel — $25   ,  

            Relax Under Pressure - Shitter - Slow 23 - Major Pixel


            Careful - This file helps you become the shitter we all know you are. Simply mix this with your other Slow files to find yourself unable to keep from messing your diaper, soiling your underwear and finding yourself dealing with the follow on effects…


            Wear your headphones or buds and simply listen as you rest.

            Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
            Length: 20:00
            Downloads: 76

          • Messy Pants — $15    

            Every baby dreams of messing their adorable diapers uncontrollably and without constraint so that they can just relax and be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. This file works to help you relax and forget your troublesome grown-up responsibilities in order to ensure that you never desire to ever pee or poop in a boring and gross adult toilet ever again.

            Listen as you learn to unconsciously release your bladder and bowels naturally like a little child in any kind of situation that you might find yourself in. Discover yourself developing a deep inner pride whenever you successfully mess yourself in front of others, and learn how much joy you gain from never having to become anxious or worried or sad from having to find a confusing restroom whenever you desire to relieve yourself in your future.

            Learn to give up your boring adult responsibilities and find comfort in your “Messy Pants.”


            Need content like this to live your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

            Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

            Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
            Downloads: 276

          • Bowel Weakening Subliminal Hypnosis — $75    

            In this 67 minute recording I use a powerful subliminal trance to alter the way you perceive your bowels and to retrain your bowel muscles to be weaker, leaving long term effects. You mind learns to relax and accept the weakening. When you get the urge to go poop, instead of tightening your muscles, your mind and body will relax. You will find that it's harder to fight the urge and that you have to get to a bathroom sooner after the urge starts. Listening to this once a week will cause your bowel muscles to be a little bit weaker, but not completely incontinent. If you listen to this multiple times a week, the effects will get stronger over time and could lead to incontinence (this is a gradual process). You will notice some effects on your bowels muscles and your ability to control your urge within hours after listening to this recording.

            Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
            Length: 1:07:41
            Downloads: 222

          • Covert Hypnosis: Freeze and Mess Yourself — $30    

            This 25 minute covert hypnosis file guides you into a relaxed mental state. You feel that you are just listening to me speak as you fall into a trance state without noticing. You don't notice as I implant suggests for you to freeze and mess yourself. Your desire to mess grows and grows, until I trigger you to lose control of your bowels. This file contains quiet binaural beats in the background. There are no age regression components and no long term effects. This file is best listened to when you already have an urge to go #2. It will push you over the edge.

            Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
            Length: 25:06
            Downloads: 93
            Temporary(fixed time)

          • ChampTehOtter - Incontinent Pants Pooper    

            *Warning* This file will turn you into an incontinent pants pooper. Don't listen to this file unless you are prepared to poop your pants whenever and wherever you need to. Don't say I didn't warn you! *Warning*

            I recommend the subliminal track (body with binaural) if you wish to loop for overnight use.

            I hope you enjoy this file and please send a comment my way to let me know your experience.

            If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter

            Rating: ★★★★★ (14)
            Length: 19:35
            Downloads: 5342
            Only while under

          • Slow 19 - Re Learn Bowel Control — $15   , ,  
            Just the thing for you diaper pervert. Once again asked to make a dirty bit for a client I've taken full advantage. Enjoy needing a diaper long term as you find yourself losing control of your bowels and losing your so called shit often...
            Careful. A filthy bit by your ol' homie... Major Pixel. The Voice 666.. Of Niteflirt fame.
            All part of my modular works. Make a playlist. Listen over and over. Cum all over yourself, pervert.
            Listen as you rest. Wear headphones. Let it loop nightly with your other files.
            oh - fwiw I'm back. Obviously. And taking requests as it were...

            Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
            Length: 20:00
            Downloads: 270

          • Subliminal diaper messing music file    
            Testing this style.

            Rating: ★★★★☆ (4)
            Length: 05:01
            Downloads: 1595

          • Scat Feeder - Dominant    
            This a companion for my submissive elsan waste disposal extreme file. I may upload the submissive version but it was custom for my interests and has elements that listeners should inspect with caution. This one encourages extreme pleasure from the act of forcefeeding and domination. I use multiple channel audio and sound effects to introduce subliminal type effects. However, note undetectable messages have not been proven to have any effect therefore everything in this file is detectable even though you may not have attention time to parse all of it consciously. This is my own work using Audacity and a phone to record - therefore I offer it freely.

            Rating: ★★★★☆ (9)
            Length: 1:08:55
            Downloads: 1949
            Only while under

          File System Help