
Latest Files

  • Trig HuCow    

    This hypnosis file is a bit evil and a bit fun.  It is triggered by hearing or seeing the word Moo or by seeing a cow.  When it does you mind goes placid and you feel yourself becoming a HuCow Udders and all.  While that might normally be a bit dangerous it has a lot of safeties put in so that if you aren't in a safe place to be a cow all you might do is moo yourself which people do all the time.  If the real world calls you'll go right back to being yourself but the call of the Moo is never far away.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 18:47
    Downloads: 562
    Trigger(by accident)

  • Train Dog - Remastered    

    This hypnosis file transforms you into a dog permanently.  There are safeties put in so that you can function in society and aren't one around people that don't know you deep down inside you will be a dog and whenever possible you will behave as one.  This is a recreation of the original traindog file.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
    Length: 19:50
    Downloads: 521

  • Trig Puppy - Remastered    

    This hypnosis file recreates my trig puppy file which turns the listener into a puppy dog when they hear the trigger "puppy time for you"  and back to themselves when "puppy time is over" Unlike the original you will remember your entire time as a human animal and I have added safeties to avoid abuse or being pushed into things you truly don't want.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 20:57
    Downloads: 502
    Trigger(by anyone)

  • Trig Dog    

    Day 16 of EMG's 2020 Quarantine File a Day project.  This hypnosis file installs a simple trigger(It's dog time for you) to empty out your human mind and make you a dog for a while.  Don't have anyone to trigger you, trigger yourself and stay that way until you either sleep or an alarm goes off.  Otherwise whoever triggered you can wake you with "revert to normal"

    Future files will be done on the WMM Discord and the calendar of events can be found here: Session

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 19:26
    Downloads: 474
    Trigger(by yourself)

  • Kitten Play Pt 1    

    This is part of the montly free recording on Discord, I did an induction and kitten transformation and then Belgarion did some play to go with it.  While this can be listened to alone, it goes better with his Kitten Play Pt 2. file which can be found here:  Kitten Play Pt 2

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 19:01
    Downloads: 267
    Only while under

  • Trigger Bulls Genitals — $20   ,  
    This file gives you a bulls cock and balls whenever you say "it's bull time". It also triggers every time you listen to the file. The only way to get you genitals to return to normal is to orgasm through masturbation or sex.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (1)
    Length: 23:09
    Downloads: 81
    Temporary(until event)

  • Curse Full Moon — $20    
    We have all heard what happens to a werewolf by the full of the moon. This file is all about the moon, as it waxes and wanes the influence of the were(wolf, fox, bear) inside you grows and shrinks until it takes over by the full moon and is non-existant on the new moon.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 24:36
    Downloads: 21

  • Your Tail    
    After listening to this file you will wake up to discover that you have the tail of your choice and it will stay with you forever(or until you listen again and choose a different tail)

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (11)
    Length: 19:20
    Downloads: 2876

  • Cowgirl Anthro    
    When the trigger phase is said "Milk Me" the person will see themselves slowly turn into a cowgirl anthro creature. First their ears will change to long and short then their face change to that of a cow with a muzzle. White and black fur will sprout all over the body in random ways and another set of breasts will grow underneath the first set and as they both grow larger and larger (You can think how big during the transformation). Lastly you will feel a bump between your stomach and your private area were a udder will begin to grow and become larger (You can think how large you want your udder) than your 4 breasts. With all your milk producing areas you will slowly fill up with more milk, within 15mins (Transformation is complete within 5mins) from saying the trigger phase you will feel the need to express your milk you can see it you can feel it and you can even taste it by drinking straight from your nipples or teats. If a male uses this file they will first change into a female then to a cowgirl. To end this say the ending phase "revert to normal"

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (14)
    Length: 24:02
    Downloads: 8137
    Trigger(by anyone)

  • Train Cow Girl    
    This file will train the subject to become a submissive cowgirl, full with an udder and big breasts that need to be milked regurarly. What you need more than anythng is to become a human miking cow.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (7)
    Length: 24:58
    Downloads: 4953

    • Bitch in Heat, Become a Female Dog — $20    

      This file will transform you into a bitch in heat, a horny female dog, whenever you have sex. You will be unable to walk, unable to talk, unable to think. You will crawl like a dog, bark like a dog, and feel animalistic lust, a desire to bebred like the bitch that you are. And this will become a bigger and bigger part of your fantasies, untill its the only way you want to have sex.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 28:18
      Downloads: 58

    • Doggystyle become a horny dog when you fuck — $20    

      This file will make it so that whenever you have sex with someone doggystyle, you will transform into a dog. You will fuck like a dog. And only after you cum you will turn back into a human.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 18:27
      Downloads: 12
      Temporary(until event)

    • Female Siberian Husky Transformation — $35   , ,  
      Lady Rio takes you down through a long slow transformation from human male to female Siberian Husky. This is an extremely detailed file that intends to leave you permanently transformed into a female Siberian Husky including teats and a nice vulva. The transformation itself only happens when it is safe for you to transform.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 44:42
      Downloads: 60
      Permanent(when safe)

    • Predatorial Animalistic Lust — $10    

      This file will make you become more and more like a predator, a primal beast, on the hunt for sex. This lust will take you over, be all consuming. Be warned. 

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 26:43
      Downloads: 42

    • Heel — $15    

      The first sequel to Sit, this recording introduces you to clicker training, and a number of familiar-sounding commands that will take on special meanings for you.


      In particular: Heel, which will signal you to become especially attentive and obedient; Lie Down, which will signal you to go into trance (or into a deeper trance), and Roll Over, which will signal you to become especially submissive and aroused.


      These commands are meant for use with whomever you customarily play with; though they will also recur in the next sequel, Beg.


      This recording is gender-neutral.

      Check out my other works at www.gentlybitten.com!

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 12:29
      Downloads: 23
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Here, Piggy — $20    


      As a close friend of Mine, you are calmly convinced into a deep sleep. That's all we are here to do. After that, you become dominated by My voice and My powerful commands, turning you into a piggy to be used. A trigger is installed, and it will work with anyone that you trust to use it on you. Whenever someone says "Here piggy, piggy, piggy" you are unable to resist obeying their command and serving them. Your Sphincters relax and allow access from any cock, fist, or toy. You feel the pleasure deepen every time it is used and you become even more of submissive piggy every time it is used on you. They may reverse you back to normal by saying "That's all, folks".
      Find all My audios at JackDominates.com

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 29:58
      Downloads: 56
      Trigger(by item)

    • Animal Instincts — $10    
      (Available free on my website) Awaken your inner animal beast with this recording, where you open up your eyes, ears, touch, and even smell to their highest ability, while also making the body more strong and agile. The ultimate hunter. You also improve your natural intuition, sensing extra things in the environment as animals do.
      I'm going to help you open up to that inner beast within. The instinctual mammal that lives within you. lets clear out all of modern life, and not only bring you back to the natural human state, or mammalian state, but even beyond that. So that you have increased sight, hearing, smell, and even natural strength, dexterity, and stamina.
      Tags: Transformation, Cat, Dog, snake, Dragon, intuition

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 33:41
      Downloads: 276

    • Beastmode — $20   ,  

      This file allows that wild, feral animal out and leaves you transformed a little bit more every time you listen to it..Induction, body and holding space will help you to temporarily throw off the clothes of everyday life and access your inner beast. Everyone has a beast within them, few liseten to it. WARNING: the more you listen, the easier to get through that doorway but the harder to return

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (5)
      Length: 14:14
      Downloads: 44
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Porker intensifier — $20    

      Intensifier for the Porker file, where we take everything even further. You feel even more pleasure, your transformation becomes even more real. You become bigger, hungrier, with more thirst for pleasure and sleazy activities. You love filthy encounters, getting huge and dirty.


      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 30:29
      Downloads: 78

    • Porker — $20    
      You become a big, fat, hulking pig. Lusting and drooling for pleasure like the fat hog that you are. You are a porker. Your body transforms, making you bigger, fatter, with huge chins and a big muscular body to go with it.  Nipples, cock, and balls growing bigger, making you completely into a pig man. A squealing, oinking, slobbering, masturbating fat-muscled hog beast.
      Find more at JackDominates.com

      Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
      Length: 35:00
      Downloads: 175

    • Bark Brain - Dog Mental TF    

      This file will remove your ability to think in words. You will only be able to think in barks, whines and growls. And you know what this will do to you, don’t you? If your internal thoughts – that voice that narrates your life and makes sense of everything, can only bark… You will become so much more simple – acting and reacting only on instinct. Like a dog.

      WARNING: Do NOT listen to this file if you are are highly suggestible and cannot accept losing your ability to think in complex terms and speak human words. This file will remove your words and thoughts, reducing you to an animal who perceives the world by barking.

      By listening, you accept responsibility for becoming a simple animal and knowing that the best response to every situation… is just to bark.

      Listen with headphones for the best experience.

      `Only barking when you think`.` The only way to think clearly is to bark`.``

      Want to chat? Join my Discord

      Subscribe at Ashdoge TF Patreon

      MORE files available at AshdogeTF.com

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 28:38
      Downloads: 12
      Permanent(when safe)

    • Spiral Acres - Bull   ,  

      I have been meeting more and more hopeful Bulls recently, so its time to meet and become the newest bull on my Farm. Learn the secrets of work, strength, no distractions, and no thought. A bull also has his arousal removed, look to the horses if you need that. But still with a big body, deep voice, skimpy clothes, and getting things done in the sun, you will still have plenty of fans. File was written from a male listening perspective

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 21:58
      Downloads: 48
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • Popular Character Costume    

      There are some popular characters on the internet, with many wishing to meet them, and more wishing to be them. This file helps you practice becoming one of two characters, Renamon the yellow furred warrior from Digimon, and Krystal the blue furred warrior from Star Fox. Feel free to become these two, or use what we learn in the file to find your own favorite, and make sure to take some fun pics!

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 18:28
      Downloads: 16
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • Did You Notice You're A Dog? `M4F`    

      Want to chat? Join my Discord

      Subscribe at Ashdoge TF Patreon

      All files available at AshdogeTF.com

      This file will transform you into a dog when you hear the trigger phrase. You will notice that you are just a dog. You have a dog's furry body, with a wagging tail and clumsy paws. You have a dog's brain - ready to accept commands and bark loudly. Of course, this means you also have a dog's desires.


      By listening you accept full responsibility for any and all effects, including but not limited to: a desire to bark, walking on all fours... getting overly familiar with the furniture.


      Listen with headphones for the best experience. This is the Female version.


      `Cum to wake up once triggered like a good horny dog`



      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 25:34
      Downloads: 133
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Did You Notice You're A Dog? `M4M`    

      Want to chat? Join my Discord

      Subscribe at Ashdoge TF Patreon

      All files available at AshdogeTF.com

      This file will transform you into a dog when you hear the trigger phrase. You will notice that you are just a dog. You have a dog's furry body, with a wagging tail and clumsy paws. You have a dog's brain - ready to accept commands and bark loudly. Of course, this means you also have a dog's desires.


      By listening you accept full responsibility for any and all effects, including but not limited to: a desire to bark, walking on all fours... getting overly familiar with the furniture.


      Listen with headphones for the best experience. This is the Male version. 


      `Cum to wake up once triggered like a good horny dog`



      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 25:47
      Downloads: 235
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Gainer Pig Transformation - FatBoy54    

      This file is for hardcore gainers with animal transformation kinks. After listening to this file, you will find that you slowly start transforming into a pig, no matter where you are or what you're doing. It'll start with your ears and you'll believe that others can see this transformation. The only way to stop it is to stuff yourself until you can't hold anymore. Only then will you revert fully back to your human form. If you don't eat enough, your transformation will continue and you'll become increasingly hungry and horny until you cum your human seed away and are stuck as a rutting pig on all 4s, eating any food you can until you black out and wake up human again. It's a fairly intense file and not for the faint of heart. The pig transform can be triggered irreversibly by someone saying "pig pig pig". No amount of food will stop your transformation this time, and you will fully transform until you again eat until you black out and wake up human again. 

      Contains trance and pleasure triggers, in case we ever chat ;)

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 20:45
      Downloads: 324

    • Canine Conditioning Loop   , , , , , ,  

      Just for fun, here's a loop for the good dogs out there. This recording uses continuous canine suggestions, along with pup-oriented praise, clicker training and excited doggy sounds to help your brain shift into dog mode.

      Gender neutral and suitable for any subject, though pups with some previous training will get the most out of this file.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 05:50
      Downloads: 553

    • Trig HuCow    

      This hypnosis file is a bit evil and a bit fun.  It is triggered by hearing or seeing the word Moo or by seeing a cow.  When it does you mind goes placid and you feel yourself becoming a HuCow Udders and all.  While that might normally be a bit dangerous it has a lot of safeties put in so that if you aren't in a safe place to be a cow all you might do is moo yourself which people do all the time.  If the real world calls you'll go right back to being yourself but the call of the Moo is never far away.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 18:47
      Downloads: 562
      Trigger(by accident)

    • Train Dog - Remastered    

      This hypnosis file transforms you into a dog permanently.  There are safeties put in so that you can function in society and aren't one around people that don't know you deep down inside you will be a dog and whenever possible you will behave as one.  This is a recreation of the original traindog file.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 19:50
      Downloads: 521

    • Confused Pup    

      Begin as a human, transform into a pup while in trance, awake in a confused new reality (temporary / short term) where part of you is human but part of the pup transformation remains.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
      Length: 23:33
      Downloads: 622
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • TrigWerewolf w/ Confusion Induction    

      EMG's TrigWerewolf with the confusion induction spliced in place of the original.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 21:32
      Downloads: 96
      Trigger(by yourself)

    • Goodnight Mouse    

      The form you have chosen tonight is that of small, timid, weak non-gendered mouse. Enjoy shrinking out of your clothes faster than you can remove them, and the excitement that comes with living in a massive world. Enjoy comfy PJs that you take from a doll, while having to climb all the way up to your bed. Feel like an explorer as you trek across your football field sized bed, and rest in the lap of your favorite plush. Note: This file has no awakener at the end, so good night and good dreams.

      Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
      Length: 16:26
      Downloads: 191
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Goodnight Dragon    

      The form you have chosen tonight is that of a muscled, powerful, and sexually charged male dragon. Enjoy removing your clothes as his scales and muscles burst through your skin. Enjoy PJs that can easilly be torn through if the passions call to you. Feel like a beast as you lay upon your treasure pile, and use all the toys you enjoy, as you head to empowered dreams. Note: This file has no awakener at the end, so good night and good dreams.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
      Length: 17:05
      Downloads: 375
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Dog Brain    
      This file will turn you into a dog. it will transform your brain into that of a dogs. you will think you are a dog. you will bark like a dog. you will live on all fours. dogs are very obedient and loyal to their master. you will have no control of your body. you will uncontrollably be forced to think like a dog. your mind is changing and you cant stop it. the dog brain is to powerful. it is so easy to submit to it. and live an easier life. you will be turned into a mindless dog and you cannot help it or change it.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (46)
      Length: 18:52
      Downloads: 13761

    • Masturbation Loop - The Dog    
      Masturbation Loop… makes you horny... makes you bark… turns you into a dog for the rest of the day. My shot at this theme. Gender neutral. Good doggy! Have fun!

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (40)
      Length: 08:10
      Downloads: 12313
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Playing Bitch 2 of 2    
      This is somewhat of a continuation from Playing Dog based loosely on feedback requests. During the course of the file, the listener is brought down into the same sort of state as playing dog where they were a dog. The big difference is a slightly different induction, and instead of playing the listener is mounted by the dog from Playing Dog and given a trigger to experience it again. This file is not gender specific and should work relatively equally well for boy doggies and girl doggies. The file is in two parts, this is part 2... part 1 is named, part 1 of 2 ;)

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (23)
      Length: 40:50
      Downloads: 6740
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • DonkeyTF   ,  
      This is a tf hypno file that will turn the listener into a donkey. It contains a trigger, an induction, a description of a donk TF, and also tells you that this donk side stays with you and that it can come out in the future unexpectedly. Any tips and comments are welcomed. Suggestions for new files are always welcomed. tflover23@Yahoo.com

      Rating: ★★★★★ (18)
      Length: 13:49
      Downloads: 3083
      Temporary(until event)

    • Good Pup    
      Something created on a whim for a few people close to me, but intended to be generic. Just some instructions and reinforcement on being a good pup. A good pup to pet, to play, to be cozy with.

      Rating: ★★★★★ (17)
      Length: 24:19
      Downloads: 2111
      Trigger(by anyone)

    • Fox ears and tail curse    
      This file is meant to permanently grant the listener ears and a tail of that of a fox. This file is permanent and cannot be reversed by anyone!

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (18)
      Length: 21:11
      Downloads: 2473

    • Subliminal Canine    
      Ambient woodland sounds punctuated by the sounds of beying and howling help to hide a subliminal track designed to help the listener identify as a canine (dog, wolf, etc.). Binaural effects have been added to help induce light trance. Not for use while driving or other activities which require diligence.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (18)
      Length: 16:54
      Downloads: 4363

    • Lady Rio's HouseCat    
      Do you love Lady Rio's files? Me, too! Check out my binaural version of her furtively phrased feline file. And be sure to check out the original file, including it's simple description, at: http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=Files&file=Comment&fid=211 :)

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (16)
      Length: 30:00
      Downloads: 2061
      Temporary(fixed time)

    • Dog 1 - The Dog-desire    
      A little loop that gets you closer to your dog identity and helps you to get to know it... to explore it... Increases your desire to act like a dog (though it doesn't force any doglike behaviour) and makes it very pleasurable to bark... it's potentially helpful to masturbate while listening to reinforce the effects, but i don't mention it in the file to keep the options open... use headphones.. have fun!

      Rating: ★★★★★ (11)
      Length: 09:29
      Downloads: 3163

    • Train Dog2(M)    
      This is a complete rework of the original Train Dog file. This version is intended for men and will transform you into a human animal. This is intended as a real transformation of who you are and how you behave.

      Rating: ★★★★☆ (12)
      Length: 23:36
      Downloads: 5165

      • Bark Brain - Dog Mental TF    

        This file will remove your ability to think in words. You will only be able to think in barks, whines and growls. And you know what this will do to you, don’t you? If your internal thoughts – that voice that narrates your life and makes sense of everything, can only bark… You will become so much more simple – acting and reacting only on instinct. Like a dog.

        WARNING: Do NOT listen to this file if you are are highly suggestible and cannot accept losing your ability to think in complex terms and speak human words. This file will remove your words and thoughts, reducing you to an animal who perceives the world by barking.

        By listening, you accept responsibility for becoming a simple animal and knowing that the best response to every situation… is just to bark.

        Listen with headphones for the best experience.

        `Only barking when you think`.` The only way to think clearly is to bark`.``

        Want to chat? Join my Discord

        Subscribe at Ashdoge TF Patreon

        MORE files available at AshdogeTF.com

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 28:38
        Downloads: 12
        Permanent(when safe)

      • Spiral Acres - Bull   ,  

        I have been meeting more and more hopeful Bulls recently, so its time to meet and become the newest bull on my Farm. Learn the secrets of work, strength, no distractions, and no thought. A bull also has his arousal removed, look to the horses if you need that. But still with a big body, deep voice, skimpy clothes, and getting things done in the sun, you will still have plenty of fans. File was written from a male listening perspective

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 21:58
        Downloads: 48
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Popular Character Costume    

        There are some popular characters on the internet, with many wishing to meet them, and more wishing to be them. This file helps you practice becoming one of two characters, Renamon the yellow furred warrior from Digimon, and Krystal the blue furred warrior from Star Fox. Feel free to become these two, or use what we learn in the file to find your own favorite, and make sure to take some fun pics!

        Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
        Length: 18:28
        Downloads: 16
        Trigger(by yourself)

      • Did You Notice You're A Dog? `M4F`    

        Want to chat? Join my Discord

        Subscribe at Ashdoge TF Patreon

        All files available at AshdogeTF.com

        This file will transform you into a dog when you hear the trigger phrase. You will notice that you are just a dog. You have a dog's furry body, with a wagging tail and clumsy paws. You have a dog's brain - ready to accept commands and bark loudly. Of course, this means you also have a dog's desires.


        By listening you accept full responsibility for any and all effects, including but not limited to: a desire to bark, walking on all fours... getting overly familiar with the furniture.


        Listen with headphones for the best experience. This is the Female version.


        `Cum to wake up once triggered like a good horny dog`



        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 25:34
        Downloads: 133
        Trigger(by anyone)

      • Did You Notice You're A Dog? `M4M`    

        Want to chat? Join my Discord

        Subscribe at Ashdoge TF Patreon

        All files available at AshdogeTF.com

        This file will transform you into a dog when you hear the trigger phrase. You will notice that you are just a dog. You have a dog's furry body, with a wagging tail and clumsy paws. You have a dog's brain - ready to accept commands and bark loudly. Of course, this means you also have a dog's desires.


        By listening you accept full responsibility for any and all effects, including but not limited to: a desire to bark, walking on all fours... getting overly familiar with the furniture.


        Listen with headphones for the best experience. This is the Male version. 


        `Cum to wake up once triggered like a good horny dog`



        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 25:47
        Downloads: 235
        Trigger(by anyone)

      • Gainer Pig Transformation - FatBoy54    

        This file is for hardcore gainers with animal transformation kinks. After listening to this file, you will find that you slowly start transforming into a pig, no matter where you are or what you're doing. It'll start with your ears and you'll believe that others can see this transformation. The only way to stop it is to stuff yourself until you can't hold anymore. Only then will you revert fully back to your human form. If you don't eat enough, your transformation will continue and you'll become increasingly hungry and horny until you cum your human seed away and are stuck as a rutting pig on all 4s, eating any food you can until you black out and wake up human again. It's a fairly intense file and not for the faint of heart. The pig transform can be triggered irreversibly by someone saying "pig pig pig". No amount of food will stop your transformation this time, and you will fully transform until you again eat until you black out and wake up human again. 

        Contains trance and pleasure triggers, in case we ever chat ;)

        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 20:45
        Downloads: 324

      • Canine Conditioning Loop   , , , , , ,  

        Just for fun, here's a loop for the good dogs out there. This recording uses continuous canine suggestions, along with pup-oriented praise, clicker training and excited doggy sounds to help your brain shift into dog mode.

        Gender neutral and suitable for any subject, though pups with some previous training will get the most out of this file.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 05:50
        Downloads: 553

      • Trig HuCow    

        This hypnosis file is a bit evil and a bit fun.  It is triggered by hearing or seeing the word Moo or by seeing a cow.  When it does you mind goes placid and you feel yourself becoming a HuCow Udders and all.  While that might normally be a bit dangerous it has a lot of safeties put in so that if you aren't in a safe place to be a cow all you might do is moo yourself which people do all the time.  If the real world calls you'll go right back to being yourself but the call of the Moo is never far away.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
        Length: 18:47
        Downloads: 562
        Trigger(by accident)

      • Train Dog - Remastered    

        This hypnosis file transforms you into a dog permanently.  There are safeties put in so that you can function in society and aren't one around people that don't know you deep down inside you will be a dog and whenever possible you will behave as one.  This is a recreation of the original traindog file.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 19:50
        Downloads: 521

      • Confused Pup    

        Begin as a human, transform into a pup while in trance, awake in a confused new reality (temporary / short term) where part of you is human but part of the pup transformation remains.

        Rating: ★★★★★ (2)
        Length: 23:33
        Downloads: 622
        Temporary(fixed time)

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