
Latest Files

  • Only Big Kids Can Walk    

    A simple trigger file that makes you too young to stand up the moment you hear or say "Only Big Kids Can Walk"  You will find yourself reduced to crawling for 3 hours, or until someone else says "Revert to normal"  There are safeties for emergencies or situations where you need to stand up.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 19:56
    Downloads: 348
    Trigger(by anyone)

  • Cant sleep without it — $25    

    Remember when you were younger and you had a favorite plush/blanket/etc.  Remember how hard it was to get to sleep unless you had it with you and how upsetting it was if you misplaced or lost it.  This file re-awakens those feeling causing you to connect to a specific item so strongly that you find it nearly impossible to sleep without it.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 22:09
    Downloads: 27

  • The Baby Inside You — $25    

    This hypnosis file speaks to your subconscious mind, it awakens the baby inside your inner mind allowing it to get stronger and stronger until it's strong enough to come out and play whenever it's safe to do so.  What will the baby do, will they crawl, will they babble and use a sippy cup.  That is for the baby inside of you to decide.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 22:54
    Downloads: 39
    Permanent(when safe)

  • Childish Swearing    

    Day 10 of EMG's 2020 Quarantine File a Day project.  In this hypnosis file, whenever you are wearing a diaper and in a safe place your ability to use swear words will be reduced down to their most childish equivalent.  Gone are fuck and shit replaced with doo doo and others, the words will only return when you are out of diapers.

    Future files will be done on the WMM Discord and the calendar of events can be found here: Session

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:59
    Downloads: 489
    Permanent(when safe)

  • Curse Babys Dinner — $20    
    This curse file will make the listener prepare a baby's dinner for themselves every night for a month and then force them to either eat it like a baby(little/no motor control) or suck it from a baby bottle with an enlarged opening in the nipple.  That will be the only dinner they get an any attempt to circumvent the curse will add additional days to how long it lasts.  Once the 30 days are over the curse ends(unless you listen again).

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:34
    Downloads: 20

  • Binky — $25    
    This file creates a trigger in the listener so that whenever they pick up or are handed a binky(pacifier) they instantly transform into an infant until the binky is taken away or is no longer in plain sight.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:11
    Downloads: 8
    Trigger(by item)

  • Binky Dual Layer — $35    
    This dual layer file(EMG's voice as both a primary and secondary audio layer) creates a trigger in the listener so that whenever they pick up or are handed a binky(pacifier) they instantly transform into an infant until the binky is taken away or is no longer in plain sight.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 22:11
    Downloads: 3
    Trigger(by item)

  • Dark Obsession - Baby Talk — $35    
    Find yourself obsessed with the way babies talk and speak until you find yourself talking that way, and once you talk that way it's only a matter of time until you start acting that way.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 25:37
    Downloads: 164

  • DS - CribBedtime — $10    
    From the Diaper Series - Every time you go to bed while wearing a diaper, the bed you are laying in will become a crip until you have messed your diaper. Purchase does not give access to Diaper Series and cannot be applied to purchase the series later.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 20:04
    Downloads: 361

  • DS - MagicPacifier — $10    
    From the Diaper Series - This file makes it so you need a pacifier, the more you use it the harder you find it to talk and the more you want your pacifier. Purchase does not give access to Diaper Series and cannot be applied to purchase the series later.

    Infant Behavior
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 20:26
    Downloads: 701

    • Playground — $15    

      Do you ever find yourself getting bored or tired or anxious and wish that there was a place that you could go to remove all of your worries and problems and cares? Do you wish that you could be a carefree child again and play and be happy and have fun with everything that you find around you? In my latest recording, "Playground", you will train yourself to release all of the stresses and anxieties you have in your life by doing what you love most, playing on the playground like the carefree child that you love to be!

      Discover yourself regressing and turning into a carefree child whenever you are taken to the playground. Find that you love to dress and act like a child whenever you are at the playground. Learn about how you often become distracted and wet yourself like a small child whenever you are playing on a playground. Copy the mannerisms and actions of the children around you on the playground and act more and more like a child the more that you play like a child. Develop a love of playgrounds and find that you seek out playgrounds whenever you are feeling bored or tired or anxious.

      Remember that you love releasing your stresses and worries on the playground and find yourself craving to play on playgrounds more and more every day.

      Life is stressful, make your worries go away. Play like a child and be happy today!


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only
      HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:07
      Downloads: 1

    • Rock-a-bye Bambi 2 — $20    

      Sorry to keep my baybz waiting but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi! This is part 2 and the original post has been updated with the completed first half!

      Hope you enjoy cupcakes! No indukshun or awakener. As usual listen at your own risk or whatevz. Tysm to prime and you awl as all wayz! Back to regularly scheduled programming next time ♥

      More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 20:40
      Downloads: 12

    • Baby Memories — $15    

      Every day is a new adventure for a curious, excitable, and adorable little baby. Create fun and exciting new memories and scenarios in your past where you remember always acting like a little toddler and wetting your diaper completely and unconsciously just like you have always desired.

      Remember that you have always loved to wear childish clothing and to drink out of a soothing and comforting baby bottle and cry uncontrollably whenever you did not get your way as you grew up. Think about how you have always loved to play with childish toys and watch television shows that a small toddler would prefer to watch and that you still love to spend as much of your time as possible on childish activities. Know that you have always loved to suck your thumb and talk in baby talk and wear your diapers and plastic pants whenever you are out in public, and that any memories or habits telling you otherwise are completely untrue and need to be thrown out and forgotten. Think about all of the happiest memories that you have ever had and remember that you were always dressing and talking and acting like a small child whenever you have felt pleasure and excitement and happiness in the past.

      Learn that it is completely safe to throw away any gross and boring and unnecessary adult memories. Become the carefree baby that you have always desired to be and leave all of your adult worries and responsibilities and cares behind.


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 9

    • Baby Envy — $15    

      Tired of the stresses and pressures and problems of the adult world? Longing to be the carefree, happy, loved and cared for baby that you were always meant to be? This file encourages you to live the happy and loved and carefree life that you have always deserved and craved and desired for your own personal future by developing a healthy amount of envy for the habits and traits and characteristics that little children naturally have that you do not.

      You will become completely jealous of a baby's ability to express their emotions easily and naturally. You might find yourself looking at the diapers and toys and clothing and habits that the other babies have, and wishing that you could be as happy and loved and cared for as they are each and every day of their lives. Learn how to emulate the small children and babies that you meet until you are the happy and giggling baby that you have always desired to be.

      Being an adult is stressful. Become your best self as you easily and naturally live the happy and loved and carefree life that you have always desired.


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 9

    • Thumbsucker — $15    

      Do you ever get so angry that you want to just scream and throw a fit? Maybe you are anxious and desire to find a solution to help yourself feel better. Through this file, you will learn to suck on your thumb whenever you feel uncomfortable and feel all of your anxiety and problems disappear.

      Associate all of your negative emotions with the need to constantly suck on your delicious thumb or pacifier or binky. Find yourself craving to suck on something whenever you get angry or anxious or upset in any way. Discover how soothing and comfortable sucking on your thumb is and come to realize how much sucking on your delicious and comfortable thumb helps to soothe and comfort you no matter what situation you might find yourself in.

      Life can suck sometimes. Let go and let your thumb take care of all of your problems.


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Downloads: 17

    • High Chair — $15    

      Do you crave to be a baby in every way possible? Do you fantasize about using a sippy cup as you sit in a high chair and giggle and play with your baby food while your adoring parent coos happily into your ear? Every toddler loves to eat in a comfortable high chair, and this file aims to remind you of how much every meal should be fun and interactive and magical.

      Learn about your constant desire to only eat meals from a high chair like a little toddler. Discover how much you crave to eat baby food and remember that you have always had a hard time eating anything adult that takes effort to cut up and chew. Know that you have always had a hard time eating without childish silverware and a sippy cup without spilling everything on the floor. Think about how high chairs feel much more comfortable and relaxing whenever you are wearing a diaper, and know that you are more comfortable always wearing a diaper whenever you are eating from now on.

      Listen and loop today to transform yourself into the adorable and loving little toddler that you were always meant to be!


      Need content like this to live out your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Downloads: 1

    • Babble and Babytalk While Diapered and Aroused — $30    

      This file is designed to make you unable to speak like an adult while you are aroused and wearing a diaper.  In addition, whenever you or a caregiver touches you through your diaper, you will also want to talk in baby talk.  This will continue until you either cum in your diaper or you or someone else changes your diaper.  

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 07:05
      Downloads: 20
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • Baby Trigger — $15    

      Being an innocent and adorable baby is the best feeling in the world! You love to be coddled and cared for and to spend all of your time enjoying life in your safe and secure and comfortable diaper! But with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to forget to relax and be the happy and cute child that you have always preferred to be.

      With repeated listens of this file, you will train yourself to regress into an adorable baby each and every time that you hear the word ‘diaper’. Discover yourself enjoying the time that you spend as a child more and more and find yourself craving to regress into the happy and innocent baby that you prefer to be more and more every day. Know that being a baby makes you the happiest in your life and find that you become even happier each and every time that you hear or see the word ‘diaper’.

      Learn how to relax and let go of all of your uncomfortable adult worries and cares and anxieties. Discover how much more exciting life can be with just a simple word.


      Need content like this to live out your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Only two slots left so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Downloads: 36

    • Cribs — $15    

      Do you ever feel uncomfortable sleeping in an intimidating grown up bed without any safe and protective bars to keep you from falling out. Do you sometimes wish that you could incorporate everything that you love from your baby life into your real life and recognize that sleeping in a crib is a huge part of who you are?

      Discover how much more comfortable and relaxed you are at night, and invigorated and refreshed in the morning whenever you fall asleep in your comfortable and relaxing crib. Remember that beds are big and scary and unsafe for a little child like yourself and find comfort in the completely correct and valid and pleasing decision to give them up completely. Feel a natural compulsion to buy and sleep in a crib at the earliest possible opportunity and find pleasure and pride whenever you drift off peacefully into your toy and diaper-filled dreams.

      Never sleep another night like a gross and boring grownup again. Use a crib and dream like the helpless and submissive little baby that you love to be.


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Only two slots left so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
      Downloads: 11

    • Childlike Envy — $30    

      For Patreon exclusive tracks Clothing Commercial & Diaper Commercial, become a Brainwash Slut member for 15% off and access to my full 100+ file collection.

      Learn to covet the activities and habits that children get to enjoy carefree every day. Find yourself slowly losing interest in any adult activities and habits and desires that you might have had as you find yourself giving in more and more to your childlike envy.

      1. Can’t Sleep
      Find yourself tossing and turning in your bed late at night. Remember how completely worried and anxious you are about your frustrating and uncomfortable adult problems.

      2. Static
      Hear a noise from the television in the room next door. Find yourself more and more worried about your adult problems and responsibilities with every step that you take closer to the source of the noise.

      3. Toy Commercial
      Walk into the room to see that the television is playing a toy commercial. Find yourself becoming more and more jealous of the children in the scene as you remember just how boring and lifeless everything is around you as an adult.

      4. Puppets
      Watch as the commercial changes to a television show with puppets teaching children to learn. Find yourself becoming jealous of the fact that nobody wants to take the time to teach you anything anymore, and discover yourself mimicking the children in front of you exactly as they laugh and learn from the characters on screen so that you can act and behave in the same way in your future.

      5. Feelings
      Emulate and idolize the characters on the screen in front of you as one of the children falls and scrapes their knee. Become jealous of the fact that children can express themselves so openly and comfortably, and make a mental note that you crave to emulate the emotions of the children around you so that you can be emotional and childlike and happy in every aspect of who you are.

      6. New Role Model
      Fall asleep peacefully now that you have a new role model to emulate and free yourself from all of the uncomfortable adult worries and stresses and anxieties that you face every day. Remember that by being envious of the carefree lifestyle that children have, you are working towards remaking your own life in a way that will lead towards complete happiness in your future.

      Develop a healthy jealousy of being happy and carefree. Throw away your adult worries and responsibilities and give in to your childlike envy.


      Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

      Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

      Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Only two slots left so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

      Infant Behavior
      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 52:01
      Downloads: 8

      • Unedutainment - Learn to Forget    

        A fresh dose of regressive overstimulation for that Dumb Happy Baby Brain of yours. This lesson - backed by an instrumental cover of Old Macdonald and some fun, silly rattles - will help you learn to forget all about that pesky big kid brain. Why bother thinking all those icky adult thoughts when there are so many fun baby thoughts to fill an empty noggin like yours with?

        This is a TTS distraction/confusion brainwashing track. No induction or awakener, just a constant auditory assault. The base TTS loop runs constantly ("diaper dummy go blank"), the L and R channels have two short mantra loops each that alternate between one another (basic themes are: "thoughts get fuzzy", "play with toys", "sit and stare", "forgetting concepts"), and a foreground track plays over the loops to deliver the primary mantras and suggestions for your baby brain to absorb.

        Intended long-term effects are to cultivate cognitive reflexes and habits that gradually lower the listener's attention span, ability to recollect, and their capacity for complex adult thought. Intended short-term effects are to simply get you feeling mushy-brained and excited for the idea of regressing. Perfect listening for getting into headspace, playing games, rubbing your diapers to, or just as background music for your big baby playtime. Listen frequently at your own risk.

        Headphones or earbuds for listening and a visual aid to keep your eyes occupied (spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon on mute, etc.) are recommended!

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
        Length: 10:23
        Downloads: 317

      • 003 ABDL Baby Babble "Baby Brain" Hypnosis    

        ABDL Hypnosis 

        Advanced Level Baby Babble Brainwash - "Baby Brain"

        You can purchase the full files at 25% off athypnosissyhypnosis.com

        The complete product that you can purchase includes:

        3+ HRS Of Hypnosis Audio

        Includes 5 recordings

        2 with/ 2 without Induction

        Hypnosis Bridges

        3 With Music Overlay - Lullaby

        1 - 2 Hour Script Loop For Sleep Trance


        This ABDL hypnosis audio is the first 10 minutes of my newest release Advanced Baby Babbling Brainwash audio. It is ABDL hypnosis audio focused on brainwashing you to be a babbling baby aka "baby brained", main suggestions are becoming a babbling "baby brained" baby and being completely comfortable being a baby. Mommy controls your brain. No humiliation and it is gender neutral.

        You can buy the full 3+ hours of audio here: hypnosissyhypnosis.com

        I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 11:04
        Downloads: 266

      • Unedutainment - Dumb Happy Baby Brain    

        A confusion/distraction brainwash track intended to fuzz out adult thoughts by scattering the listener's focus and reducing their attention span over repeated listenings. Contains several TTS loops. One plays constantly ("dumb happy baby brain") and two are intermittent between the L (diaper loving mantra) and R (pacifier, thumb, and bottle-sucking mantra) channels. A non-looping TTS track plays over top, providing various suggestions and mantras that encourage you to regress and simplify your thoughts. File is backed by a cover of "Wheels on the Bus" without any lyrics, as well as various distracting toy rattle noises to keep that baby brain occupied as you drool your smarts out.

        Headphones and a visual to stare at (baby toons, spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon, etc.) are recommended!

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (10)
        Length: 10:19
        Downloads: 631

      • Only Big Kids Can Walk    

        A simple trigger file that makes you too young to stand up the moment you hear or say "Only Big Kids Can Walk"  You will find yourself reduced to crawling for 3 hours, or until someone else says "Revert to normal"  There are safeties for emergencies or situations where you need to stand up.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 19:56
        Downloads: 348
        Trigger(by anyone)

      • ABDL 1yo Baby Boy Mantra   , , ,  

        Just a neat little mantra I whipped up. Best for looping.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1)
        Length: 00:48
        Downloads: 860

      • ChampTehOtter Magic Binky    

        Binkies are magic. They absorb big kid thoughts and make you more babyish. And there's always that blushy wetface you get from nukking on your binky; when did that happen? Paci presses are super magical.  When a caretaker presses down on your binky, all your big kid thoughts turn off like turning off a light. This file is all you need to make your paci a special magic hypno-paci that makes it easier to fall into trance. Because binkies are magic!

        Includes an induction trigger for paci presses, and a trigger to suck your binky when you hear the phrase 'binky baby' or receive a pacifier picture as well as an optional sleep aid triggered by the listener.

        (Note: No 'Naughty' suggestions in this file. Check out the hypno script if you'd like to preview the contents!)

        I recommend the subliminal version for your enjoyment. If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 16:27
        Downloads: 997
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • ChampTehOtter - Baby Brain Mind Wipe (SafeSuck)   , , , , , ,  

        Here is a remastered version of 'baby brain mindwipe', meticulously improved track by track with all the techniques I've learned since its original 2020 release, and enhanced with SafeSuck technology (no patent pending).

        What is SafeSuck technology, you ask? I have removed all cock sucking suggestions from this file. I have also replaced the pail piggy suggestion with more reinforcement of the brain draining effects. There are still suggestions to suck on pacis, thumbs, and bottles, and to masturbate in your diapers and use your diapers like a good baby. 


        ~<3 Champ

        If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 20:02
        Downloads: 1746
        Trigger(by item)

      • ChampTehOtter - Needy Little    

        You're a little. A needy little that needs your comfort objects all the time. Follow along as Champ introduces you to some fun games to help you become more attached to your comfort objects and show them how much you love them. Bring your paci, your stuffy, your blankie, your bottle, your diapee, and anything else that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This file is nonsexual and gender neutral so all littles can enjoy it! 

        **Warning**  Champ is not responsible for any unintentional attachments you may develop to whatever you happen to have near you, in you, or on you at the time. **Warning**

        Hi everyone! This file was a surprise when I wrote it. I thought it was going to be a short little mini hypno but NOPE, turned into a full length hypno file! Oopsie! I also invented a new word for this file: Snuckie - Any comfort object you snuggle, hug, squeeze, or suck. In other words, anything that you snuckle to feel so so good. Let me know what your snuckies are in the comments below!

        ~<3 Champ

        If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 17:32
        Downloads: 696

      • Baby Behavior Trigger (Body)    

        I used creepybaby's script and just used text to speech

        Original file

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 02:14
        Downloads: 555
        Trigger(by anyone)

      • Baby Babble Trigger    

        This file is intended to be used by consenting adults only. It is meant to implant two triggers. The first trigger will cause your mouth, tongue, and jaw to become so relaxed that it becomes impossible to form proper words, so much so that you would only be able to babble like a little baby. The second trigger reverses this effect, and allows you speak like a big kid again. These triggers can be used by yourself, or a dom or top. If you trigger yourself in this way, you obviously wouldn’t be able to speak the other trigger, but you can read it or prerecord it to untrigger yourself. Or, if you find yourself in an unsafe situation and need your big kid words, you will regain them. However, if another person were to trigger you, only that person can say the trigger again to reverse the effect (although the safety still applies).

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
        Length: 14:13
        Downloads: 778
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Baby Babbles    

        Become Luke's (Aged 10) new little best friend and listen like a good little boy as he guides you down deep into trance. He'll teach you how to talk and babble like the little ba-ba you are all the while entertaining you along the way. Listen and be regressed as his childish voice and the milestones he uses whilst playing with you make you become younger and younger. For best results wear a nappy/diaper and be warned. The effects are strong and will last for one hour afterwards. Safeties included. Please comment and enjoy and let me know if you would like future files.   

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (25)
        Length: 24:23
        Downloads: 3244
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • BabyTime — $10    
        After listening to this file the listener will spend 20 minutes as a helpless baby and then return to being themselves. They will have full memory of their time as a baby

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★☆☆ (185)
        Length: 19:00
        Downloads: 41198
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • Curse Night Diapers    
        WARNING!!! This is a curse file and may only be removed by EMG!!!
        This curse is not removable for 6 months from the first time you listen and must be removed within a year or it becomes permanent. The listener will be forced to put on a diaper before dressing for bed and will have to wear it for 6 hours. If they forget they will wake up and wear cloth diapers and rubber pants for 8 hours. Whenever they wear diapers they will wet them regularly and be unable to get an erection or masturbate.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (61)
        Length: 28:40
        Downloads: 18694

      • Complete24HourBaby    
        Turns you into a baby for 24 hours, you will act like a complete baby and lose all control over bladder and bowels. For the next 24 hours after you listen you will be reduces to being nothing more than a baby.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (52)
        Length: 22:01
        Downloads: 16779
        Temporary(fixed time)

      • Curse Thumb Sucker    
        This curse will last 6 months before it can be removed. The listener will suck their thumb at night at first and then develop more and more infantile behavior at night including a need for diapers. Also includes a trigger 'Thumb Sucking Time' that will make you suck your thumb and act more and more infantile, more so each time your triggered, for 2 hours or until returned to normal with 'Revert to Normal'

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (48)
        Length: 24:41
        Downloads: 16102

      • BabyTransformation — $30    
        This file regresses you to an 18 month old infant who will forever act like a baby with no bladder/bowel control and a need for baby foods, bottles and pacifiers for the rest of your life.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★☆ (12)
        Length: 35:32
        Downloads: 2385
        Only while under

      • Babylife binaural    
        I've tried some new things here and would really appreciate any and all comments. I'm entertaining suggestions and will probably end up redoing this file based upon user comments, so here's your chance to help make a file.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★☆☆ (13)
        Length: 20:01
        Downloads: 2979
        Permanent(when safe)

      • 6 Month Baby Girl    
        Edit of one of my previous files to turn you into a 6 month baby girl. Will record with microsoft anna, add some nlp, but one step at a time.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★☆☆ (13)
        Length: 25:18
        Downloads: 8292
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Unedutainment - Dumb Happy Baby Brain    

        A confusion/distraction brainwash track intended to fuzz out adult thoughts by scattering the listener's focus and reducing their attention span over repeated listenings. Contains several TTS loops. One plays constantly ("dumb happy baby brain") and two are intermittent between the L (diaper loving mantra) and R (pacifier, thumb, and bottle-sucking mantra) channels. A non-looping TTS track plays over top, providing various suggestions and mantras that encourage you to regress and simplify your thoughts. File is backed by a cover of "Wheels on the Bus" without any lyrics, as well as various distracting toy rattle noises to keep that baby brain occupied as you drool your smarts out.

        Headphones and a visual to stare at (baby toons, spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon, etc.) are recommended!

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (10)
        Length: 10:19
        Downloads: 631

      • ChampTehOtter - Daddy's House 3: Rules for Baby    

        6 rules to turn the listener into a good baby for their caretaker. That's all you need, whether you're a big looking to train your reluctant little to accept their baby treatment, or you're a little trying to be the best baby you can be.

        And for serious brain melting action, you can download the 'body' versions, designed to loop or stack with other files as you like. Just be careful - the listener may need help taking off the headphones if they regress too far. Adult supervision is recommended! 

        If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (9)
        Length: 22:36
        Downloads: 2186

      • ABDL 1yo Baby Boy Mantra   , , ,  

        Just a neat little mantra I whipped up. Best for looping.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (1)
        Length: 00:48
        Downloads: 860

      • Playground — $15    

        Do you ever find yourself getting bored or tired or anxious and wish that there was a place that you could go to remove all of your worries and problems and cares? Do you wish that you could be a carefree child again and play and be happy and have fun with everything that you find around you? In my latest recording, "Playground", you will train yourself to release all of the stresses and anxieties you have in your life by doing what you love most, playing on the playground like the carefree child that you love to be!

        Discover yourself regressing and turning into a carefree child whenever you are taken to the playground. Find that you love to dress and act like a child whenever you are at the playground. Learn about how you often become distracted and wet yourself like a small child whenever you are playing on a playground. Copy the mannerisms and actions of the children around you on the playground and act more and more like a child the more that you play like a child. Develop a love of playgrounds and find that you seek out playgrounds whenever you are feeling bored or tired or anxious.

        Remember that you love releasing your stresses and worries on the playground and find yourself craving to play on playgrounds more and more every day.

        Life is stressful, make your worries go away. Play like a child and be happy today!


        Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only
        HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 20:07
        Downloads: 1

      • Rock-a-bye Bambi 2 — $20    

        Sorry to keep my baybz waiting but I finalee finished Rock-a-bye Bambi! This is part 2 and the original post has been updated with the completed first half!

        Hope you enjoy cupcakes! No indukshun or awakener. As usual listen at your own risk or whatevz. Tysm to prime and you awl as all wayz! Back to regularly scheduled programming next time ♥

        More content at: https://www.patreon.com/bambi4eva

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 20:40
        Downloads: 12

      • Unedutainment - Learn to Forget    

        A fresh dose of regressive overstimulation for that Dumb Happy Baby Brain of yours. This lesson - backed by an instrumental cover of Old Macdonald and some fun, silly rattles - will help you learn to forget all about that pesky big kid brain. Why bother thinking all those icky adult thoughts when there are so many fun baby thoughts to fill an empty noggin like yours with?

        This is a TTS distraction/confusion brainwashing track. No induction or awakener, just a constant auditory assault. The base TTS loop runs constantly ("diaper dummy go blank"), the L and R channels have two short mantra loops each that alternate between one another (basic themes are: "thoughts get fuzzy", "play with toys", "sit and stare", "forgetting concepts"), and a foreground track plays over the loops to deliver the primary mantras and suggestions for your baby brain to absorb.

        Intended long-term effects are to cultivate cognitive reflexes and habits that gradually lower the listener's attention span, ability to recollect, and their capacity for complex adult thought. Intended short-term effects are to simply get you feeling mushy-brained and excited for the idea of regressing. Perfect listening for getting into headspace, playing games, rubbing your diapers to, or just as background music for your big baby playtime. Listen frequently at your own risk.

        Headphones or earbuds for listening and a visual aid to keep your eyes occupied (spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon on mute, etc.) are recommended!

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
        Length: 10:23
        Downloads: 317

      • 003 ABDL Baby Babble "Baby Brain" Hypnosis    

        ABDL Hypnosis 

        Advanced Level Baby Babble Brainwash - "Baby Brain"

        You can purchase the full files at 25% off athypnosissyhypnosis.com

        The complete product that you can purchase includes:

        3+ HRS Of Hypnosis Audio

        Includes 5 recordings

        2 with/ 2 without Induction

        Hypnosis Bridges

        3 With Music Overlay - Lullaby

        1 - 2 Hour Script Loop For Sleep Trance


        This ABDL hypnosis audio is the first 10 minutes of my newest release Advanced Baby Babbling Brainwash audio. It is ABDL hypnosis audio focused on brainwashing you to be a babbling baby aka "baby brained", main suggestions are becoming a babbling "baby brained" baby and being completely comfortable being a baby. Mommy controls your brain. No humiliation and it is gender neutral.

        You can buy the full 3+ hours of audio here: hypnosissyhypnosis.com

        I kindly like to remind all buyers that all of my hypnosis recordings are for personal use only, are copyright protected through RE LLC.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 11:04
        Downloads: 266

      • Unedutainment - Dumb Happy Baby Brain    

        A confusion/distraction brainwash track intended to fuzz out adult thoughts by scattering the listener's focus and reducing their attention span over repeated listenings. Contains several TTS loops. One plays constantly ("dumb happy baby brain") and two are intermittent between the L (diaper loving mantra) and R (pacifier, thumb, and bottle-sucking mantra) channels. A non-looping TTS track plays over top, providing various suggestions and mantras that encourage you to regress and simplify your thoughts. File is backed by a cover of "Wheels on the Bus" without any lyrics, as well as various distracting toy rattle noises to keep that baby brain occupied as you drool your smarts out.

        Headphones and a visual to stare at (baby toons, spiral, trainer video, pinkfong/cocomelon, etc.) are recommended!

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (10)
        Length: 10:19
        Downloads: 631

      • Baby Memories — $15    

        Every day is a new adventure for a curious, excitable, and adorable little baby. Create fun and exciting new memories and scenarios in your past where you remember always acting like a little toddler and wetting your diaper completely and unconsciously just like you have always desired.

        Remember that you have always loved to wear childish clothing and to drink out of a soothing and comforting baby bottle and cry uncontrollably whenever you did not get your way as you grew up. Think about how you have always loved to play with childish toys and watch television shows that a small toddler would prefer to watch and that you still love to spend as much of your time as possible on childish activities. Know that you have always loved to suck your thumb and talk in baby talk and wear your diapers and plastic pants whenever you are out in public, and that any memories or habits telling you otherwise are completely untrue and need to be thrown out and forgotten. Think about all of the happiest memories that you have ever had and remember that you were always dressing and talking and acting like a small child whenever you have felt pleasure and excitement and happiness in the past.

        Learn that it is completely safe to throw away any gross and boring and unnecessary adult memories. Become the carefree baby that you have always desired to be and leave all of your adult worries and responsibilities and cares behind.


        Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Downloads: 9

      • Baby Envy — $15    

        Tired of the stresses and pressures and problems of the adult world? Longing to be the carefree, happy, loved and cared for baby that you were always meant to be? This file encourages you to live the happy and loved and carefree life that you have always deserved and craved and desired for your own personal future by developing a healthy amount of envy for the habits and traits and characteristics that little children naturally have that you do not.

        You will become completely jealous of a baby's ability to express their emotions easily and naturally. You might find yourself looking at the diapers and toys and clothing and habits that the other babies have, and wishing that you could be as happy and loved and cared for as they are each and every day of their lives. Learn how to emulate the small children and babies that you meet until you are the happy and giggling baby that you have always desired to be.

        Being an adult is stressful. Become your best self as you easily and naturally live the happy and loved and carefree life that you have always desired.


        Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Downloads: 9

      • Only Big Kids Can Walk    

        A simple trigger file that makes you too young to stand up the moment you hear or say "Only Big Kids Can Walk"  You will find yourself reduced to crawling for 3 hours, or until someone else says "Revert to normal"  There are safeties for emergencies or situations where you need to stand up.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
        Length: 19:56
        Downloads: 348
        Trigger(by anyone)

      • Thumbsucker — $15    

        Do you ever get so angry that you want to just scream and throw a fit? Maybe you are anxious and desire to find a solution to help yourself feel better. Through this file, you will learn to suck on your thumb whenever you feel uncomfortable and feel all of your anxiety and problems disappear.

        Associate all of your negative emotions with the need to constantly suck on your delicious thumb or pacifier or binky. Find yourself craving to suck on something whenever you get angry or anxious or upset in any way. Discover how soothing and comfortable sucking on your thumb is and come to realize how much sucking on your delicious and comfortable thumb helps to soothe and comfort you no matter what situation you might find yourself in.

        Life can suck sometimes. Let go and let your thumb take care of all of your problems.


        Need content like this to live your ideal life? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Downloads: 17

      • High Chair — $15    

        Do you crave to be a baby in every way possible? Do you fantasize about using a sippy cup as you sit in a high chair and giggle and play with your baby food while your adoring parent coos happily into your ear? Every toddler loves to eat in a comfortable high chair, and this file aims to remind you of how much every meal should be fun and interactive and magical.

        Learn about your constant desire to only eat meals from a high chair like a little toddler. Discover how much you crave to eat baby food and remember that you have always had a hard time eating anything adult that takes effort to cut up and chew. Know that you have always had a hard time eating without childish silverware and a sippy cup without spilling everything on the floor. Think about how high chairs feel much more comfortable and relaxing whenever you are wearing a diaper, and know that you are more comfortable always wearing a diaper whenever you are eating from now on.

        Listen and loop today to transform yourself into the adorable and loving little toddler that you were always meant to be!


        Need content like this to live out your fantasies? Comment and ★ for more.

        Interested in becoming a true brainwash slut? Visit my Patreon site for members-only HypnoVideos, scripts, exclusive bonus content, and access to my Discord server.

        Become a Tranced Temptress today to get one custom subliminal and personal training every month! Limited space available, so hurry to claim your place among the Royalty.

        Infant Behavior
        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Downloads: 1

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