
  • ChampTehOtter - Diaper Train 2: Uncontrollable Wet    

    Warning! This file is extremely effective! This is the much anticipated bladder incontinence file in the diaper training series. If you are looking to achieve permanent diaper dependence, then look no further, but listen with caution - the changes these files bring are intended to be permanent. Enjoy!

    If you enjoy this file, feel free to check out my https://subscribestar.adult/champtehotter The binaural used in this file was created by the incomparable Calimore (link). 

    Rating: ★★★★★ (14)
    Length: 34:06
    Downloads: 5667
    Trigger(by item)
    hi, i was having an amazing trance but im not sure, do i have to drink while in trance or just imagine?
    Drinking just helps. And when you drink for real after, you can use these suggestions to help you wet. But no, you don't have to drink if you're more comfortable not doing that during trance.
    Do I have to listen to part 1 first before training with this one?
    Okay doesn't seem it needs part 1 since the file says you will wet your pants if you don't wear diapers.
    Really enjoyed this file - I've had this interest for a while (one of my first files I truly enjoyed was EMG's Wetting Challenge), but this is the first file to work on me as well as it did. Usually if a file has suggestions that last long after listening, they don't stick for me, but I'm still unable to clench and it's awesome! Glad there's a stipulation about it only lasting temporarily if you don't listen over and over - I don't think I'm ready for that step. BTW, pro-tip - if you're struggling with the file (I did at first), *don't* listen while you need to pee. I'm sure that's its own fun, but at least for me, it just added too much extra pressure to perform, literally! Easier just to focus on letting the file do it's thing on you during/after imo. P.S. - had another leakage while typing this lol. Gotta go get some water!
    Champtehotter, I have been here for YEARS and have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on files here. NONE of them have ever orked until your files. They are excellent! Thanks so much for giving me this great gift!
    I'm so glad this worked for you windsor1!
    Hi Champ, I too have been having success with this file. And for the last week have been in pull-ups 24x7, It’s only taken a month to progress to this point. I can start to wet myself each time I hear water running regardless of wearing a nappy, and drinking water gives a sensation of pee flowing into my nappy area (getting to the stage where I pee after this feeling). I have a question though, I want to forget that I’m doing this and go about my day. Would Forget You Wet and Subliminal Bedwetter pair well with this file. Thank you so much.. Xxxooo Katie xxxooo
    So, I'm now permanently incontinent and wearing a diaper and plastic pants. I feel fulfilled like this is what I was always meant to do. I did a limp dock for you and now I'm permanently soft. I no longer sorry if people notice the diaper or not and I overcame my fear of using public bathrooms by a little self hypnosis so I could change my diaper when necessary. I use a booster pad so I can go longer without having to change and I carry a diaper bag with me everywhere with essential supplies such as cream, talc, wet wipes and spare diapers and pads. I am no longer embarrassed at the store when I go weekly to buy supplies. It's been the most wonderfully like changing experience.
    Mr Champ! Thank you!!! I thought it hadn't worked because during the session I didn't wet despite being on the verge to go but the minute i came out of trance I found my self having little accidents constantly so now I wear my diapers and use them 24/7!