
  • Curse Slut Who Cant Say No — $10    
    After listening to this file you would never be able to turn down a sexual advance or suggestion, regardless who makes it. If anyone comes on to you in any way, you would respond in a positive way, and do whatever they want. Their age, gender, looks or whether you already know or like them are all unimportant. The moment someone comes on to you, you will have an overwhelming urge to have sex with them, and to go along with their suggestions. After you have had some form of sex, the feeling will go away until they (or someone else) makes another sexual advance. Needless to say, this could leave you in some embarrassing situations, but the file will include a suggestion to make you thoroughly enjoy any feelings of embarrassment or humiliation afterwards. You would only practice safe sex, and would not do anything illegal or that would result in injury - but apart from that anything goes, even (especially) if you regret it in the morning.

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (14)
    Length: 22:03
    Downloads: 4054
    I\'d love a version of this without the \"Regardless of Gender\" Part.
    Just listened to this for the first time and I\' incredibly aroused. What is it about EMG\'s sexy voice?
    I heared the file just one time today, and since this moning I\'m horny as hell and accepted without any hesitation all offers on gayromeo. Well let me tell u got the best day since a long time ago, I\'ll see how long it\'ll be like this
    A version of this file replacing regret with pride/feeling of accomplishment/joyful anticipation of the next time would be wonderful