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Digital Pamper Packer

by williysimmons

No chapters here!

    As Takumi wandered down to the digital shores, he couldn't help but constantly attempt to be aware of his surroundings. The recently-Digivolved UlforceVeedramon had heard rumors of powerful Digimon like VenomMyotismon, Dianamon, Ouryumon, etc. suddenly become regressed to Rookie stages and become permanently unable to Digivolve to further forms ever again. How did he know? His closest friend, Rosetta the Lilithmon, was regressed back to a Palmon right before his eyes. Back then, he was just a Veedramon. He managed to escape the scene, but at the cost of not knowing who it was that attacked her. Though, there was something strange about the Palmon's waist area... Or whatever passed for one. It was... white? Rosetta was never seen by Takumi's eyes ever again since that day. Now that he was an UlforceVeedramon, he had to be especially careful of this mysterious assailant. But when he did find out, he too would fall for the trick. But before I tell you that story, I'll just start from the beginning.
    Takumi finally made it. When the Digimon just needed to clear his head, he oftentimes went into the "water" for a while. And that's exactly what he did. Poor fool didn't even see Arin the Leviamon creep up to him. "BOO!" he yelled. Leaping practically out of his armor, Takumi gave him a good smack to the jaw. "What the hell, man?! Haven't I told you to stop doing that?!" Arin grumbled. "Hey, I thought giving you a little bit of fun would help you lighten up a little. You've been coming here more frequently. Can't you just get over her?" All the UF Veedramon could do was glare. "Let's see you have a close friend regress instantly, only to never be seen again, then." That got Arin to shut up... for about ten seconds. "All right, fine. By the way, I have a bit of gossip on that mystery thief. Apparently, this thing isn't even a Digimon, but it IS sentient. It seems to have been made from a human. In a way, it's kind of like King Yggdrasil." He's a story that I don't fully get yet, so I won't go into it.
    "Well, that helps a lot. Anything else?" asked Takumi. Arin also said that this mystery item looked like a white hourglass, but it was flat. It was then that Takumi connected a few dots. That inexplicable whiteness on Rosetta - could it have been the item? "Yo! DigiWorld to Takumi?" It had been about thirty seconds human time that Takumi had reflected on this. Shaking his head as if snapping out of a trance, he said, "Oh, uh, sorry. Thanks for the intel, man." After saying good-bye, he left. It was when Takumi was out of range that the mystery object struck again, at Arin. Nobody knew how long it took, but eventually, he finally regressed to a Betamon. And sure enough, there was a white thing around his waist area. But Takumi was completely unaware of this. Arin did not cry for help, as somehow his voice bank was muted. Was this a side-effect of the "attachment"? If so, then Takumi was in serious trouble. (SPOILER: It was. And by the way, he would get the same treatment. Let's get to that, shall we?)
    A few hours later, Takumi had wandered over to his hometown (which I will purposefully not name). But when he looked around, it seemed as if everyone had left. Was there a raid here? Examination of the surrounding area suggested there wasn't, as there were no marks left by, say, a Lightning Spear or a Gift of Darkness or something. In fact, there were no indications of war at all. So what had happened here? Everyone here was Mega or Ultra level. Perhaps the thing had come by for a visit? It was then that the UF Veedramon noticed a package at his doorstep. Curious, he took it inside. Upon opening it, he gasped. Sitting there in the middle of the package was a white, flat, hourglass-looking item. (You should know what it is by now, right?) Takumi backed up quite a ways. He suddenly found himself locked in - the lock was on the outside of his door now. Wait, what?! Looking back to the object, his pupils shrank. The object was now STANDING UP! A sinister chuckle was heard before it lunged out at Takumi.
    His first instinct was to slash it open with Victory Sword, but the item was undeterred. In fact, it latched on to his... blade thing... IDK what it's called. It latched on to that and vanished instantly, before reappearing on his waist. A few futile attempts to attack it, or at the very least REMOVE it, revealed that it wasn't going to come off anytime soon! Immediately, he felt a surge of weakness flow through him, almost as if his body was shutting down. But this was not the case, as when he regained his composure, he found himself to be a Veemon again. "NO!" he cried out... or at least attempted to. Apparently, his voice bank was muted. Then out of nowhere, he felt his mind begin to go fuzzy. Shaking his head proved to be a futile effort. What the now-regressed Digimon didn't know was that all his mental data of adult-like thoughts were being deleted. That way, he would adapt to the item. The process took about two minutes human time before his mind was completely drained.
    Finally, he could no longer support his own body weight, and as if to commemorate this, his legs gave out and he fell to the floor. A tiny voice, seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time, told him to get up. He obeyed without any hesitation, resistance, doubt or question. The voice giggled a little before speaking again. "Good, you CAN hear me. Nice to meet you. I am the item that you are currently wearing. I am known as the Hypno-Diaper. I make everyone who wears me a baby-like soul, even if their souls are made of silicon, like yours. You now serve not only your king, but me as well. I can tell you haven't used the bathroom in soooooooo long... But that always seems so far away, doesn't it? Well, that's what I'm here for. I technically AM a bathroom in and of myself. You can use me whenever, and I will keep your waste safe, and even delete it whenever you want me to. Becoming a little diaper baby... You like the sound of that... Don't you?" Takumi, after thinking it over, says yes.
    Hypno-Diaper giggled again. "Good. Like I said, I can tell you haven't used a bathroom for a while. So I want you to use me. No use in holding it in, I am a part of you now... Forever. Now soil yourself hard, you baby Digi." A dumb smile slid over Takumi's face as he let himself go. The front of Hypno-Diaper became a sickening color of yellow as it soaked up his torrent of pee, while the back of it was turning a dark shade of brown as it made contact with his poop. But after soiling himself only once, Takumi's bladder and bowels weren't even close to empty. "Yes, very well done... But I sense you still have a lot more in you... Let everything out of you. Soil me moooooore..." begged Hypno-Diaper. "I can tell you with 100% certainty that I never leak. So you have nothing to worry about. Now let it allllll out!" At this command, Takumi decided to completely let go. Even more pee flowed right out of his front, and his poop flowed out at a considerably faster rate. Hypno-Diaper kept swelling all the while.
    As Takumi kept soiling himself, Hypno-Diaper kept getting bigger and bigger. And when he eventually stopped soiling himself, his legs couldn't even touch the ground. That's how full he filled it. "Heehee... Well DONE, there, my little baby Veemon!" praised Hypno-Diaper. "I honestly never expected to be this full! Would you like me to clean myself up yet? Or would you rather get a pleasurable feeling from this for a while?" After thinking it over, he decided to be clean later. For now, though, he wanted to enjoy the feeling of a smelly, soggy, mushy and overall FILTHY diaper. Hypno-Diaper certainly didn't object to this. And eventually, the virus known as Hypno-Diaper had spread to everyone. There was not a single Digimon who was higher or lower than Rookie Level in a diaper. (Provided that the Rookie stage COULD be diapered...) And they all lived a crinkly life until the end of time.



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