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Premie Peter Saga - Chapter 4

by premiepeter

Chapter 4 for real

The Premie Peter Saga

Chapter 4


Chapter 4 – Mandy’s New Baby

Over the next year Mandy was spending more time in Canada doing some consulting work and working with Terry Masters and his practise with transgender and kink people. I often tagged along and she enjoyed showing off her prowess putting me through my paces, and triggering various personalities or humiliating behavours.

She was becoming increasing dominant and demanding more and more total obedience. No negotiations, just ‘Petie do this’ or ‘Petie do that’ and expect complete, unyielding compliance and obedience.

And I was becoming increasing submissive and compliant.

Our bedtime routine changed and after she’d diapered me for the night, she’d take me to her breast and have me suckle on her magnificent breasts until she came then let me go down on her until she was again satisfied several times, then bring me back to suckle until I fell asleep.

I was becoming increasingly obsessed with her breasts, and just seeing her naked nipple had me salivating and craving to suckle her breasts.

She loved teasing me and ‘flashing’ a nipple when we were out, knowing my need would grow with each passing minute until we were alone and I could almost attack her. But of course Mistress had me wait and perform some humiliating act for the reward of suckling her beautiful breasts.

By now my business was entirely run from home and I almost never had to go to the city. Mandy had an addition built on the house for her office and she too began seeing all her clients and patients at her new office. Less travel time wasted and more ‘play’ time for both of us.

My attire at home began becoming increasing childlike, more like a preschooler would wear, and sometimes I’d be dressed as her French maid while doing the housework or cleaning.

I became VERY adept at doing Mistress’ manicures and pedicures and she had me begin doing my own too.

One day she decided “Petie I want you completely hairless from your shoulders on down. No body hair at all, especially in your diaper area.”

I didn’t really ‘want’ this, as I knew I’d get looks at the gym. I was working out 3 times a week now, and changing into my shorts and TShirt was bad enough when wearing diapers, but being completely shaved and hairless was going to raise some eyebrows.

She saw my hesitation, then put me under. I don’t remember what she suggested or instructed, but when I work up I was disgusted with the hair on my legs and diaper area, and HAD to shave it all off until I was smooth as a baby. Mandy helped with my back which really didn’t have much hair, so a little Nair and that too was clean.

When I finished I was bald as a baby from my neck down. Not a hair in sight, and I loved the clean fresh look and wanted to keep it that way forever.

Yes I did get some strange looks at the gym next day, and a few questions. I tried to fluff it off saying “It’s just cleaner.” or “Like swimmers do shaving their legs for more speed.”, but I’m pretty sure they suspected I was kinky and something was up.

Over time I became less self conscious about being clean as a baby and was in fact really pleased with how good it felt and how pretty it made me look.

After about 6 months, Mandy made a laser appointment for me with a kink friend she had met and after a few  treatments I’d never have to shave again. All the hair from my neck down was killed by the lasers and would never grow back.

Mandy began having me wear more girlish style childish clothes, and had me paint my nails soft pink or mauve when I was at home, or if we were going to a fetish aware meeting or group. This really caused me embarrassment and humiliation, which she knew was also exciting me.

Our play time kept becoming increasingly Dominant/submissive and she took more and more control of my thoughts and feelings making me increasingly submissive and obedient. I began to develop a compulsion to show off as a little girl in my pretty clothes and pink nails, like a precocious pre-schooler when triggered, which always was so humiliating.

In early 1991, Mandy announced she was taking a consulting position with an organization in Toronto, Ontario Canada that worked with the trans community and persons with addictive fetish problems. She’d also be working with Terry Masters in his private practice. She wanted us to move to Canada.

I was stunned. I knew she was a Canadian and had some roots in Canada, but never thought she’d want to leave our beautiful home here in Connecticut and pull up roots lock, stock and barrel.

We actually ‘argued’ about it a bit, but her logic won out. I didn’t need to be anywhere special except I needed good internet to do what I do and my licenses and trading rights were really international. She was certified in Canada and Ontario to practice as a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, so there was absolutely NO reason we couldn’t move and continue to make a very high income.

Canada apparently has much cheaper property, free medical care, lower taxes for businesses and a ton of other good features, including a very large flourishing kink community.

Ah well that last one was the clincher. NOT!

Amanda was adamant. She probably could have made me comply but that was not her way in big decisions that affected both of us, BUT she could weasel, and ‘nag’ me until I just naturally broke down and complied, and eventually I warmed up to the idea after a few trips to Toronto with her, and having Terry and some of the people she’d met previously show us around and point out the many interesting places and features of Toronto, and surrounding areas.

Toronto was kind of like New York to me, busy all the time with lots of cool places to see and go to, and especially the Village area, populated mostly by gays and lesbians and TPeople.

The fetish community was really alive and thriving in Toronto, and Amanda made friends with a few Mistresses in the area.

We packed up our toys and equipment and converted the play room into a family room and recreation room, which was sad, but necessary to list the house and get a good price.

Finally, in late summer the house sold for far more than I’d figured, and we rented a big condo in Toronto with 3 bedrooms and a fair size den. In September we moved just about everything to Toronto, putting much of it in storage until we found the home we wanted.

It took months to find something big enough for two offices, a good size playroom, and that showed the lifestyle we wanted. Finally, we decided to buy a large, fairly secluded piece of land about 45 minutes north of Toronto and built our ‘dream’ home. The end of 1992 we moved into our new home, and finally got all our worldly goods out of storage and setup our beloved playroom and offices.

One of the coolest things in the village was the Fetish Nights in Boots, a kink club aimed mainly for gay men, but on Fetish Night you’d find just about anything goes. Mistress Amanda really enjoyed taking me along in any one of a hundred different ‘kink’ moods or personas and showing off her talents and skills. We hardly missed a Thursday night Fetish Night.

Mistress Amanda’s power over me was increasingly stronger and stronger and I was increasingly submissive, desiring only to please Mistress and do whatever she wished or be whatever she wished.

Amanda was working a lot with TPeople and adult babies. Some of whom had issues due to overindulging their fantasies and fetish, but many of whom just needed help to actualize or live out their fetish needs safely.

We met Mikey of Big Baby World near Toronto, and he was a fantastic, really interesting guy. He lived as much as a baby as he could and his apartment had a large cradle like crib, jolly jumper and full nursery for him to live in. He published stories and magazines for the adult baby community and encouraged big babies (his term) to enjoy their needs and not be ashamed or embarrassed. He also was a hypnotist and made tapes for big babies to learn to use their diapers and feel like little babies.

A few weekends we had Mikey and a few of his baby friends at the house and they’d all be playing on the floor like little babies while Amanda and their mommies or daddies looked after them and I was put in my ‘nanny’ role to help the mommies.

It was a lot of fun and in a weird way cute seeing grown men and one girl becoming babies again.

And the babies always teased me because I wore diapers and had to have Mommy Mandy change me, which she did right in front of the other mommies and babies.

We settled in nicely to the way of life in a small Ontario town, not far from the city of Toronto, and joined in to much of the fetish community and D/s or S/m activities. Often we had different Doms and their subbies at our playroom or just for casual visits and really enjoyed our new home and community.

One of the great things about Canada is the ‘free’ medical care. Sure you pay for it through taxes but you don’t’ have to pay to see a doctor or for most medical services.

One of the not so good things about Canada is the free medical care. Since you don’t have to pay family doctors will often refer you to specialists for testing or further diagnoses. So, when our family doctor found I was incontinent and had to wear diapers, she insisted on sending me to a neurologist and urologist for testing to see if we could get me out of diapers.

The neurologist determined I had some area of damage to my spinal cord due to the accident and imaging showed a bit of misalignment of my vertebrae, but nothing major.

The urologist insisted on a bunch of miserable tests, and finally determined I just had ‘infantile bladder function’, meaning I wet like a baby. Duh… of course I did. I wasn’t potty trained.

Amanda allowed me to tell doctors that I was incontinent due to the accident and not that I was a baby, thankfully, so I was able to see and get good medical attention when needed.

Amanda was working much more with Terry in his private practise with adult babies, and we became pretty close friends with Terry and Mikey. She was very interested in the adult baby community and became friends with a few adult baby couples, Mommies or Daddies who had adult baby partners.

One day, out of the blue, she said “I want a baby, and you’re going to be MY baby.”

Now, we had a few ‘baby’ friends, Mikey and Cissy and Jeffie and some other casual friends and they were cute, and their ‘parents’ treated them as babies and all, but the AB scene was NOT my thing. Sure I loved my diapers and using my diapers but I am NOT a baby.

AND I don’t want to be a baby.

This led to quite a few discussions between us, but Mandy insisted that since she was the Dom in our family and I the subby, then I’d be her baby whether I wanted to be or not.

A few days after our last discussion, I found myself spending some time every day at the local playground or parks watching toddlers and babies and seeing their interaction with their mommies or daddies and started reading up on baby development on the internet. For some reason I was engrossed in babies and toddlers and wanted to learn all I could.

A while later Mandy said “It’s time. I’m going to take you all the way back to when you were a little baby and you’re going to be a baby for some time, and I’ll take care of you, or when I’m busy at work one of my special nannies will look after you until Mommy comes home.”

And that was that.

Over the past month or so, Mandy had implanted triggers that would regress me and make me feel like and behave like a baby. And as I spent time as a baby, my grown up awareness would fade and I’d be a baby. Only a ‘safety’ trigger could bring me back to adult function and awareness.

“Baby Time Petie” and the lights went out. I kind of drifted off into a fog and everything seemed to get big, and I got little and I needed Mommy to hold me and cuddle me and take care of me. And it kept on getting stronger and stronger.

I couldn’t seem to talk, or say things, and couldn’t walk or really stand up by myself. I was getting very frustrated and started to bawl until Mommy held me and patted my back and spoke softly to me.

To be honest I don’t remember much of my time as a baby. From what Mommy Mandy and some of the nannies told me I was just a slightly larger version of an infant, or baby and eventually a toddler. My behaviour was exactly that of a baby, and my self help skills and abilities were those of a baby.

Mandy had some videos of me at various stages of development, infant, baby then toddler and it sure seemed like I was a real baby or toddler except for my size.

Apparently, I spent just over 3 months as a baby, or regressed to less than 2 years of age before Mommy Mandy let me grow up and be a grown up again. And I still don’t really remember what happened while I was a baby.

Mandy left the triggers deeply implanted so she could regress me instantly to a baby or toddler whenever she wanted, and we spent quite a few nights in bed as baby and Mommy, while little Petie nursed on Mommy then fell asleep for ‘nite nites’ cuddled in Mommy’s arms.

Mandy found a way to regress me but let me still be aware of what was going on around me and my interaction with others, which will be the next chapter of the Premie Peter Saga.

Chapter 5 - Baby Games coming next!


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